Weekend in pictures…….really good Nikon d40x pictures…..I think I’m in Love…..
The view from my desk……
The view from my laundry room…..
My friend Cindy getting all my “Emme-love” at the Cross Country Banquet Friday……
Emme then decides to sit with the boys….
How does a girl find her place…..where she fits in….in a group of boys?
Arggg!! Who can figure those pesky boys out?
I see how this works…..I get you more sweet tea……you let me in on all the boy-talk….

7 quick takes……
7 Quick Takes……This is a link party…..to play along, visit here. It’s like 7 random musings…all in one post. And you’ll love snooping around Jennifer’s blog. Superb writing…..funny, smart, and I wish she were my next door neighbor. She could possibly be my new BFF (which apparently changes weekly) ’cause she has ADD.
I’m going to see Twilight this weekend. And Leigh Ann never shoulda told me that there was a nail polish called “Vamp”. When I watched the trailer to Twilight, I thought it was cast well. Edward is dreamy and pale and Bella is ‘dark and twisty’. I think Meridith first coined that phrase. You know…..Meredith, the surgeon from Seattle Grace. (Grey’s Anatomy). And Meredith was talking about herself. She is dark and twisty and…..tortured. High maintenace, if you will. I’m much more like Izzy. Blond, accomodating, open-like-a-book, cheerful…..without a discernable dark side. And all the dark and twisties I know are brunette. I’ve tried brunette many times, sometimes on purpose, and I don’t think it becomes me. But sometimes I wish I could do brunette….and dark and twisty. ‘Cause those kinda people are mysterious and quirky. I happen to do blond well. All blond jokes aside. Happy, helpful, and light. And of course not all brunettes have a dark side. Now that I see this picture well, I had blond highlights even as a brunette. And was still very amiable. I’m sure Bella will do dark and twisty well. I’ll have to settle for vamp nailpolish.
Nourishing Words……
“I am so glad that you have come. I will pour out everything inside me so you may leave this table satisfied and fortified. Blessings on your eyes. Blessings on your children. Blessings on the ground beneath you. My heart is a ladle of sweet water, brimming over.”
Anita Diamant, The Red Tent
A little Christmas Cheer…….
I’m on of those people……that my brother-in-law hates…..that decorates for Christmas before Thanksgiving. Always. Every year. Since I can remember. And it’s not that I don’t love Thanksgiving. I do. It’s my favorite holiday. But I have a lot of Christmas decorations. And if I waited until after Thanksgiving, I’d be stressed trying to get it all up. So in the name of having energy and sanity left for thankfulness, I do it early. Furthermore, we are Lutheran so we follow the church calendar….and certainly want to have our decorations up when we start our advent calendar. Which is quickly approaching. It makes me cheerful and gives everybody in the house a little spring in their step to see all the decorations going up so soon. So I make no apologies: I decorate and bake with thankfulness in my heart!
The tree in my breakfast room….oh look , a beautiful cardinal flew in and nestled into the ribbons…..
I love birds by the way…..and have them tweeting around everywhere…..
This sweet little table top tree is in my living room. It’s mint green and I love it with all my heart. This is it’s 3rd Christmas with me…..and it’s third different spot.
Meet my banister garland….not yet finished but getting there……
see how much more fun after I add a pair of peacocks…….(my version of two turtle doves)
and probably my signature Christmas decorating ‘move’ is ribbon……lots of ribbon…..everywhere. And this year I added blue to the mix. Don’t ya love it?
I love to layer with ribbon….different colors, patterns, sizes…..with extra long ‘tails’…….