Let’s chat about your business, staying in your business, what actually is your business?
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Let’s chat about your business, staying in your business, what actually is your business?
On this podcast we will talk all about the critics, the debbie downers and naysayers that tend to creep into your life!
Let’s dive into a juicy topic, the choice to let it go! What if we just decided to let it go, whatever that is for you, a grudge, anger, bitterness, what would TRULY happen?
What do you do when you wish that someone or something in your life would change? I think I figured out a little secret and it might surprise you!
We’re sitting in the Seattle airport waiting for our LONG flight home.
Tom Tom is yelling through his headphones to the entertainment of all around and just asked me,“why does everybody thank I’m cute?” 😂😍 (After a plethora of airport employees told him how adorable he was🤠) To occupy us for a while, I had the girls airdrop their fave pictures from the trip to me. Stevie kept getting the airdrops and stealing them from me, so I hope I got all the best pics. 😳
I can’t express my love and adoration for these amazing teenage girls of mine. I think this stage has been my favorite with them.
Not that we don’t have our moments because we’ve already had tears today.
BUT. They are so much fun to be with. They are warm and engaged and all around delightful. They ADORE Tom Tom in a way that’s hard to explain. They are so kind to us and just all around PRECIOUS.
They have been a huge gift to us and I’m ready to CRY MY EYES OUT at the thought of them being gone.
This trip with them was a reminder of how blessed we are to have them.
A couple years ago our family was chatting about marriage around the dinner table. When is the right time? How much money should you have saved away? Should you be done with college first? Should you have been in a stable job for a number of months?
I still remember Stevie’s quick reply to all the questioning. “Well, you just need to decide when you want the real suffering to start, that’s all.”
I DIE. It’s so true though.
I hope it’s a lesson my kids have seen Stevie and me live out, even when it’s been less than perfect.
I’ve learned a lot in twenty years. And I’ve learned that this relationship has been given to us primarily as an instrument of our sanctification, and only secondarily as a way for us to find contentment and fulfillment. The very fact that it feels hard doesn’t mean you’re failing, it may mean God is using marriage to remake you into who He created you to be.
Hold still. Stay in the murky mess of it and watch for the miracle. More likely than not, it’ll be the miracle in your own heart that will surprise you the most.
P.S. If you want to read a book about REAL marriage, I 100% recommend @melanieshankle “The Antelope in the Living Room”. Trust me, you need her words in your life.