1. I’m taking my cues from Jessica. I love so many things about her but it’s our mutual love for Brett Favre and the Vikings that warms my heart the most.
I wrote on her blog today
“I could almost resort to hanging a poster-sized copy of this on my bedroom wall.”
I’m one of those crazy girls who loves football. And I do have a teeny crush on Brett Favre. {I think Steve has a man-crush on him so I don’t feel so bad.}
We’ll be watching tonight as they take on the Saints.
I’ll probably be knitting and blogging and reading at the same time. But I’ll give it my undivided attention when #4 is on the field.
Go Vikings! Go Favre!
2. I finished the laptop case. It’s a bah-yoo-tee! Nevermind that I seldom leave the house and so really don’t have much need for a laptop case. That’s beside the point. I think I’ll schedule a mini-excursion just so I can put my laptop in it’s cozy case and travel.
3. The girls and I are reading Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I’m reading this. Which means we are in C.S. Lewis heaven. Steve’s already read it and everytime I lay it down, he picks it up and reads a few pages. I think he’s a little jealous. He always gets jealous when I spend time with Lewis. He’s dealing with it by reading this. Just call us geeks. Geek is the new cool.
Here’s a quote to tempt you:
“The beauty of the female is the root of joy to the female as well as the male, and it is no accident that the goddess of Love is older and stronger than the god. To desire the desiring of her own beauty is the vanity of Lilith, but to desire the enjoying of her own beauty is the obedience of Eve, and to both it is in the lover that the beloved tastes her own delightfulness. As obedience is the stairway of pleasure, so humility is the—-“
Read it one more time. Consider yourself tempted.
4. I’ve made a few new recipes lately from my favorite cooking magazine “Cuisine at Home”. You must please consider adding this to your cooking arsenal. If you’re like me, you’ll finally get around to buying it two years from now and then frantically try to find all the old issues. It’s that good. Trust me. Go add it to your ‘to do’ list. I’ll wait.
5. Before last week, I bet I hadn’t added more than 2 new blogs to my reader in 6 months. I’ve added ten in the last two weeks. I won’t share them all with you now but just out of curiosity, have you found any bloggers that made you go, “Where have I been, under a rock?” Here’s a couple for your perusal.
6. Since my life has changed so drastically in the last three years, I’ve come to realize how incurably we insulate ourselves from truth and beauty and goodness. There are certain things that inevitably bring us closer —–to earth, to home, nearer to Him; suffering, regular communion, taking care of children, using our own two hands. And then there are those things that further separate us: consumerism, success and all those things (even church) that can steal our time away from those we love. Sadly, I am feverishly drawn to the latter category at times. And I’m often bitter and resistant to embrace suffering and my duties to my family.
But sometimes, in the beautiful moments…..
I see it. The reason He made me and why He is not content to let me live with less. He loves me and He alone knows what I need. And perhaps it is That love that will continue to strip away those things which prevent me from seeing truth.
7. And there’s one more thing.
I’ve discovered the deliciousness which is Nutella.
On a bagle.
It’s almost more wonderful than I can fathom.
Don’t try to talk me out of it. It’s too late. I’ve ordered clothing the next size up.
Favre probably likes it too.