It’s Spring Break for us so I invited several friends and their teens and tots to join us at Barter Theatre to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I don’t what was more fun….watching the play or watching my kids watch the play. The teenagers laughed out loud and wore the technicolor flashing glasses we bought for them. And Sue and Donna and I couldn’t resist a picture with ‘Joseph’. My angel friend Donna who used to make her haven next door to me lives in the vicinity of the theatre now….so we were especially excited to see her.
Emme was brave enough to stand next to Joseph for a quick pic.
We enjoyed lunch together at KP Duty in Bristol! Morgan joined us for the fun day too and kept Taylor and Andrew in line.
And I was fortunate to spend a few hours in the car with Cindy……and 3 teenagers and 3 small girlies. We talked and played music and laughed and talked some more and drank Starbucks (be still my beating heart). Abingdon is such a quaint and cozy little town. And every production I’ve seen at this theatre is spectacular. Our little group picture is missing Cindy, Sarah, Emily, Clay, and Donna. Sandy and Sue rode together with their kiddos and I’m only sad that we didn’t have more time to visit with them.
And the icing on the cake? We ran into Taylor’s first grade teacher Mrs. Savery! I almost cried. She was such a blessing to us and I have such fond memories of being at Providence Academy…..where I first learned about classical education. It was so good to see her and Bunny Turner. It was nearly a perfect day from beginning to end.
So, the girls and I are watching YouTube clips of the play this morning. Sandy was lucky enough to see this very one where Joseph was played by Donny Osmond! Thank you girls for such a great day!
Taylor's senior year
The Verity is on iTunes!
Guess who’s CD you can now buy on iTUNES? The Verity!!!!! Oh yes you can. And if you visit their myspace page, you can see their spring and summer schedule. Maybe your youth group would like to invite them to play. Or maybe you’d like to buy their CD on iTUNES. I think you would love them if you did. And if I was supposed to mail you a CD and you didn’t get one yet, please send me another email with your address because I must have deleted the email accidentally.

Or go to Celebration Church in Kingsport tonight and hear them live. They sing original music. They are talented musicians. They are delightful but strong young men. May God bless their every endeavor.

Here are the lyrics to their song “The Call”
There’s a place I need to go
When my heart has grown so cold
Knees falling to the earth
Humbled by Your mighty throne
You bring life to my soul
Creator God, Redeemer Lord
Burn away this foolish pride
Lead me to Your precious side
We’re on our knees
Called by Your name
Set apart and washed by mercy and grace
And may we pray, take up our cross
Ignite this flame within our souls
And lead us back
To Your heart
How to Survive a Rainy Day with 5 teenagers, 2 small children, and 2 dogs
1st Make some dough and bake something. We made biscuits (in the craziest little shapes) and gravy and bacon and eggs. Every rainy day should have dough.
2ndly Recruit your small children to be the pictionary master of ceremonies and keeper of the sands of time.
3rdly Divide the teams into boys versus girls. The competition will be fierce.
4thly Pass out bubble gum to all players. Bubble gum= fun. Everytime.
5thly Give the boys a little slack, despite the fact that they frequently use illegal verbal gestures to supplement their very poor drawings.
6thly Help the boys out on the only drawing that seemed straight forward. That’s a sprinkler. I gave the verbal hint that ‘small children like to run through them’.
That didn’t even work instantly. But finally they got it.
7thly Be thankful that when they draw very rough illustrations of North America and Africa, they get their geography right.
8thly Play a few rounds of charades and then prepare the teens for prom by teaching them the basic waltz step. (Perhaps this will give them a better alternative when the rest of the young folks at the dance are exposing their poor taste in dance styles). Remember boys, always start with your outside leg, go up onto your toes when you move forward or backward, and always hold your head up. Be a strong leader and always be a gentleman.
9thly Praise Andrew for teaching Hank to waltz.
10thly Praise Taylor for only stepping on Morgan’s toes thirty two times.
and lastly….finish the day off by watching Sense and Sensibility with the little girls.
Boredom averted. Rainy days welcome.
Music and lyrics and one proud mama……..
1. Jackson by Johnny Cash “We got married in a fever….hotter than a pepper sprout. We’ve been talking ’bout Jackson…..ever since the fire went out. We’re goin’ to Jackson…..”

