My dining room where I feature a beautiful original abstract oil painting and robin egg blue linen “tablecloth”– a piece of linen fabric that I frayed the edges and otherwise left in its natural state.
The upstairs bathroom that had a recent makeover and of course features lamps, black distressed cabinets, and a loosely arranged container of grasses.
Now on to where the Texan meets the Tenneseean. I love this grouping. I bought the dresser at a yard sale for $25, painted it and paired it with the appalachian-looking homestead sign.
Then, there’s quite possibly my favorite ‘spot’ in the house. A black bombay chest that features an eclectic array of things I love…..books, pictures, paintings, candles, a lamp and a hope for a simpler life.
So, there you have it. A peek into how I decorate and who I am: a heap of contrasts and contradictions; where you’re just as likely to find 67 tubes of lip gloss as you are almost every good piece of classical literature you can think of. And a scary number of lamps and boots.
Be very quiet. I’m in the middle of covert operations the likes of which you haven’t seen since Jack Bauer took the Chinese consulate. I was having a fine Sunday watching the Vikings get beat and reading “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” when I came across this section in the book
What I Love About My House……
this old antique-ish desk that I bought for $25 and redecorranged…..
all things monogrammed…..
my eclectic collection of boots and purses….
the upstairs bathroom that recently had a makeover…..I painted and distressed the vanities, took down hideous medicine cabinets and added these mirrors from Hobby Lobby, changed the faucets out for these beautiful bronze ones and spray painted the rest of the fixtures (towel rack, towel paper holder, etc) to match the faucets…
Caiti’s Room(16yo) with homeade burlap bedskirts…when its’ clean….which is rarely….
this cutest picture of Emme at 3yo……
my most precious macbook pro….once you go mac….well….you know the rest…..
the security of the fact that this guy will sit in this chair every. single. night….
the vanilla ice cream colored walls in my dining room with accents of plum and robin-egg blue…
these wall words….this particular one is situated above the baseboard in the downstairs bathroom, directly across from the “potty”. Captive audience.
our newly finished schoolroom….clean, modern, vintage, IKEAesque.
ballerinas in the ‘soussus’ position. How do I know that’s what it’s called, you ask? Because I am now taking an adult ballet class on Wednesday nights. I know, I should have warned you to sit down and swallow the drink of tea in your mouth. Why not? It seems to be the year for new things. If you can’t stop the comedic visions of me in tights and a tu-tu, don’t worry. I showed up in yoga pants and a tank top. The real ballerinas in the class were likely slightly offended at the many ways I butchered their “sport”, including my attire. It was a great workout though and I think I really like it.
my humble collection of C.S. Lewis books….my favorite of which is Mere Christianity. His preface to this book is nothing short of genius.
Three Things….
Number 1 is……that previous plate wall picture does not do this pretty little wall justice. So, there is pretty plate wall… all her glory. Thanks to the “Nester” for plate wall inspiration.
Number 2 is…..I love this grouping. This is my foyer and unlike most spaces in my house, this one has been the same for I’m thinking 2 years……unbelievable. I think it’s the frog playing the banjo that I love so much or maybe it’s the sketchy little “tapestry” that I conjured up from a $5 piece of fabric from the antique store downtown and hot glued and pinned til’ my heart was content(or till the thing stayed up). I don’t know…..I just like it. Still.
Number 3 is…. this is a fantabulous work of redecorranging if I do say so myself. Any self-respecting blogger would have taken a before picture…..but I’m a loser. So just imagine the ugliest little duckling chair you’ve ever seen at a yard sale followed by some black paint , vintage fabric and a little fairy dust later and voila! I adore it. It is going to be my desk chair in our homeschool. The desk is another redecorranging project that will follow shortly. Leigh Anne is gonna be mad she sold me that desk for $5.