“Emme, come look at all the snacks, you wanna some poptarts?”
“You wanna play on the monkey bars?”
meanwhile, Caiti shows off her new pinkilicious running spikes and tells us how they make her run soooo much faster and feel soooo glamorous…..
despite the fact that the girls are oblivious to the fact that people are actually RUNNING A RACE here, they are, in fact…..
“Emme, you wanna take some pictures with mom’s camera?” Dibbs lurks in the background.
They steal the teams’ water…..
while Caiti continues to run and sweat….
oh, she said her shoes make her feel like a superhero too…….
“I can scoot all the way down this bar like an inchworm, can you?”
more running and sweating…..
“I bet you can’t do tricks on this bar like me.”
“I bet I can”
“Mom, Emme’s trying to get on this really tall bar” “MOOOOM”
“Can you just lift me up there? Mom can we stay here til it gets dark? This is my new*BFF* and she said if she sees me next time, she’ll play with me again.”
And Elea, a bit discouraged by Emme’s new friend, takes charge of the camera again. Maybe they did know that there was a race going on but they were so in their own little girlie worlds. I love that about kids…..how they make everything adventurous. Both the girls and the guys teams’ won, Emme made a new friend, and Elea ate the teams’ poptarts and drank their water. Throw in McDonalds, and it was a perfect day at the park.
Letting go……..
So, the Dibbs (Taylor’s best friend Andrews’ parents) and Emme and I take off to go see our boys perform near Johnson City yesterday. As you might remember, they won Battle of the Bands about a month ago and part of their “prize” was that they would get to open for Group One Crew, a christian hip hop band that reminds me a lot of BlackEyedPeas. We were all excited…..I even did my best Tammy Faye eyes with my favorite ‘Humid’ MAC eye shadow. (thanks Jamie Knoxville). On the way it occurred to Cindy and I what horrible ‘stage’ moms we are. “We should have helped the boys make some T-shirts or buttons or something…….ya know ‘band paraphernalia’ that they could sell at the concert.” But because we’re not good stage moms and because we feel proud of ourselves that we’re actually gonna MAKE it to the concert….and likely ON TIME….we didn’t dwell on it too much. How surprised were we to find THIS when we got there…..THEY HAVE T-SHIRTS…….and paraphernalia……and no, they don’t have stage MOMS……they have stage GIRLFRIENDS! How did we miss this Cindy? We are slowly being replaced, aren’t we? It’s an insidious inevitable process I guess, but I am so not ready for it……
I mean, they look so grown up…..and responsible…..and talented…….it hardly even seems possible that when they get home tonight we’re gonna threaten to take their cell phones away if they don’t keep their rooms tidy…..but we are, for a few more short months. Alas.
I feel like I still have so much yet to teach him….like how to make a killer red sauce, and how to use a plunger , and which fork is the salad fork. I sometimes lie await at night and wonder if he knows how to use a mouse sander. It makes it hard to breath when I even entertain the thought that he’ll be gone. He is so predictable and kind and thoughtful. The sound of his guitar playing upstairs has been a steady, soothing comfort for so many years.
How do you learn to live with the changes? The tears already flow for me. (which makes me regret the whole Tammy Faye thing). Maybe it’s better to let him go in small pieces, day by day. I’m not sure it makes it any easier but maybe it’ll save a complete break down next fall.
So bear with this ‘poor excuse for a stage mom’ as she laments the losses. I will miss finding your guitar picks in every single nook and cranny of the house…..I will miss the amazing speed with which you text message…..I will miss how you pile your food in a conglomerate heap…..I will miss how Emme runs upstairs to ‘bug’ you while you do your homework…..I will miss how you turn sideways so I can kiss your cheek (or more frequently: the air)…..I will miss scrambling around making sure your uniform is clean…..I will miss the way you sling your head to the left and right to get your hair just perfectly messy….I will miss your smile…….I will miss your smelly car……and your ‘i love you too’s’ and your frequent calls and mostly……. just you. I will miss you so much Taylor. I know it’s early but I can feel it. The winds of change are blowing. I felt so privileged and proud to watch you and your band. I will miss that too.
FYI: I am completely sobbing now!
Day of Reckoning……
and some comfortable shoes……
and a ‘mom’ haircut (unfortunately that’s me like 18 years ago) and
call it a day. What’s so great about skinny? Or three inch heels? or long flowing hair? Right? Can I get an amen? BTW, lest you fear that I’ve gone off the deep end….I will probably get my lazy bum out of bed in the mornin’ for what some call a ‘run’ ….macdaddy and I call it ‘slog’ which stands for Slow Jog. At any rate, I hear ‘mom’ jeans are really coming back. Speaking of mom, I do believe that this is my mother’s all time favorite ‘look’ for me. I have no lies to tell.
What it means to be Lutheran…Part 1
Raised as a very outspoken, dress-wearing independent Baptist,
I grew up believing that what determined how it is between God and me, depended on me. As long as I didn’t “drink, smoke, chew or run with boys that do” and as long as I really focused on MY spirituality, MY quiet time with the Lord, MY sanctification, then I was pretty much okay. Of course, the official teaching of the church is that you are saved by grace through faith alone, but everything else you see around you screams something else. The huge pitfall to this way of believing is that it turns you so inward…..you become obsessed with your own spiritual life and walk and at least in my case, second guess yourself all the time:
“Am I spiritual enough?
Am I sincere enough?
Maybe I wasn’t even REALLY saved back when I was 8?
Why else would I continue to sin?
Am I becoming more Christlike?”
You see where this is going. Pretty soon, this pietistic, self-focused form of religion leads you into a tailspin and in the end, you fall into either despair or pride. I fell into despair knowing that I was not ‘pulling’ this off. And I saw so many people around who seemed to be ‘managing it’ , somehow. So, what was wrong with me?
If I had to describe my decorating style as a person, it would be…….
My dining room where I feature a beautiful original abstract oil painting and robin egg blue linen “tablecloth”– a piece of linen fabric that I frayed the edges and otherwise left in its natural state.
The upstairs bathroom that had a recent makeover and of course features lamps, black distressed cabinets, and a loosely arranged container of grasses.
Now on to where the Texan meets the Tenneseean. I love this grouping. I bought the dresser at a yard sale for $25, painted it and paired it with the appalachian-looking homestead sign.
Then, there’s quite possibly my favorite ‘spot’ in the house. A black bombay chest that features an eclectic array of things I love…..books, pictures, paintings, candles, a lamp and a hope for a simpler life.
So, there you have it. A peek into how I decorate and who I am: a heap of contrasts and contradictions; where you’re just as likely to find 67 tubes of lip gloss as you are almost every good piece of classical literature you can think of. And a scary number of lamps and boots.