Welcome to my blog!! I recently updated my ‘about’ page which has lots of links to give you flavor and feel of lifeingrace. In a nutshell, I’m crazy over decorating, cooking, cowboy boots and C.S.Lewis. And I homeschool, which might make me just plain crazy!
This story of this pillow cracks me up.
I bought the striped pillow sham at Pottery Barn and took it to a local shop and had a 7 inch (aka ginormous) monogram added to it.
I love everything about it—the size, the color, the fanciful monogram.
But it’s not what it seems.
And everytime someone emails me and says they saw it in Better Homes and Gardens and would I please spill the source on the pillow, I laugh. And then everything in me wants to apologize.
Because the pillow is just acting the part. Just pretending. Sitting up tall and straight and hoping beyond all hope that noone figures out she’s just a sham.
Literally hanging on by a thread, or a pin, as it were.
And so it is with me too. I’m just pretending.
I’m acting the part of mother, wife, creator, writer, chef, blogger, christian.
The imitation and pretending might offend you. It offends me too and makes me want to apologize, for the rough places, the parts of me that aren’t what they should be yet.
But with all this imitation, we learn to be the real thing. We study and read and watch and imitate long enough—and pretty soon, it’s hard to see that we’re posers.
Slowly, over years and struggle and repetition, we become who we were always meant to be.
But the underside, the part of us that’s unfinished is not to be scorned. It reminds us that real, finished beauty takes a lifetime. It reminds us to be patient with ourselves and with others.
We are made in the image of God, creator or all things, so this mimesis, or imitation, is written on our hearts.
The question is not will we imitate but who or what will we imitate?
p.s. (And I say that someday, I’m gonna make a proper pillow out of this poser, but she does so good playing the part, I keep forgetting that she’s just a sham! And I think she does too!)