You can ask my sister, I’ve never been one to pass up a good trend. In 1987, I had big hair. In 1993, I wore stirrup pants. In 1999, I bought a Suburban—- and in 2008, I started a blog. With age comes the wisdom to know when ‘trendy’ touches on ‘why is that forty year old woman wearing skinny jeans?’ So, although I’ve bridled my passion for fashion trends, I’m still a sucker for all things hip and ‘edgy’. Enter ‘Duchess of Windsor Pink’ (a vintage Ralph Lauren color I discovered at Home Depot).
I’m not gonna lie. I am completely 100% smitten with this romantic, warm, and fleshy color.
But we need to set some ground rules: this color is NOT peach or mauve or coral. Forbid those words to cross your lips. It is almost exactly the color of a Wendy’s frosty. I know this because I had an ample amount of paint on my hands/clothes/hair when I took the girls for Frosty’s on Saturday. I thought it nearly divine that this very ‘fleshy’ color is so frosty-like. Not peach-like. Nor mauve-like. I’ve done mauve. This is not mauve. Southerners should never do mauve because we completely butcher that word.
“Is ‘at ‘Maaawwwve’ “—I hear my aunt say—with her almost angry southern drawl.
” No, no it’s not. It’s Duchess of Windsor Pink. “

This color so puts me in the mind of an old English study that I paused midafternoon for tea. And why an English study you ask? I have no idea. But neverthless, that’s what it reminds me of. When I got the walls done, my plain stark white trim looked frail and weak. It could not stand up to duchess of windsor. Duchess is soft and sultry and tender but she is a force to be reckoned with. It took the strength of a cowboy named ‘Coronado Dunes’ (Behr-Home Depot) to tame this duchess.
They are a match made in heaven. Love at first site. Sonny and Cher. Steve and Edie. Mawve and Blue.
I cannot stop sitting in that recently recovered $2 chair that I bought a few weeks back at a thrift store. Why, you ask? Because the romance that has ensued in my dining room is compelling. The duchess draws you in. The next installment of this love story will be posted later this week when the painting and ‘fluffing’ are done.
And just to prove that I am no respecter of colors when it comes to trends, I’ve also recently tried the canary yellow (which I adore)…..
…..and the peacock blue (which I highly recommend)
To further prove my commitment to past trends, I give you 1988, the year I—-‘had the time of my life—-and I owe it all to you-ououoou’.
There, I’ve done my part. Easy on the eye makeup Tammy Faye.
FYI, I like this link for current color trends. I like using trendy colors on objects easily repainted or in smaller rooms that are completely contained. When making daring trendy fashion statements, I recommend going all-out. Own the parachute pants. Don’t be scared.