I’m joining the Nester’s Price My Space party with my newly redecorranged breakfast room. (I just moved stuff around, nothing new here).
- Slightly damaged armoire that I bought 8 years ago for $150 at a local furniture sale. I love this beastly mammoth and just moved it from my dining room by myself (in a rare burst of hulk strength) to make room for a new piece I bought for my dining room. I kinda like it here, even though it doesn’t truly fit in the space. I’ve also entertained moving it the bedroom to store cute sweaters and shoes.
- French distressed table and chairs—bought 11 years ago for $1100. I think that was the most I had spent on furniture at that point in my life, but it’s been such a great investment. I still love the set and have resisted painting it many times. It’s beautiful, comfortable and just the perfect size for a breakfast room.
- IKEA window treatment–$39 for the pair! I love this pattern and it coordinates so well with my newly painted kitchen cabinets.
- Original oil artwork—-I love this artist—whose name I can’t remember or decipher–and have several pieces of her work. (I know it’s a she and she’s French.) I bought this for around $100 at an Art Finds home show. Look up the company online and attend a show if you can. They have great stuff at a fraction of the price you’d normally pay for original oil paintings.
- Various plates from TJ Maxx—I’m gonna guess around $40 for all of them. I bought several of them in the last few months on clearance and LOVE them all!
- Striped pillows from TJ Maxx–$6 each on clearance for a total of $24 . I had these in the guest room at my lake cottage. The colors work perfect here with my new kitchen.
Drum roll please: Total for breakfast room $1410. The lion’s share of the money is on seating, which Mrs. Nester tells me is how it should be.
Just for fun, I thought I’d show you, using Polyvore, what my new living room furniture (that I bought recently at a high-end furniture store for unbelievable close-out prices) sorta looks like (the colors at least). I bought ~$30,000 worth of furniture for $6500. 12 pieces in all, I think. I don’t have a blue armoire but am contemplating painting mine, and given the other colors in the furniture, I’m leaning to jewel blue paint or dark charcoal stain. You wood purists are gonna tell me to stain it, I just know it. Remember I’m painting the walls creamy-white. Whadya think?
Tune in later this week for more on my Creating an Environment of Learning series and a few peeks at my new furniture. You will definitely want to visit the Price My Space party for lots more fun. And I can’t say enough ‘thank-yous’ to the Nester for so generously sharing her creative life with us. She has set a high standard for how to positively use this blogging world to help and encourage each other.