Apparently, I have a lot to say on this subject, so I’m breaking into parts as we explore what inspires us and why we should pay attention. Today, I give you taste.
I went for a run this morning which always turns out to be the exact time of day that inspiration hits. Because why would my brain want to cooperate with me when I’m ACTUALLY sitting down to write. It never does. But when I’m sweaty and running without pen or paper in sight? ALL THE GOOD IDEAS fall from heaven like manna.
But I guess when you think about what inspiration actually means, it makes sense.
Inspiration means to breathe in. (I love Jeff Goins post on this topic!)
Which means that inspiration is not a matter of whether you are breathing in but WHAT you are breathing in. And if you’re like me, much of your daily life is so crowded with to-do lists that it can be hard to breathe in anything but stress and hurry and social media blurbs. When I quiet all that or when I’m running so I’m that I’m focused on actually breathing, my mind is in receptive mode and I can’t even contain all the creative energy that comes bubbling to the surface.
This summer has been so good for me in that way. I’ve been taking in way more than I’ve been producing, traveling a lot and learning a lot, meeting new people and soaking in long days with my own. We all need seasons like that. It makes me ready for a season of nesting and creating, a season where I want to be aware of all the tangible ways I’m being inspired and share the overflow with whoever is near.
Since this week alone, I’ve orange beets, cucumbers, South Carolina peaches, eggplant, arugula, blueberries, zucchini, corn, and Grainger County tomatoes, just to name a few, I thought we’d start with being inspired by taste.
Inspired by Taste
First things first…..
I’m a foodie.
No, my name is not Izzy and no, I’ve have not always been a foodie. I grew up on Cocoa Puffs and Poptarts and hotdogs from Smoky Mountain Market, if you really want to know the truth. But over the years, I have become absolutely enamored with what it means to feed ourselves and to feed others well. The colors and textures and flavors of actual real food that God created for us are amazing.
It has transformed how I look at making dinner because I realize that when the colors and flavors of what I’m making inspire me, I actually look forward to doing it and it doesn’t feel like (as much of) a chore. Also? I’m completely powerless when it comes to fresh eggs from a farm. As in, I am rendered nearly speechless and want to cook ALL THE QUICHES. Or at least a double batch of my favorite one.
I know we all do it from time to time but it’s not very inspiring to order out from Sonic. But. When I’m in the middle of making a dinner using fresh, colorful ingredients with lots of herbs and spices, drinking my wine or kumbucha, with my favorite apron on and my favorite music playing, with my tea towel hanging over my should ready to wipe up the messes, there is NOTHING at all in this world like it.
Not to mention how much better it is for my actually body. I’ve said before, you don’t need to change the world, just make dinner. And I can’t tell you how much benefit I’ve seen for myself and my family just by committing to getting better at dinner.
If you’re not very experienced in the kitchen, try my shrimp boil or this summer vegetable soup to get you started. (We’ve been using Blue Apron and it has SO gotten me out of my rut!) Or try my advice on 5 Ways to Bring the Magic Back to Your Kitchen.
Also? Monster cookies inspire me SO VERY MUCH. Amen.
However you do it, make some food that inspires you and that feeds your people. (I have some tricks for getting dinner on the table, which you might find useful!)
Everything in this world is a glimpse into the next and God doesn’t sell us short when it comes to taste. He’s the one who actually made us with a physical body that needs physical nourishment. I suppose it shouldn’t surprise us that when He wants to strengthen our faith and give us life and forgiveness, He feeds us. The God of the universe feeds us by choosing simple means like bread and wine to do it. He welcomes us to His table and we eat. We actually taste and see that the Lord is good.
This sacred food comes to us from outside ourselves and very literally inspires us with the living, breathing Word and body of God, without whom there is no life. Maybe food is simply the metaphor for which He is the ultimate reality. Our tasting has led us to Him, the giver of all good things, the Bread that endures forever.
Up next: Inspired by Hearing
And tell me all about your tasty inspirations!