I’m so happy to have my friend Denise on the blog today! She is the first person who ever introduced me to blogging and the person who first believed that this might be my sweet spot. Six years and so many happy memories (and so much work!) later, I am so indebted to her for opening up this wonderful world to me. She’s been through an incredibly tough two years and I’m so happy to see her writing again. I know you’ll extend her a warm lifeingrace welcome!
When I first started blogging, I did not have a tagline for my blog. Honestly, I did not even know what a tagline was. Maybe you still don’t know what a tagline is.
A tagline is a brief description or recurring theme of a blog, typically found under the title. Taglines have been used in marketing for years because catchy phrases stick with people.
I vaguely remember someone talking about taglines when I attended the first Blissdom way back in 2008. Who knew the importance of such things in the early days of online journaling? Who knew that one day millions of people would be living vicariously through the lives of everyday people and developing friendships with folks that they most likely will never meet IRL (in real life)? I sure didn’t.
When I started blogging in 2006, I thought my title said it all: Living Life Creatively. It would be years before I realized what made my creative different from everybody else’s. And when I did, I added a tagline.In today’s world of social media, where folks flit and fly around looking for a place to land, a tagline may very well be the hook that reels them in. I don’t know about you, but I need to land or be reeled in from time to time.
I am sure that some popular blog writers have chosen their taglines carefully with marketing strategies in mind; but at least one may have picked the first thing that popped in her head. (see below)
I truly am inspired by my fellow bloggers’ taglines; and just to prove it, I have set what I think are some pretty realistic goals based on them.
I plan on saving the world, one room at a time while creating space for my soul to breathe by buying fabulous for less and enjoying the adventure of the good life on a budget all the while remembering thatit does not have to be perfect to be beautiful which sounds like I will be taking a risk, making a memory, living it up, and writing it down as soon as I finish plowing through life in the country . . . one calf nut at a time.
I would really be thrilled if someone could share her talent by setting my goals to music so that I could remember them when life gets crazy. It would also make an awesome YouTube video.
Taglines are a lot like commercial jingles. Some just have the power to haunt. You shouldn’t underestimate their power.
Click here to read about how my family took a risk and bought a cabin to make a memory.
Click here to read about the vintage camper that we found in a field filled with hay. No, no, no. The camper was filled with hay, not the field.
(Edie here. I had to add in this adorable picture of her with her youngest grandchild!)
Okay, your turn. What’s your favorite tagline?