1. “My house will be spotless now that I’ll be home all the time.” Your house is not going to be spotless now that you’re home all the time. There’s always someone home to be messing it up. Why did I have that mistaken misconception? ( This blog entry, though may at some point be interesting, is really a cover to check out my new live signature. How do ya like it? Thank you Brooke for your expertise.
2. “We’ll save lots of money on school tuition”. This may be sort of true. Eventually. However, so far I’ve spent a small fortune on books, bookshelves, art supplies, etc. I’ll let you know when I start noticing the savings.
3. “Teacher= dry erase board + apple on desk.” I’m afraid not. But I am staying one step ahead of them, which helps. And they keep trying to give me advice….”We usually have snack after math”, “You might wanna write that bigger”, “My teacher let us write in our workbooks”. They’re pretty gentle with me, though. I think they want this whole thing to work out. I am really amazed at how much fun we’ve had and how much they’ve learned and memorized already.
Blog (OLD)
Hello, my name is Edie and I ‘m …..
I woke up at 5a this morning, yes you read that right. So, I did what anyone would do who woke up at 5a…..I went to Walmart. I think I’ve been to Walmart more in the past two weeks than in the rest of my 38 years combined. I don’t like Walmart. I start to get a mild panic attack when I enter the parking lot. And believe me, no matter what time you go to Walmart, there’s no scarcity of people. Enough Walmart bashing. I got my stuff and got outta there…..you know the “stuff” I mean…..a cantaloupe and some push pins, a few toiletries, ribbon, motrin, blank cassette tapes and play money. Don’t ask. Your list is just as random and ridiculous, although mine almost scares me when I see it in writing. Moving on, I got home just in time to help with the teenagers’ lunches and to convince my 16yo daughter to change her shorts. Wardrobe malfunction averted. The rest is a blur because I started to feel like I had the flu. I felt tired and achy and irritable and soooo sleepy. That’s when it dawned on me…..I haven’t had my coffee yet….I HAVEN’T HAD MY COFFEE and it’s nearly 8a. Near catastrophe ensued as I ground and poured and brewed as fast as I possibly could. Has this ever happened to you? I felt squeemishly weak and addicted….but not for long. Half way through the first cup, I confidently said, “I feel better. I don’t HAVE to have coffee. I just love the flavor. I could stop if I wanted to. Maybe I’ll just cut back. Maybe I’ll switch to tea. Maybe tomorrow. For now I need all my faculties about me for my 2nd day of homeschooling. My girls would sense weakness and pounce on it if I didn’t have my coffee. So far I agree with Susan Wise Bauer’s assessment. Homeschooling requires a healthy amount of both caffeine and sugar.
What is your cleaning schedule?
Congratulations Taylor !
This sweet rock of gilbraltar son of mine has a band called “The Verity” that performed in the Battle of the Bands contest in Johnson City tonight and THEY WON! WHAT? Their prize? You ask? They get to open for JEREMY CAMP in October. I can’t believe it. Way to go boys! You make a momma proud. I’m really sorry for all those times I told you not to play music so loud…and all those times I ask you to practice at someone else’s house…..and all the times I fussed about guitar picks everywhere. I take it all back. Play your music and play it loud and use 20 guitar picks at one time. I’m so proud of you.
One day you’re making homeade salsa and……
the next day you get a dreaded phone call that your husband and daughter have been in a four wheeler accident. Thanks be to God no one was severely injured…..a clavicle fracture, some extremely large bruises and painful-to-look-at road rash were actually a relief and blessing given that the ATV flipped over and skidded about 30 feet. It has a way of giving you perspective. They are both improving every day and I know someone who’ll give you a good deal on a four wheeler! That said, it has given me “pause” in my normal busy schedule to serve those I love in a different way (ie… bandage changes, medication nurse, wound care specialist). I’ve also had time to ponder the what if’s. What if someone had been killed? What if there had been life-altering injuries? What if , what if , what if? That game can make you crazy. Thankfully, I can kiss my little girlie goodnight tonight and can hug my husband and tell him how much I love him. I don’t want to take it for granted. I don’t want to glide through days and months without truly being present for those I love. So, tomorrow or the next day or the day after that, when life is back to normal, I hope I remember to drink it all in….to be thankful and available and kind…..to live and love purposely without hesistation, to truly enjoy my family and to cherish our days. This trauma has in essence pushed life’s pause button for us. I don’t recommend the trauma but the pause button is kinda nice. Gotta go now and check all the wounds and pass out the evening medications. We’ll be back to salsa making soon enough.
Today, we memorized our school verse…..
By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding