We painted these…..
We had P.E.–in the pool!
We debated over whether to choose this…..
or this for Taylor’s senior picture……(you can help us by voting 1 or 2) I like 2 (below) better!
We memorized this……(it’s part of our Bible/History catechism)
and painted these…..
and put the finishing touches on these adorable puppets…..
and did I say swim?…….
then the girls jumped in the tub before ballet…..
and lest you wonder whether we’re homeschooling or unschooling , we also did math, spelling, handwriting, grammar, history, reading, bible, latin and a short home ec session on how to properly crack an egg!
Be very quiet. I’m in the middle of covert operations the likes of which you haven’t seen since Jack Bauer took the Chinese consulate. I was having a fine Sunday watching the Vikings get beat and reading “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” when I came across this section in the book
Friday Night with the Wadsworths…….
And that’s when we began to have the “hunker” down conversation. I think this has become my very favorite phrase in the English language. I love saying it and I especially love hearing news reporters say it over and over and over again. So, after 37 games of Connect Four, I interviewed the family and asked them to give their best live demonstration of what the phrase “hunker down” actually means.
Here are my results…..Marcus first…….is he ‘hunkering’ or boxing?
then Emme……I think she has confused “hunker down” with hip-hop……
then it’s Daddy’s turn……who may have confused “hunker down” with TaeBo……
then there’s me……I always imagined that “hunker-down” involved more provisions than just my own scrunched up body…….at least some sort of cover……
and the smallest child refused to “hunker down” for fear that she wouldn’t ‘know how to do it right’ or for fear that I would ‘blog’ about it…….or both. We looked up the definition. Hunker means to crouch or squat for a long period of time. At any rate, it’s Friday night and we’re hunkered down, eating chocolate chip banana bread and watching Geraldo. Marcus may never want to leave!
The Stages of Funny Car Smells…..
Happy 16th Birthday Caiti!
Tales from the birthday girls…..
Sunday, my family gathered at my house to help Emme celebrate being 8 and Caiti, 16. Emme got some fun new games, wrapped neatly in brown packing paper with her name written right on the paper. I do this at Christmas time with a little fancier writing. It’s fun and different and saves having to buy the little name taggy things which I do not enjoy.
Caiti shows off her new undies and not shown, her new UGGs (the gray short ones…they are so cute)…..
Daddy helps Emme with her new bike….
Cousins Corey and Hope entertain Scooter……
I hustle to finish Caiti’s cake which turned out pretty cute…..
Let me explain the black high-heeled shoes…..and I need to stand on my soapbox to do so. Ahem. In our particular town, many folks give their newly turned 16 yo’s new cars…..very, very nice new cars. I’m not bitter but my sister and I shared a rough-riding, oil-guzzling, black camaro all through high school……and felt thankful to have that. Kids these days have way too much, way too fast, with little to no level or maturity or gratitude required. I didn’t have a new car until I was 30 years old and graduated from medical school…..and I bought it myself. Now, my sweet Caiti is no different than any other teenager. She’s wonderful and funny and bright and self-centered and irrational and at this very moment is probably stealing my mascara. She is actually a pretty good driver, but do I think she is ready for the responsibility of a car? No, I get a little nervous when she borrows my hair dryer. I know she will get there. She will soon enough drive a car, vote, date, go to college and I am none to anxious for any of it. But who is that started dictating to us that kids should get cars at all, let alone new cars for their 16th birthday? It’s insanity. She seems to be a pretty good sport about the fact that there won’t be a new red convertible with a big bow on it in the driveway on her birthday. So, to add humor the situation, we attached a note to her cake that said, “At least you’ll look cute walking”……hence the cute black high-heeled shoes.
Back down off soap box, Elea and Marlea enjoy some games and art in the school room.
Corey, Taylor and Emme pose for pictures after a game of Blokus.
Taylor and his super-sweet girlfriend Morgan…..playing games in the schoolroom with the kids.