In this episode we’re talking about you being the victim, why this might not be serving you, and how to stop. We’re talking about victim mentality and I think this affects a lot of us.
- My victim story I loved to tell myself and anyone who would listen
- There is just as much evidence that you are a warrior as there is that you are a victim.
- What I choose to believe now about my story and what you should believe about yours.
- When we carry the weight of our past we can’t carry anything else.
- The heavy things we are really meant to carry.
- Why it is worth retelling your story.
People and Companies We Mentioned in this episode
This episode is sponsored by my new coaching program, the Life Mentoring School, launching on August 26th. You might be a good candidate if you have big dreams for 2019. If you want to be better than you’ve ever been, if you want to live with more peace and joy and love, if you want to get more done with ease and grace, if you want to live with more peace and joy and love, if you want to be a better wife ad mama and friend, you want to be stronger and healthier, you want to do meaningful work that matters, you want to move past the hurts and the wounds that have held you back. I’m here to help! I will be your mentor. Let’s make this your best year yet. Join my Life Mentoring School monthly membership coaching program, which opens on August 26th for the only time that we will open enrollment this year, and I will see you inside. I can’t wait to watch you change your life.
Get on the waiting list here: Life Mentoring School
I talked about one of my favorite books today. Get it here:
12 Rules For Life An Antidode For Chaos by Jordan Peterson
Thanks so much for tuning in. Join us again next week for another episode!
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