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This year, I made a goal to live with more intention-—to find ways to spend my time, my money, and my gifts more wisely.
It’s so easy for us to fill our lives with so much stuff that we leave little room to serve others, to dream our dreams or to make art.
Seth Godin says in his new book, The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly?
“Art is the act of a human being doing generous work, creating something for the first time, touching another person.
Art isn’t something you hang on your wall. Art is something you do when you’re truly alive.
Art might scare you. Art might bust you. But art is who we are and what we do and what we need.
An artist is someone who uses bravery, insight, creativity, and boldness to challenge the status quo.
Art isn’t a result; it’s a journey. The challenge of our time is to find a journey worthy of your heart and your soul.”
So, yes, I want to use time well. To serve others. And to make art.
And now it’s your turn.
Tell us all about how you’re turning time into your slave and not your master!
If it’s your first time, don’t fret! You won’t implode the internet if you do it wrong, I promise:) If you need help with linking up—why does linking up seem so scary?—go here and you will see that my friend, The Nester, is brilliant and has made a linky practice page with all kinds of instructions and hand holding. She’s so cool like that.
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And thank you for joining the revolution of Life. On Purpose!
If you’re not linking up, tell us in the comments all your best time secrets!