“If we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world can satisfy, we should also begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world.” C. S. Lewis
family life
Tales from the dark side……..
We live in the best neighborhood. Ever. So, yesterday I called around to see if a few neighbors wanted to join us for pizza and snacks before we went trick-or-treating. The kids looked so cute…….we had a surgeon……
matching 1970’s disco chicks (be still my heart)……..and matching Lucy’s from Prince Caspian….
a soccer player, a character from Star Wars with the best light saber ever.
munchkin and the scarecrow from Wizard of Oz…..
my poor neighbor Cihat who I conned into wearing this black mullet. (As a side note, I have a small obsession with mullets. This is not the first time I’ve bought one and tried to make Stevie, or anybody, wear it. I don’t know where this comes from…….I love bubba teeth too. I put them in everyone’s stocking one year for Christmas and told them they had to wear them through all the morning pictures. Maybe I’ll try that with mullets this year!)
and then there was princess Jasmine…..
and a grim reaper and Dorothy and Toto and Ariel and a hip hop dancer (no,not just me…a real one)
And my neighbors the Jett’s came walking up the street looking like this. This my friends you should not take for granted. A whole Wizard of Oz family Halloween. This is the stuff I dream about. Stevie in a munchkin suit……it’d send me right over the edge. Paul and Jeannie and Jackie and all their children pull this off well. Back in an earlier post, I talked about how Dorothy (really Polly, but she’s all in character and gets mad if you call her Polly today) switches her f’s for h’s and we didn’t want Jeannie to fix it (Jeannie’s a speech pathologist) and Jeannie agreed that for now it was ‘hunny’ and she’d leave it alone. Well, Polly is about to turn four……which in Polly-speak sounds like “hore” so Jeannie, the party pooper she is, is gonna fix it. Hello, I’m Polly and I’m ‘hore’. It would be ‘hunny’ Jeannie.
this is the kinda neighborhood you only dream about…..where good witches roam around and Dorothy clicks her heel together and says, “There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home”……
the disco chicks are so chic in their white go-go boots. What I wouldn’t have given when I was their age for a pair of boots like that.
and Gracie–or should I say Lucy led the trick-or-treaters in their search for candy heaven.
Notice my feeble attempt at festive with the dark nail polish. Lame, I know. But in my mind, I was all dressed up. If Stevie would humor me, I could come up with many-o-costume. I wanted to dress up like Cher and sway and toss my hair and sing ‘I Got you Babe’.
Then Leigh Ann and I had the discussion about appropriate shoewear for trick-or-treating. One of us had on these shoes……
and the other one had on these. I’ll let you decide who chose heels for all this walking extravaganza. Cute boots though, huh?
and BTW, Leigh Ann, you’re already thinking like a blogger, you might as well start one. Come on!
Then the girls and I made our annual trip to Kimmie’s house. Kimmie was our nanny for three years and as you’ll see from these photos, she’s the ring leader of quite a fun troop. We miss her dearly. Their family wins first place for most festive family in the world. They all dressed up and her house was dark and spooky with lots of candles and fog and even dry-ice in the punch…..
Cara and Drew were adorable too. You gotta love a guy who’ll wear this wig all night and enjoy it!
and Lacey and her boyfriend were quite scary and goth looking. I need to see if she’ll do my makeup the night of the Twilight premier!
I couldn’t stop looking at or taking photos of this. Sheer entertainment.
then there was her son Ryan, who was a hillbilly sheriff and kept saying to everyone, “I’m the laaaww. It iis wut it iis”. You think I’m kidding but I’m not. All this….at one house.
Guess who else loves ya??!?!?!??!?
Apparently I’m not the only one who loves you and wants to knit you a scarf. Emme started knitting this on Monday and said, ‘Do you think the friends on your blog will like these colors?’ Oh how sweet!! She’s knitting those little hands to the bone too. Look how far she’s gotten in just one day. Grandma Evadne would be proud. She’s got the prettiest stitches—even and not too tight. She’ll probably finish before me. She decided to make her scarf for her friend Anna’s upcoming birthday…..but I just wanted you to know that she thought of you girls first. When I’m checking blogs she likes to look at everyone’s picture and read along. BTW, for those who don’t know, I’m giving away a hand-knit scarf for my 100th post!
Random photos from my week…..
First of all, thank you so much to Sandy who gave me this lovely blog award. I feel so much bloggy love and I know you’d love her blog site. She is very inspiring in all things home and such an encourager with her sweet comments.
