Hey, you nerdy book club friends, the Plato discussion is up and I can’t wait to hear from you!
Right at this very moment, I’m hovering between two worlds. The new world of 2013 and all it’s hope and promise. And then all those things I didn’t finish in 2012 that try to pin me to wall to give an answer.
The glittery, angelic wings on which the hopes of 2013 flies are surely to win. But for now, I battle.
As we speak, I’m:
:: Working frantically to finish my ebook, which I had hoped to finish by my birthday, WHICH IS FRIDAY. Probably not happening.
:: Making list after list after blessed list of things that need to be done. I’m hoping that getting them out of my head and onto multiple sheets of paper will help my terrifically overloaded brain.
:: Already scared to death about a very awesome speaking engagement this fall, which I just said “YES!” to.
:: Planning a ‘Plato’ video for later today, which will demonstrate two things. 1. Plato was very smart. 2. I am not.
:: Making all sorts of plans in all sorts of areas of my life, including but not limited to: cooking, gardening, teaching, parenting, blogging, crafting, exercising, eating, reading, organizing, homekeeping, writing, and the list literally could go on forever.
Today, let’s check one thing off my to-never-possibly-get-done list, shall we?
I want to make this space serve you well. I’m so thankful that you come here to visit. I want to be helpful to you, while still being true to myself.
How can I do that better? What kinds of posts resonate with you? What do you want more of? Less of? What would make the site easier to navigate/use and share?
Tell me all about it. I’m listening. And taking copious notes.
Two things I’m doing to add value here:
1. I signed up with a new email service so that I can continue to provide an email subscriptions option for this blog. It will also allow me to send an email newsletter, which I hope to do once per month. The problem is that I haven’t yet been able to migrate the email addresses I already have into the new system. It looks like it may take awhile. I think that the old system is still working so you’re probably still getting emails from me when I add a new post. But if you haven’t subscribed to this blog by email, it will be the best way in the future to get all my correspondence. You can subscribe here! If you have subscribed in the past (before 4 days ago), I would be so happy and honored if you subscribed again, using the new system. Otherwise, I’ll slowly be adding you to the new system. Y’all are dolls, you know it? The January newsletter will go out in a week or so, so don’t miss it. Subscribe today!
2. I’m starting this little series called Life. In grace, On Purpose, For Them. And ‘them’ includes you. I want to find ways to serve you, my family and friends better. And you want to find ways to serve your people better. So, let’s join forces and serve well. We’ll meet here once a month for a link-up where we’ll link to posts about how we are living intentionally for others. January’s theme will be ‘time’. Because planning and goal setting and time-management are all the rage in January. How do you plan your time? Is it important? Could you serve others better if you were more organized and intentional with your time? (I’m screaming a silent YES!!!) What tools have you put into place to help you do this? What goals do you set for yourself? Are they all goals just for you? Or goals to help you devote yourself to others? Maybe you’ll just post about your resolutions but re-think them in light of service. Think about it, write about it and then meet me here January 30th, the last Wednesday of the month.
February’s theme is the bedroom. It’s the month of LOVE. How do we use that space to serve the person we share it with? You get the idea.
March’s theme will be ‘kitchens’. How can we use our kitchens to serve? You can post a recipe, an organizational post, a clean out your fridge post, a clean kitchen post, a menu planning post, or whathaveyou. Be creative and think of how you use your kitchen and how you can use it better to serve others. We’ll link up here on the last Wednesday of every month. I don’t have the whole year completely planned out so I’d love your input. Other themes I’m adding are: kids, online life, office/school, rest, reading, money, to name a few.
Soon, I’ll post a button for you to add to your site, along with a yearlong schedule to help you plan.
Let’s do 2013 with purpose, with love, with grace, for THEM!
I’m not sure if I’m posting all my goals this year or not. It’s a daunting list. You can find last year’s manifesto here, if you need a little kick in the goal-setting pants!
January, and her bad self, rocks my world EVERY year!
You can be sure I’m scribbling them down as fast as my little pen will write.
Happy New Year to you and yours!