What you’ll need:

2. Deep Turquoise paint from the Laura Ashley collection at Lowe’s. I used Latex semi-gloss and did not prime or sand. More on that later.

Now, you’re ready to paint. Use a sponge roller to avoid brush marks and begin painting.
I did small sections at a time—like the one armoire door at a time–because the paint dried so quickly on my parched little armoire. Just as the paint is drying (it took about 10 minutes on this piece), take wet wipes or a damp rag and wipe the paint off the edges where you had previously rub the candle wax. You can wipe the paint off as liberally as you’d like. The more paint you wipe off, the more distressed it looks.
If you mess up and take off too much paint, just paint it again, wait for it to almost dry (usually within 10 minutes) and then wipe again. Continue on until you achieve the look you love.

The next day, I decided that I wanted it to show a little more ‘brown’ so I took dark brown latex paint and painted the edges with the brown paint and then wiped some of that off until it looked like this. Overall, I bet this project took 3 hours. I adore it. I can’t believe I went 15 years without painting it. And although I am completely smitten with this peacock blue, I have to say that when I saw Nester’s beautiful blue armoire, I was a little torn. I want two blue armoires now. Her post on painting her armoire is much more comprehensive than mine, so check it out too. You’ll learn something clever.

Other facts you should know: