Wanted: loving and experienced guardian angel
The day has come. She’s leaving and I can’t stop it. She’s promises that since she’s only moving an hour away, it’ll still be the same. And in some ways, I know she’s right. But the comfort of having her here right beside me has been one of life’s sublime blessings for me. And since I’ve always called her my guardian angel, I tell myself that God must think I’m ‘okay’ for now…..and He must have another someone for her to nurture and protect. I beg to differ. But when I saw that big moving truck pull into my cozy little cul-de-sac, I knew it was time to face the music.
Long story short, I even procrastinate grief. Elea said to me yesterday with teary eyes, “But Ms. Donna has known me my whole life.” Yeah, and you’re one lucky girl to be able to say that. So after a nice lunch with her and Sue and Lenna, we decided that we’re not really gonna say goodbye. We’re just gonna continue our friendship and pretend fifty miles is of no consequence. And it isn’t….really. But there’s a whole host of things that run through my mind that will change. That distance necessarily changes. Whether we want it to or not. I am not quite prepared for those yet. So I agree to not saying goodbye. Not yet.
Good thing my blogging meeting is upcoming. I’ll be on the lookout for a new guardian angel. And boy will those be big wings to fill. Someone who will call me and leave me sweet messages that say ‘Just wanted you to know I love you and am thinking about you’. Or someone who will teach me how to text….and then send me love notes about about how beautiful my Christmas decorations are . Or someone who laughs at all my musings. Someone who will be to me as Christ-like as is possible here on earth. Or someone who thinks I have great kids. And make a killer mocha cake. Someone who will always to be ready to lend an ear, a hand, a cup of sugar, and a free nursing assessment. It’s a tall order I know. If you’d like the job, I’m taking applications and checking references. You should know ahead of time that I’m a complete mess and not easy to keep between the lines. But I reward those who care for me with food….so it’s not a bad trade-off.
If I had a salon, I’d call it COIFFEDINGRACE…..
I didn’t write this on Friday, but it is kinda funny. Here’s what I started singing when Taylor agreed to let me cut his hair:
I think I’ve got a pretty rockin’ technique. I’ve seen it done so many times that I really feel like I know what I’m doing. Of course, I don’t. But that’s not the point now is it?
Look at the dexterity….the precision….the shear skillz (bad pun intended). Never mind the outfit. I’ve got more important things to worry about than whether or not I have on my lounge pants at 7pm. Which I do. But whatever.
then Emme demanded to ‘style’ it for him….
We mean business at this salon.
So, what do ya think? Would you let me cut your hair? Or at least let me tease it and do Farrah Fawcett bangs?
I think I’ve proven that I have very happy customers. And I’m cheap.
There are a few people who don’t trust me and would rather play rock, paper, scissors.
I like my scissor skillz way better. It’s a beautiful thing to cut your own son’s hair!
Laundry Room Reveal……
We’ll get to the laundry room soon, but let me show you a few details that you might miss otherwise……this little cutie was sitting on my washer today. I can see why. I just wanna sit in there too. It’s so inspiring.
This is my new motto for laundry in 2009. Very original, I know. Cindy? Cindy has agreed to be my laundry accountability partner….to keep laundry from loitering in the laundry room. It’s a little like the blind leading the blind, but at least I’ll want to sit in there now. That’s a step in the right laundry direction.
and this little bird and starfish ditty just adds the milk to the oreo……
I’ve been looking for the perfect place to feature this beautiful bird that Denise made me for my birthday. Perfect. And thank you kindly Denise.
And Emme wanted to make sure you saw her new skirt….that we finished sewing today. Let it be declared: A seamstress I am not.
I framed the no.6. I do not know why. But I like it.
Elea Grace is pulling on my arm and wants me to remember to show you her skirt too. Cute huh? Albeit a little short. And hence the leggings.

