Remember in this post where I said I was gonna be sitting on sofa knitting when my company arrived? Did I mention that my whole family would be ‘lying’ on the sofa knitting. This little knitter is a phenom. She already finished her scarf (with a little encouragement from Grandma) and her stitches look better than mine. We built a fire (maybe slightly exaggerated) so we could knit outside……..
Grandma worked on an afghan (her, I don’t know, 11th maybe this year) and I worked on my sweater…..which may be finished in 2015…..and will probably be too small for anyone to wear…and will likely be out of style…..and probably unravel. I’m no natural at this. But I do love doing it. You should try it. But don’t make a sweater. I should’ve made leg warmers. ‘Cause I’m a dancer, ya know. Stop laughing. Are you laughing at me as a dancer or me in leg warmers? It’s not that funny. I think I will knit me some leg warmers….to wear to my ballet class. Then I will post pictures of me…..dancing……in my hand knit leg warmers. Now, I’m laughing.
But I did finish this pretty little scarf….to give away to you in just a few days. It is knit with lots of love…..whoever gets this scarf is one lucky friend of mine. While I knit this for you, I thought a lot about blogging and how it has changed my life……so that is what my 100th post will be about…, my sweet blogging friends and how my life is different now because of you all.
And besides knitting and ‘building’ a fire, we made homeade chocolate brownies. The name of them from the recipe book was “Helen Traulich’s Favorite No-Fail Brownies”. No disrespect meant to Helen, but c’mon. So, I renamed them “Better than Blogging Brownies” which tells you that I mean business when I say that you need to make these brownies. NOW. And because I love you all I’m including the recipe. Here’s to Helen!
1 stick butter
Surprised by joy…….
“If we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world can satisfy, we should also begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world.” C. S. Lewis
Company, hot glue, and thievery……..
I’m having company…..which is like my superbowl…..the world cup….the indy 500. I’m a maniac and as soon as I heard the news, more ideas popped into my head than you could shake a stick at. I become someone my children don’t recognize. I move around the house fast and talk to myself and take lamps off their dressers and bedspreads off their beds and spray paint and hot glue and begin the ‘REDECORRRANGING’. That’s where I ‘shop’ the house and the basement and ‘shake’ the snowglobe, if you will. They start to wonder if they can even sleep in the same room anymore. I’m not finished but I’ll give you a sneak peek. Don’t tell Taylor I took his comforter or Caiti that I took her chair and her candle sticks…..or Emme that I took her lamp. It all washes out in the end. But hold on to your ‘stuff’ if you live in my house…..’cause nothing is sacred. And you stand still too long….your liable to get painted.

Swing votes, swing states, swing dancing, and just swinging……
Life goes on….even when your candidate doesn’t win….. even when you run out of decoupage two sheets of scrapbook paper too early….even when the seven pounds won’t come off…..and even when you’re children think you’re crazy for trying to learn to swing dance from a girl name “Tracy” that lives in your computer. The sun rises, we wake up to another beautiful day and thank God that we live in America…..where we can vote and decorate and dance and……swing. So, to cheer myself up, I downloaded a video of my girls reciting a poem…..called “The Swing” while swinging.
The Swing
by Robert Louis Stevenson
How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!
Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
River and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside–
Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown–
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!
Election Day….
It’s election day, except I already voted for John McCain which you can read about here. So much for never discussing politics or religion….rules I frequently violate. In other news, guess what I found yesterday? C’mon, guess….no, I didn’t find cheap and gorgeous pieces of ironstone. No, I did not find a way to train for a half marathon without running…..and no, I did not find my sanity which I seemed to have misplaced a few months back. But I did find several delightful pieces of hammered aluminum at my local antique store. It seems they have some new vendors…..who have some new pieces. Or had some new pieces. For those of you who don’t love all things 1950, hammered aluminum was very popular back then and is harder to find these days because it’s relatively inexpensive and people who buy it…love it and don’t give it up. Why do I love all things from the 40’s and 50’s…..I don’t know. Maybe it’s because that’s when my parents were born….and we always idealize the past. Maybe it’s because I watched too many episodes of Leave it to Beaver….and Andy Griffith….and I love Lucy…and Happy Days. But I love old things….which sounds much better if you say ‘vintage’. And I absolutely can’t wait until Thanksgiving…..when my hammered aluminum will make it’s debut. Macdaddy loves this quote by Cicero, which seems so appropriate today,
Doesn’t it look lovely against the black bookshelf? This piece I will use for silverware.…
and these pretty little pieces will hold olives and pickles…..
and this sweet covered dish will hold my cranberries and apple dish……
and this…..will hopefully be finished by then. I’m painting the bookshelf black….then I have to distress it (to make it looked ‘worn’ )and then I will add maple stain(to make it look vintage)
and then I will add the hammered aluminum to make it look retro 50’s. Now, go vote. For John McCain. And find some beautiful pieces of hammered aluminum. And put on an apron and make homeade bread with your own two hands. And turn off the TV and send your kids outside to play. And dance. The east coast swing preferably. But I’m not trying to tell you what to do.
Song 42
My son wrote a song called Song 42 based on scripture taken from Psalm 42—tricky, huh? The song is beautiful and after I listened to the song 442 times, I went and read Psalm 42…..and began to weep. Like a baby. I’ve read Psalm 42 many times before and have always loved it. But it’s different when you see how your children might translate that word into a song. I think the girls and I (the little ones that I homeschool) will have to add this psalm to our list of ones to memorize. I’ll never read it the same again. Every time I read those precious words I will hear my son’s voice in my head singing this: