I don’t know how you spend your mornings, but I’m always conflicted about how best to spend this precious two hours to myself before anyone wakes up. Should I continue with the painting doors and trim I started a while back? Should I clean out the pantry? Should I knit on my sweater or start a new scarf to give away at my 100th post party? I definitely will empty the dishwasher and do another load of laundry. I definitely will read 2 chapters in exodus and read my morning prayers. I will most certainly have several cups of coffee while I listen to my favorite talk radio show. But should I start the massive project of deep kitchen cleaning or should I start reading Julius Caesar? Or continue reading New Moon? I am fraught with decisions like this every. single. morning. And I can’t reclaim the time back. Which is why all the fretting. So today, I
and started this scarf to give away on my 100th post, which should be in a couple of weeks,
so stay tuned and enter a comment on that day to win….my beloved hand knit scarf…..’cause that’s how much I love you all. So, for all you morning people out there, what’s your favorite morning ritual?