Time just flies, doesn’t it? It seems like just yesterday I was the 8 yo girl playing games and looking on at the adults as if they were soooo old. Now, at the annual family reunion, I’m part of the “old” crowd….you know, the ones who share their scintillating stories about plumbers, politics, gas prices, teenagers, etc.. Only now, I’m the one sharing the stories of how I’ve been recently wronged by my plumber, politician, gas station, and teenager. I have in fact become my mother. And it’s really not so bad…to be the adult, I mean. I always imagined that surely they were so bored by the topics they yammered on about, but I tell my plumber stories with truth and conviction….I’m not bored at all. And neither is my sister. She has plumber stories too. But have we lost something magical that only the little guys can teach us? There is something so wonderful about being perfectly contented in doing back flips in a pool for hours straight. I do miss that somehow. Enter Rock Band.
One of the highlights of these gatherings is always time with my sister, Gina and my brother Todd, whom we very affectionately call “brother”…..original, isn’t it? This year my sister has added to her collection of WII games the “Rock Band” game so of course the three of us took to the instruments and let ‘er rip. At least I didn’t throw my shoulder out like I did last year on the bowling game!
I know you’re skeptical, but you should have heard our version of Dirty Little Secret. We’ve got potential. At least the potential to embarrass our children. The little girls enjoyed this show of raw talent so much that they keep saying to me “remember when you played the drums in Rock Band” ? The only thing we could’ve used in our “band” would’ve been two little homeboy rappers.
I think their teenage siblings have been at work here.
Oh well, it was fun seeing everyone again and making memories (and pictures) that are sure to remind us that there is something wonderful about the gathering together of generations. We all need each other. Uncle Glen, our oldest attendee, was engaging to talk to and it warms the heart to see him still enjoy the trip. God puts us in families for a reason and whether it’s Uncle Troy’s latest joke to Aunt Carol’s new musical instrument to Aunt Rosie’s new potato salad, I always learn something and am always glad I came.
boys will be boys….
I guess I enjoy the whole fireworks thing about as much as Scooter. He may look like he wants to come outside….but trust me, he doesn’t.
Inevitably every July 3rd, I get the phone call from Stevie on his way home from work, “Sooo, I guess those kids will probably want some fireworks, huh?” ….translated ” I am man and I am hard wired to blow things up” . This line is certainly more believable when all our boys our home, but this year it’s just us. Great….. my sweet little innocent daughters will soon be new recruits in the long line of Wadsworth pyromaniacs. Is this written in the y-chromosome somewhere? Some things you just know had to be invented by males. But I have to admit that I enjoy the boyish excitement as he teaches the girls how to twist ninety seven firecrackers together to really make a big bang. Okay, I embellish the story. But not much. As I type this very blog, sparklers are waving dangerously close to my head.
And remember, it’s only July 3rd. So this is just the preview of the bangs and sparks to come. On a more girly note, we painted our nails red and blue with white polka dots. Then Daddy and Emme conspired together to do a little tree climbing.
I turned my attention to the soon-to-be schoolroom which was recently painted(floor, walls, and trim) by my mom, myself, my son and Andrew. Yep, this is them “working”. Take careful notice of the pink bedazzled cowgirl hat and the colorful, gardening/hiking boots. These are your tax dollars at work(they both attend the local public school). So, I…….
cleaned the playroom…aka garage…..soon to be schoolroom. This is the “before” picture and the room was actually much worse than this picture portrays. The “after” picture will be forthcoming when the new bookshelves are in.
Meet Edie
Y’all! Come on in!
I’m Edie and I’m honored to have you visiting my online home. I am a Christian writer and the author of a not-yet-finished book to be published by Tyndale next year, called Coming Home—a spiritual memoir of redemption. I write here to remind you that you are loved and to inspire and encourage you to live with intention, love with passion, and serve your people well. It was nearly six years ago that I started this blog and I do not take for granted the privilege to write here. I used to have a job that required me to actually get dressed and leave the house in the mornings but most days now you’ll find me at home, teaching and raising children, cooking up a storm, getting lost in classic books, and learning to enjoy the beauty of ordinary days. I’m obsessed with art and design, all things Texas, banjo music, cowboy boots, colorful, quirky home decor, New Year’s resolutions and Southern-ness.
Six years ago, I decided to give up my career as a family practice physician to stay home full time with my family.
I’m not gonna lie. It ain’t been easy. The next year, I began homeschooling my girls. Whoa, Nelly.
There were days I wasn’t sure I’d make it.
The good news is, I firmly believe in inspiring spaces, so we school in this workroom/craft room/laundry room.
It’s a pretty great place to spend hours on end, even when the days get long and hard.
In short order, this southern belle became a blogger, a homeschooler, a Lutheran, and a self-proclaimed goddess of the domestic arts. I taught myself to cook, to sew, to craft, and am trying to learn how to garden. There just never seems to be enough hours in the day to do it all but I don’t go down without a fight!
I love teaching my girls to be keepers at home. They made this pom-pom wreath recently and are learning to be industrious little women.
I am humbled and grateful to be right where I am doing just what I’m doing, with all its trials and joys.

I am so glad that you have come.I will pour out everything inside me so that you may leavethis table satisfied and fortified.Blessings on your eyes.Blessings on your children.Blessings on the ground beneath you.My heart is a ladle of sweet water, brimming over.The Red Tent, Anita Diamanti