I had every intention of showing you my ‘redecorranged’ bathroom today. It’ll have to wait. My son, who is JUST FINE, was hit by a drunk driver on the interstate late last night. He walked away unscathed from a potentially life-threatening accident. That kind of news changes your plans. It changes the way you look at your children. It changes the color of the dogwoods. It makes all things new.

the strength of your beliefs,

the things that remind me of the little boy in you,

the amazing songs you write,

those baby blues,

and the sweet sound of your voice.

God has given me a gift. I am blessed beyond measure to be your mother. And I see you with new eyes today. I will pray for you from a vulnerable heart. I will cry tears of joy and purpose to be thankful.

And when the time comes—- and it’s coming very soon—-to let you go……..

I will remember that you are the Lord’s planting……entrusted to me but for a little time. May he multiply the days, restore the years, keep you safe and give the growth. And may you become ‘an oak of righteousness’ for His sake and His glory. Strong and true.

I couldn’t be more proud. Love you long time,