show notes
Welcome to this week’s podcast about all things self-confidence. You may think you are just born with it or you’re not, but nothing is further from the truth! Your relationship with yourself makes ALL the difference in how you show up in the world. We need your gifts Mama, so grab your bullet journal so you can write down all the wisdom!
Today Dr. Edie is sharing 3 ways to boost your confidence:
>>Know your Value. >>Own your Frailties >>Practice managing your thoughts and emotions
And so much more!
>>How to tell if someone has self-confidence by how you feel when you’re around them
>>We have to give people tools to build their self-confidence before they can do all the amazing things they want to do in the world.
>> Recognizing your value is the gift you give to yourself.
>> Positive thought fuels action. Not the other way around.
>>We were given our value by God when we were born. What does He say about us
>>We find what we are looking for, in ourselves and in others. How can you tell what you’re looking for
>>Confidence is not arrogance so what is it
>>Own your frailties and learn how to handle yourself in any situation
>>How you can have your own back
>>How to practice to build confidence
Click here to listen!
Life Mentoring School with Dr. Edie
This episode is sponsored by my new coaching program that is launching August 26th,called Life Mentoring School. You might be a good candidate if you have big dreams for 2019. If you want to be better than you’ve ever been, if you want to live with more peace and joy and love, if you want to get more done with ease and grace, if you want to be a better wife and mama and friend, you want to be stronger and healthier, you want to do meaningful work that matters, you want to move past the hurts and the wounds that have held you back, I am here to help.
I will be your mentor. Let’s make this your best year yet. Join my Life Mentoring School monthly membership coaching program, which opens on August 26th for the only time that we will open enrollment this year, and I will see you inside. I can’t wait to watch you change your life.
Get on the waiting list here: Life Mentoring School
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