Difficult people, the pain they cause and how to stop that pain today!
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Difficult people, the pain they cause and how to stop that pain today!
Let’s chat about your business, staying in your business, what actually is your business?
On this podcast we will talk all about the critics, the debbie downers and naysayers that tend to creep into your life!
Let’s dive into a juicy topic, the choice to let it go! What if we just decided to let it go, whatever that is for you, a grudge, anger, bitterness, what would TRULY happen?
What do you do when you wish that someone or something in your life would change? I think I figured out a little secret and it might surprise you!
We often define ourselves by our past. We think we can’t escape the circumstances of our upbringing or our wounds or our failures.
In this episode, I’ll show how to reimagine your past that you can question the story you’ve been telling yourself. Once you learn this simple technique, you’ll get all your power back to write your story in a way that helps you create the life you want.