I love any reason to hunker down. If for nothing else than just to relish in saying the words ‘hunker down’.
And this is what I see just outside my breakfast room this morning.
It’s not the 6-12 inches of snow they predicted,
but 2 inches of slush is enough reason for hunkerin’ in my book.
And I have no trouble filling the weekend to the brim.
Let me break it down for you in a small numbered list.
1. I’ve been looking for a dress to wear to the Blissdom Cocktail Party.
I’m picky and don’t have much time to shop.
Which left me in my craft room hacking up a vintage dress—
and a shirt that fits well—-sorta like
Project runway. Except it’s Project Blissdom.
And it needs work or I’ll be stopping to shop in Knoxville
on my way to the meeting.
2. This particular weekend of hunkering down also involves a little eating of crow.
Remember this post? where I rejoiced in the
lack of electronics at my house?
Well, the little girls have been saving their own money for almost
two years. They finally talked their daddy into
letting them get iPods.
So as I sit by the fire reading a brand new book,
I look across the room and feast my eyes on
this bit of irony.
{complete with TAylor , home from college for the weekend}
3. A good blog friend introduced me to a new blog where this book happens to
be the topic for a book review over the next 3 weeks.
Several of you have asked me if I’ve read it.
So, I ordered and read it in a few hours. And loved it.
I don’t think I’ve read a modern writer who reminds me more
of C.S. Lewis than Thomas Howard. AFter I re-read
parts of it several times and ponder it, I’ll be back for a review.
He’s catholic and I’m Lutheran.
This book is for everyone.
4. Lent swiftly approaches {it begins on February 17, Ash Wednesday}
and the above book only makes me
more anxious to settle into the penitent season with
some of my worldly affections stripped away.
Last year, I ‘fasted’ from comments on my blog.
It was a harder than I thought it would be.
It opened my eyes to how pitifully attached we become to certain things
in our lives. Dare I even mention fasting from
blogging/media altogether? I don’t think
I could do it. But I’m pondering it.
Have you ever tried any version of the
modern media fast? What are your thoughts?
I’m not trying to sound overdramatic but the thought of
forsaking my blog for 40 days
sounds about like leaving my favorite pet out in the snow with
no food and water for 40 days. Drama queen, I know.
5. Last but not least, there’s been playing in the snow,
sewing, cooking, cleaning, movie watching
laughing, snuggling, husband-kissing, dog-feet drying and various other hunkering down activities.
I could do this every weekend.
Hope you were lucky enough to be snowed in!