First, peak in on my project but be careful….there’s stuff everywhere!
My cabinet project is going well. I’m taking the cabinet doors off and embracing open shelving. They are soaking in SEVERAL coats of ‘Roman column’ paint from Sherwin Williams. The bottom cabinets are a nice hue of blue and they will be sanded and distressed.

Now back to the list of 100 hundred things you never wanted to know. For editions 1 and 2, go here and here.
41. I speak from experience when I say that having children who are compliant can give you the false sense that you are an extraordinary specimen of a mother. And on the contrary, having strong willed children will have you convinced that you are not capable of parenting at all. I have both varieties in my little family. Until you’ve parented a strong willed child, it would be wise to save all your statements that start with “Well, if that was my child, I’d….”. Give people the benefit of the doubt and spend the time you might judge them–saying a prayer for them instead. This is no task for the faint of heart. And grace and mercy need abound.
42. My favorite color is tiffany blue. I have plans to paint my craft room that color. Last year, my favorite color was orange. I’m wishy washy like that.
43. My favorite southern city is Charleston. My favorite northeastern city is Boston. My favorite midwestern city is Chicago. My favorite place to spend time in the summer: on the lakes of Minnesota.
44. I dream of lazy days reading and baking and making crafts with my children while the smell of clean laundry and fresh bread tickles my nose. No wait, that’s what I get to do everyday. Someone pinch me.
45. My favorite tree is the southern magnolia. It looks beautiful and stately in the yard and its branches frequently adorn my tables inside. Neither Emme nor I, however, like the smell of magnolia.
46. If I could live during any historical time period, it would be colonial America. Maybe that’s why I love Boston so much. I would assume the role of Abigail Adams.
47. My favorite movie is The Notebook . Or maybe Office Space. I also love Steel Magnolias and Little Women. And The John Adams series. And of course Coal Miner’s Daughter. Then there’s Slingblade. And Pride and Predjudice. Picking one thing has never been my strong suit.
48. Steve introduced me to Martin Luther and bird watching. I introduced him to C.S. Lewis and cornbread. I’d call that even.
60. I once glued someone’s eye shut when I worked in the ER. It’s a good story. Maybe I’ll tell ya sometime. Suffice it to say, I will never live that one down and as it turns out, an opthamologist told me “Aw, don’t worry, people do that accidentally with super glue all the time. It’ll come out in a few days.” Maybe the public is safer with me here at home!