What you are about to witness has been performed by professionals. Please do not try this at home.

Then I started on the breakfast room. I took the gecko and the oil painting from the bathroom ….the lamp from the living room…….the pitcher from the dining room. I love how the gecko is climbing the wall…….not unlike this homeschooling mama, at times.

I used the fabric off the dining room table to make the window mistreatments…..and the black chairs came from the school room. The pillows on the bench seat, I stole from every room in the house; as various members of my family can testify.

Are you tired of tablescapes yet? Well, I’m still going strong. This one has many borrowed items and even a ‘table’ that was borrowed from the foyer. I’m working on a ‘door-on-the-wall’ ensemble for there. That project may need it’s own separate day and it’s very own energy drink.

Then I took my mad 5-hour-energy skillz to the bathroom (where you saw the sticks and feathers arrangement earlier this week). This room had a red velvet drape for a shower curtain and the colorful painting and gecko shown in the 2nd picture above. I brought the window mistreatments from the breakfast room (which have officially been in every room in my house now) and softened and ‘cottaged’ up the room with white towels, a white mirror, and my favorite blue star (which is quickly making it’s way to every room in my house as well). This piece of fabric is my very favorite in the whole house….and I bought ten yards of it almost ten years ago for $20 at a thrift store.

My last project was the dining room buffet. I had no plans to redecorrange it, but I found this urn/planter at the antique store downtown yesterday for $15 and it changed my life. In a way that usually only MAC lip gloss can. And since I have no small obsession with words, I love this wall plaque and decided I should not live without it (from T.J.Maxx). Here’s a sampling of what it says.
con-nois-seur: expert. Astute judge in matters of fine or domestic arts. Oh yes I am.

And don’t miss the small detail of the cutest picture on earth. I love tablescapes that are layered…..where you just keep finding great stuff to look at.

So there it is….my favorite tablescape. Complete with frames, words, an urn, a beautiful antique compote and a ladybug and the token stack of books….which if you look closely have the following titles; East of Eden, A Complete History of Christianity, and Genito-Urinary Diseases with Syphilis. Sadly, these would be equally fun topics for me to discuss. Anyone?

The energy drink just wore off. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Dear Nester girl, I hold you personally responsible for my lack of sleep……but I love ya anyways. And remember dear decorating friends, it’s your stuff….you can move it where you want to. Just do it!