Blog (OLD)
Happy House Guests and a Recipe
Come on in y’all!
I love creative tablescapes and this time of year, the possibilities are endless. Natural elements like pumpkins and hay make for visual interest.
And what fun we had sitting around the table when Savannah arrived. We can’t wait to spoil her this week.
The blackbird kept watch over the zucchini tart.
And then Grandma made these gorgeous and delicious apple pies. She’s not only a master knitter but an expert pie maker. Apple pie + zucchini tart= happy house guests.
It was so wonderful having Caiti home too. We have missed her terribly!
Find out what your guests love and plan to make it. Caiti’s favorite: Blueberry Almond Coffee Cake!
I’m joining Rhoda for a recipe swap. Click here for more deliciousness.
Sunday Grace……..
Because I have company and am learning some great fun things from Steve’s mom (like how to make krumkake and pepper nuts and how to knit cables) and because I have graciously acquired some wonderful new readers (welcome and thank you for reading), I am reposting from my archives (September 28) about my wonderful husband. He was trained well by a mother and father who loved him and taught him many wonderful things—–and now I get to reap the benefits. Thank you Ed and Evadne. I am one lucky girl.
There are so many things to love about this guy. He’s rugged, funny, smart, loves football and fishing and good scotch, can name nearly every tree in nature, reads theology books, can water ski and snow ski like a pro, likes classical music and Pearl Jam, and occasionally loses his temper. He’s edgy like that sometimes… a masculine, Jesus-and-the-money-changers sort of a way. He has huge biceps and makes you feel like he’d crush anyone who tried to hurt you…….all the things that make a girl go weak in the knees.
“Lord we confess that we are by nature sinful and unclean and have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed by what we have done and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart and we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We justly deserve your present and eternal punishment. For the sake of Your son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in Your will and walk in Your ways……Almighty God in His mercy has given His son to die for you and for His sake forgives you all your sins.”
Apples to Apples
Is there anything that ushers in fall better than a trip to the apple farm on a cool, crisp autumn day?
So, my friend Tammy and I loaded up our kids and headed for Carver’s Apple Orchard. We had lunch at their restaurant—-with honest to goodness apple fritters (deep fried no less) and fried catfish. I’m really gonna need those fresh apples to keep the doctor away after that lunch!
And I love this huge sign on their wall–showing when certain apples are ready for picking. I may have to go back for a taste of the King David’s.
The apples always help to get rid of those pesky baby teeth!!!
And of course we’ve had to taste every kind that we bought. I like the ambrosias best so far. But the pippins are perfect for cooked apples, which we made last night as a side to our chuck roast and veggies.
And we couldn’t leave without snatching a few pumpkins!
Our plans for the apples include:
On Healing and Blogging
“The question is not how much does the youth know whenhe has finished his education, but how much does he care. ”Charlotte Mason
Weekend Warriors
One thing we know how to do here at our house is fully take advantage of a rainy weekend. And for those of you who thought our craft studio was gonna be just another pretty place to sit, I give you felted flower pins!!!! The girls and I trudged into Goodwill in the pouring rain and bought every cute wool sweater (make sure they’re 95-100% wool—or they won’t felt) we could find, promptly washed them in hot water (which shrinks them and turns them into felt), and commenced the flower ‘arranging’. We printed some templates from here and then just added our own personal embellishments.
I made this gargantuan black ‘rose’ and could barely move my left arm without hitting it—but it’s so darn cute and very anthropologie-esk. I made the middle portion of the flower by cutting about a 1/2 inch end of the cuff of the sweater (so that you have a small little circle of fabric) and then make a cut so that it forms a single length of fabric and then roll that little piece ‘on’ itself and glue as you go. I used the macdaddy of all craft glues: E6000—which will make your room smell like you’re making something industrial—but it works like a charm. BTW, that cute shirt that I wore under my black dress to church—-Goodwill—$1.50! I know, I know! That’s the bonus of 1/2 price Saturday at Goodwill.
And after we’d ‘felted’ till our hearts were content, we switched gears to needle point. For those of you who love numbers, I re-threaded the needles 427 times. Or so.
Our precious little Studio 8 took a beating. There was floss and wool and thread , and chocolate chip cookie crumbs everywhere.
A bright spot in the room–despite the explosion of crafty-wooly goodness– was the ‘heather’ in the window sill.
When our little fingers were tired and aching, we switched to reading. May I recommend Glen Beck’s new book (which to my delight contains Thomas Paine’s Common Sense in the back)? I love the subtitle: The Case Against an Out of Control Government. Amen to that.