Next, on the list, I decided on maple-glazed brussel sprouts for my new Thanksgiving item. Don’t make faces. They are fantastic and all my kids like/love them. I cannot tell a lie. Just cook a bag a thawed and sliced brussel sprouts in equal parts bacon grease and olive oil. Yes I said bacon grease. I’m a southerner and we all have a jar of bacon grease sitting somewhere in our cupboards. I said don’t make faces. Then add salt and pepper and when they’re nice and carmelized add a drizzle of maple syrup. Delightful!and why oh tell me why do my like-new Victoria Secret bras not sell on Ebay? Is it because this is a poor picture? Do I need a model? Actually, my friend Donia gave me a slew of these and they just don’t fit me perfectly. Like not at all. It’s okay to sell them on Ebay, right? They’ve only been tried on and laundered. Which I fully disclosed. I’m listing them again. Somebody need these babies. I have like 15 of them.
And then there’s this child who is shaping up to be quite a hypochondriac. Figures. Living with two doctors who are not easily impressed with wounds, she’s learned that this is a good way to torture us. But, hey, I’ve got lots of left over medical supplies from when I quit work so what’s a little guaze and some 4by4’s if it makes a girl feel better. This particular ‘severe’ injury we’re nursing back to health happened mysteriously after her sister got stitches in her foot. Who wants to be out-injured by a six year old?
and I’m trying to make amends with my friend Cindy, who hated the last picture I posted of her and said that our friendship was on the rocks. I came across this one from a cross-country meet. I don’t know if this is frienship-saving photography but I’m gonna keep trying!
Then there’s these precious items. Meet my laundry staff. ‘Originally fresh’ Gain and ‘Pink Opal’ Downy. These two are the shnizzle. My children love their freshly laundered clothing warm from the dryer after being washed and rinsed in these two stars. I love the combo. Try it, you’ll see.
Oh, and of course, my bookclub. I love these beautiful, smart, funny women. We met at Tanya’s beautiful house and had gourmet french food prepared by her and Amy, while we discussed Madame Bovary. Join us next month for Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. If you’re too far away, we have a book club blog. We’d love ‘virtual’ members.
we ate all this at bookclub…..which was to-die for and totally calorie free, I was told.
And I couldn’t forget these amazing boys who came in 1st place AGAIN at the regional cross country meet. They’re off to state. Good luck boys!
And this precious sweetie who finally got her braces off…..
and loves to show off her new teeth!
Sunday lunch with friends….
I woke up very early this morning for a Sunday…..sometime before 5a and decided to make Sunday lunch. That makes for a busy morning when you figure that we’re usually struggling to get out the door dressed and fed by 9a. But we’ve tried the whole eat-out thing….and it’s highly overrated. And overpriced. There’s nothing so disappointing as eating a mediocre meal at Ruby Tuesday’s and then paying $65 for it…and complaining all the way home how we would’ve rather had a sandwich and eaten it at our own table with our own diet pepsi and our own chips and salsa. So, I put on my monogrammed apron and Eddie Vedder’s “Into the Wild” movie soundtrack, opened up all the doors and windows and let the October breeze wash through the house and went to work.
I set the table with my fall wreath that the girls and I made with plenty of handprinted construction paper. I added painted pumpkins and my favorite plum colored wine glasses.
Then I made chicken florentine…..my version at least with roasted red peppers, spinach, linguine, plenty of garlic and parmesan reggiano cheese. Okay and a few more items which maybe I’ll pen down later into a recipe. But you get the jist.
And homeade peach-blueberry pie, the recipe which I got from here and then added 1/4 cup more sugar(’cause I’m southern) and lemon zest(’cause I watch of lot of Foodtv). Oh, and salad and good bread. It was shaping up to be quite a feast. That’s when it occurred to me that I should invite our neighbors over to share it with us. So, we gathered after church and ate and talked and inspected the plates of various children who actually all seemed to like it.
It’s such a blessing to have good neighbors and good friends who you can call for an impromtu lunch and just enjoy each others’ company. Now Leigh Anne’s off to spray painting stuff, Tony’s off to Lowe’s, Stevie’s off to football, and I’m……contemplating a short power nap…..before I tackle Madame Bovary again. Here’s wishing you good friends, good food, and a good Sunday!
Scooter teaches……..
It was 1:00 in the afternoon and time to do memory work. They whined and scratched and cried and fell to the floor and complained that this was the worst day of school. Ever. So, I did what any self-respecting teacher would do…..I solicited the help of the dog. And in no time at all, we were all laughing so hard that I was thankful I hadn’t taken the time to put on any makeup. These particular verses of scripture are now forever burned in their memory, but I don’t know if they’ll ever be able to say them without laughing. Enjoy!