I then took this pom-pom trim (from Hobby Lobby) and used the same upholstery nails to add it to the top and cover up my unfinished fabric. I took the rest of the trim and tied it around the fabric about 1/3 of the way down from the top. I added a tassle to consummate the love fest between the fabric and pom-pom trim. Notice that I hung the mistreatment about 10 inches above the top of the window to lengthen the look. The Nester will have to look on and be proud. And although I’ve been mistreating windows for years, I feel like she gave us all needed permission to do it with pride. So thank you dear Nester.

Don’t come home a-drankin’……with lovin’ on your mind
I have been privileged in this life to have a sister (Gina) and a cousin who functions for all intents and purposes like a sister (JamieKnoxville). I guess that gives me two sisters. And today is Jamie’s birthday. So in her honor I give you a little peek into our shady past. She sent me this picture for Christmas enlarged to a 5×7 with the sole purpose of making fun of my rusty little shoes. (I’m sporting the bottle and she’s to my left rubbing her eyes). She also pointed out my mom’s stylish pants. That’s my daddy with the hat on. He was always making us laugh!
And here we are years later, celebrating the high school graduation of her daughter Jordan. That’s Jamie in the back (middle). I know….. she’s gorgeous! And that’s my sister Gina to my right. I know, she’s a beauty too! The three of us have always been close knit. That probably stems from the fact that we share a past that had it’s dark and twisty elements. Our parents were party-ers back in the day….in a hillbilly/George Jones/Coal Miners Daughter kind of a way. We’ve spent the last 20 years calling each other on the phone saying, “Omigosh, do you remember the time….they left us in the car for 4 hours with a bottle of RC and some fritos while they went honky-tonkin’……or the time y’all moved in with us ’cause soandso ‘busted out all the winders’…..or all the funerals we went to together and made fun of the ‘Jesus called’ plastic telephone…..or the time we visited our cousin in prison…….you know, just normal family memories. I guess all families are dysfunctional, but the fact that we’re not all three in a psych ward somewhere rocking back and forth, is almost amazing.
The great thing about it though….is that we have each other. Jamie remembers EVERYTHING in painful detail. She’s been like a therapist/best friend/sister all wrapped into one. I guess my ADD has served me well…in that, I’ve forgotten a lot of the crazy jazz that we went through and what I do remember is usually cased in a gracious amount of laughter. So, Jamie, here’s to your birthday. (I’m holding up my glass of wine…and I’ve ordered Gina an apple martini). I love you like no other. I thank you being to me what noone else could have been. I thank you that you know my story and love me anyway. I think Gina still holds a grudge against you for always making her be Haus’s wife when we played Bonanza. Oh course, you always got Little Joe….which left me with Adam. But all grudges aside, I apologize that I didn’t manage to video myself singing Satin Sheets for your big day. I think you’ll like this one though. We know all the words. I’m singing it realloud.
I’m gettin’ my ‘stretch’ on……
Don’t mind me. I’m just gonna practice my resizing skillz in photobucket…….
My little baby Grace is not a baby anymore….
I know you’re gonna think I’m biased, but Taylor’s band has a new CD out….which is not yet available for purchase…but which I have downloaded onto my iPod…..oh.my.word. It is fantastic. I love ‘running’ to it. It’s hard to believe that it’s someone I know and love….let alone my own son. Very surreal!
Caiti and her dear sweet friend Morgan. Caiti and I raced each other in some dandy indoor go-carts. I put up a mean fight, but she took me down. I saw her texting her victory to a friend who replied to her, “What are doing at Fun Expedition racing go-carts with your mom on Friday night?”
My mantle….which won a day of glory at Christmas….is feeling a little sad and undecorated. What should I do to it next? Although really, I do kinda like it just like this. Maybe I’ll paint it. Who knows.
The girls had to make up a sentence using the homonyms ant/aunt and deer/dear. Here’s what they came up with.
As you know, I’ve hit a little rough patch in the homeschooling. This is Stevie looking for ‘help’ for me on the board at Waffle House. I must really seem desperate. Very thoughtful though.
Maybe my favorite picture of Emme….which took up a whole page originally and then when I resized it smaller…..turned out like this.
Yeah, now I have to limit the TV time of the new puppy. He LOVES watching the Dog Whisperer.