i am overwhelmed and exhausted and inspired.
blissdom was amazing. again.
i’ve missed my friends so much.
they are the most generous, amazing, smart, caring, compassionate, creative people i know.
i am blessed to sit among them and share their stories. we laugh. we cry. we marvel at how tightly our hearts are knit together.
even across the miles. and even across the lines—– of race and age and religion and politics.
i’ve never felt more at home than in their company.
and we learned from some very wise and bright minds that it really comes down to relationship.
what is blogging about? relationship
why do i twitter? relationship
facebook? relationship
and guess what relationship requires?
that we are willing to make ourselves vulnerable.
that we are willing to need someone else.
that we are willing to say so.
that we are willing to be hurt.
because the willingness to be vulnerable is where relationship lives.
the question is: are you willing?
i am thankful for a group of women who are willing.
to share their stories and their gifts with us everyday.
i won’t take it for granted.
i will read with more understanding.
i will give the benefit of the doubt.
i will ponder what a privilege it is to do this.
i will do it with fear and trembling because true joy lingers near the willingness to be afraid.
but to give of ourselves anyway.
thank you for risking it.
“…we are losing our tolerance for vulnerability…..in our culture weakness is synonymous with vulnerability. Vulnerability is absolutely at the core of fear and anxiety and shame and very difficult emotions…but it is also the birthplace of joy, of love, of belonging , of creativity, and of faith. And so it becomes very problematic when as a culture we lose our ability to be vulnerable.”
author and speaker Brene Brown
ps. on a related note, i did pretty okay (only teared up a few times) until the last day. then i lost it. cried like a baby when i told patty and jessica and brooke and ruth and nester and emily and melissa and ruthanne goodbye. and might i say that true friends know what to do with vulnerable. they respect it. they nurture it. they embrace it. they understand it. because they live there too. and they blaze a trail for the rest of us to live from our broken, vulnerable selves in the safety of true friendship.
pss. i’m working on finding some fun stuff for my entryway (here at the rental house and to be moved to our house once it’s built) so if you have any inspiration photos for an entryway, please send them my way. i’m looking for a console table, a great lamp, a rug and some awesome accessories. thank you for helping me get my *stuff* back.
*more to come on my excursions i hope. but today, we’ve got a full day of school and i’m starting karen’s photography class. wish me luck!