These are some of my dearest friends in the world……This is mocha cake……
This is their story.
Donia, THE girl in the picture above came to visit Friday. No she’s not from Texas and no she doesn’t host a show on the Trinity Broadcasting network. (I’m giggling). She used to live in my wonderful neighborhood with the other two beautiful women, Sue and Donna. We were some of the first people to move into this neighborhood 7 or 8 years ago. Donia has since moved to Tampa (where she has recently changed her ‘big’ hair to this new less-Texas style because everybody kept asking her if she was from Texas).
I would love to be from Texas, BTW, and I would love to have Donia’s massive head of hair. But that’s for another post.
I’m only teasing her ’cause I’m jealous. Donia came to visit for a brief couple of hours on Friday so we did what we always to……. we ordered sushi and ate mocha cake….and we laughed and chatted and laughed some more. Donia is a wonderful dear friend to us and used to be my work out partner. If you could see her in all her glory you’d know how strong my self esteem is. She’s beautiful and skinny and buff and funny….
and I miss her dearly.
When she first moved in , my next door neighbor Donna, who is an angel sent from heaven and always immediately bakes bread and befriends new neighbors, invited Donia to go to the country club with us…….TO THE POOL.
“Why, for the love of Texas, would you invite HER to go the pool with us Donna.” Have you taken a good look at her. This is the kind of girl you invite to go to…
…I don’t know…
…lunch.. Golden Corral…
….so we can properly fatten her up.
Not the pool. Little miss angel had her way. We took her to the pool. And despite the fact that we probably looked like her staff, and she looked like a celebrity from Baywatch, that was the start of a friendship that will endure.
And over the years, we had this little tradition…..where we get together and eat sushi and I make mocha cake (I know my place) and somebody usually brings little love gifts and we hug and laugh and enjoy each other. Probably what I love about Donia most is that she is genuine. And funny and so easy to be around. Just don’t take her to the pool. I mean it.
Other random facts about Donia:
1.She’s from Arkansas
2. so that makes us both southern.
3. She started me on my obsession with diet pepsi.
4. And weight training.
5. ‘Cause I was tired of sitting beside her at the pool.
6. all soft and blubbery.
7. She doesn’t eat vegetables.
8. Or anything green.
9. Not even tiny specks of lettuce in spring rolls.
10. She doesn’t drink coffee.
11. Which almost ended our friendship.
12.’Cause I got a healthy amount of skepticism for anyone who doesn’t drink coffee.
13. She’s fiesty. In a ‘don’t-mess-with-me-I’m-from-Texas’ kinda’ve a way.
14.She got into a fight in high school
15. I told you not to mess with her. Or take her to the pool.
16. She is one of the most caring and compassionate friends I’ve ever had.
17. She always ‘has your back’.
18. She can do shoulder presses with 30 lb. dumbbells.
19. She has a bedazzler and multiple glue guns.
20. She once gave up cursing for Lent.
21. And didn’t make it the whole 40 days.
22. She decorates the most beautiful cakes. Ever.
23.And I went through a bit of a depression when she moved. Friends like her don’t come along everyday. I remember vividly the day I went to her house to ‘see her off’. I cried when we hugged. And all the way home. And for parts of many days after. I miss her so much.
“Eros will have naked bodies, friendship naked personalities.” C. S. Lewis