My time is running out. I feel the pressure of the days swiftly being hurled at me like an oncoming freight train. He graduates in 86 days. And I’m not ready. Not by a long shot. But as I gather the pictures and cards and awards and songs to try and make some memories live for him, I find comfort in his ‘things’…..the things that remind me so vividly of his impact on my life. I’m letting you peak in on my work before I’m done, but I thought I’d share a few things I found and a few things I’m creating.
This picture was taken when Taylor was six so that makes this little ‘letter’ I wrote to him 12 years old. I don’t think I’d change a thing.
Dear Taylor,
The joy you have brought to my life and to this family is immeasurable. I am so blessed to be your mother and to have the privilege to teach and nurture you. You tug at my heartstrings with your smile and your adorable sense of humor. Thank you for being so teachable.
-so eager to learn and eager to please. I love your sensitivity to others and how you place others before yourself.
I pray that as you grow and learn, we will have the wisdom to love you unconditionally, to praise your many wonderful attributes and to carefully help you recognize and correct your shortcomings.
Because I know we are human and will fail, I pray mostly that God in His wisdom, will make up the difference and give you what we, in our frailty, could not.
I love you, Mom.

…..and made a 2 page spread of one of his concerts.

And then I got a few of the Cd’s ready to mail.

and put some of his pictures to music….his own music…..a song he wrote called ‘I’m Not a King’.
And then like a good strong southern mama, I dried my tears and made biscuits and gravy (at Caiti’s request) because we’re making memories here.