2. Can’t Touch This by M.C.Hammer “My, my my my music hits me so hard….make me say ‘OhMyLord, thank you for blessing me with a mind to rhyme and two hype feet’ “

3. Empty by Ray Lamontagne “She lifts her skirt up to her knees, walks through the garden row with her bare feet, laughing”.

4. I’m Not a King by The Verity (who did a most outstanding job last night-they look and sound like pros)

5. Wishlist by Pearl Jam “I wish I was a sentimental ornament you hung on….The Christmas tree, I wish I was the star that went on top”

6. Play that Funky Music by Wild Cherry “Yeah they were dancin’ and singing’ and movin’ to the groovin’ And that ‘s when it hit me, somebody turned around and shouted”
this time all I want is you
there is no one else
who can take your place
this time you burned me with your eyes
you see past all the lies
you take it all away
I’ve seen it all and it’s never enough
it keeps leaving me needing you
take me away
take me away
I’ve got nothing left to say
just take me away
I try to make my way to you
but still I feel so lost
I don’t know what else I can do
I’ve seen it all and it’s never enough
it keeps leaving me needing you
take me away
take me away
I’ve got nothing left to say
just take me away
don’t give up on me yet
don’t forget who I am
I know I’m not there yet
but don’t let me stay here alone
this time all I want is you
there is no one else
who can take your place
I’ve seen it all and it’s never enough
it keeps leaving me needing you
take me away
take me away
I’ve got nothing left to say
just take me away
take me away
take me away
I’ve got nothing left to say
just take me away
……and just like that, he was gone.
My time is running out. I feel the pressure of the days swiftly being hurled at me like an oncoming freight train. He graduates in 86 days. And I’m not ready. Not by a long shot. But as I gather the pictures and cards and awards and songs to try and make some memories live for him, I find comfort in his ‘things’…..the things that remind me so vividly of his impact on my life. I’m letting you peak in on my work before I’m done, but I thought I’d share a few things I found and a few things I’m creating.
This picture was taken when Taylor was six so that makes this little ‘letter’ I wrote to him 12 years old. I don’t think I’d change a thing.
Dear Taylor,
The joy you have brought to my life and to this family is immeasurable. I am so blessed to be your mother and to have the privilege to teach and nurture you. You tug at my heartstrings with your smile and your adorable sense of humor. Thank you for being so teachable.
-so eager to learn and eager to please. I love your sensitivity to others and how you place others before yourself.
I pray that as you grow and learn, we will have the wisdom to love you unconditionally, to praise your many wonderful attributes and to carefully help you recognize and correct your shortcomings.
Because I know we are human and will fail, I pray mostly that God in His wisdom, will make up the difference and give you what we, in our frailty, could not.
I love you, Mom.

…..and made a 2 page spread of one of his concerts.

And then I got a few of the Cd’s ready to mail.

and put some of his pictures to music….his own music…..a song he wrote called ‘I’m Not a King’.
And then like a good strong southern mama, I dried my tears and made biscuits and gravy (at Caiti’s request) because we’re making memories here.
Hi-i-i-i-stayin’ alive…stayin’ alive
I may look like I’m scared…..or about to fall. But really I’m just singing and groovin’ to ‘Hi-i-i-i-i stayin’ alive’. Like my shirt? I thought so. My personal tribute to times gone by.
So Christine and Sue and I took
some big kids
and some little kids
and one really crazy kid
to the second most germ infested hangout in town……second to the bowling alley of course.
the teen girls bonded while trying to not knock over very small children…..
Taylor and Andrew took first place in the scooter race…..while Emme and Morgan finished strong in thirteenth…..
and then of course there’s the hokey pokey….my personal favorite….
and apparently a favorite of Marcus as well.

BTW, Marcus can skate. I mean really skate. Those darn hocky players.