a quiet place to read (and a hideously dirty phone)
colors and patterns
the candy of january
the best cuppa joe in town
a beautiful duct tape bouquet, courtesy of a very cute 9 year old
the lego family got a new ride
the jerusalem cherry tree sink-side
bird beauty
and a tiny vestige of Christmas, lingering in the heart and on the mind.
hope you’re enjoying your saturday gifts too!
good stuff from today’s reading:
Culture yourselves, I pray you. Live on the great thoughts which expand the soul and charge the being with forcefulness, and eschew utterly the wretched stuff out of which so many girls are building up flabby-tissued brains. Enrich your nature with true art. Busy your days with better preparation for your future position than the frivolous play of society, which wastes the energies and belittles the stature of womanhood. Above all, see that you live in open-souled up-look to the Father, the Source and Fount of all high life, in fellowship with the Son, the pattern and exemplar of all nobleness of human form, and in communion of that Spirit of Holiness who ever moveth in you all pure, true pulses, the Lord and giver of Life.
p.s. thank you to those of you who sent me your stories. i’m still reading and responding so thanks for your patience:) y’all are the BEST internet friends ever. and so smart. loves ya lots 🙂