A few things for your weekend-before-Thanksgiving preparations!
1. I made this banner 2 Thanksgivings and 2 kitchens ago, but I still put it up every year. I just print out the letters and staple them to a ribbon. Card stock works great, but last year, I used regular computer paper.
The pdf files for the letter are here for you to download and print.
G in Give
I in Give
V in Give
E in Give
T in Thanks
H in Thanks
A in Thanks
N in Thanks
K in THanks
S in THanks
Don’t forget to use my How to Host Thanksgiving Resource, to help with all the tasks of the next few days.
I just got my guest room ready and I can’t wait to see all my people! (Sources listed yesterday on Instagram!)
2. I’m not the only one saying Hold Your Horses! (Also, try Jeanne’s Pumpkin Spice Latte!)
3. Melissa’s Attitudes of Gratitude
4. The first Sunday in Advent is next week. In preparation, I’ve been busy gathering my supplies. If you’ve never done an Advent devotional/calendar, you should do it this year. It will make Christmas all the more meaningful when you’ve anticipated the coming of His birth with your family.
I can’t wait to start our nightly Advent readings. We will be reading from Martin Luther’s Advent and Christmas sermons, and I also have used this book which has specific readings for lighting the candles.
You can order Advent Candle Set and even a Advent Candle Set
which includes the wreath. I just use individual candle holders and arrange them in a circle and then add fresh green to the base. Ann Voskamp has a new book out on taking an Advent journey, called The Greatest Gift, which I’m sure is beautiful.
5. This prayer for the home:
Lord God, our home is among the most precious gifts we receive in this life.
We realize this all the more as we remember our Lord Jesus. He set aside home and family. Having no place to lay His head throughout His ministry, he chose to sojourn among those He came to save. We prayerfully invite Him to dwell in our earthly abode even as He continually invites us by Word and Sacrament to dwell forever in our heavenly home, which He prepares for us.
Make us ever grateful for this shelter from life’s storms.
Keep this house always the home of comfort, joy, peace, and forgiveness.
According to Your will, protect this home from the spiritual assaults of Satan, but likewise make our home a fortress against the calamities of nature and the wickedness of sinful man.
Grant us the virtue of hospitality, the joy of harmonious living, and the blessing of gathering around Your Word and bringing our families’ prayers before You.
May all who dwell in our home be blessed by Your presence and Your peace,
and may all who go forth give thanks for the grace they receive from You, through us, Your dear children
We receive Your loving kindness in our home as a reminder of the eternal home we inherit through Your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.