{glazed apple bars} and a friendly family feud
I found this {glazed apple bar} recipe at Meg’s blog. I will repost it here for the ease of my readers but please visit her site and be amazed and inspired. I am posting it for two reasons. One is because they are absolutely delicious—made with a short bread crust, then a layer of apples, sugar and cinnamon, and then topped with shortbread crumbles. Divine, I tell you. Divine.
But a little family feud {I think I said ‘violent conversation’ on facebook} ensued about whether or not these bars are better than apple pie. To be fair to my husband, he was reared by a woman who makes the best pies I have ever tasted in my life. This woman knows the temperamental nature of pie crust {and dough in general} like nobody’s business. She has a sixth sense about all baked things. She makes comments about the humidity is affecting her crust and the tapioca pearls are not quiet the right size. She is the pie whisperer. So, for the sake of our argument, I think I’m going to have to exclude her pies from this discussion. Because we can only get her pies about once or twice a year. Unfortunately for me, in this battle of the baked goods, he just had her pie a few weeks ago.
Here’s a snippet of a recent conversation about the apple bar/apple pie showdown:
Me: Honey, did you taste the apple bars I made today?
Stevie: {engrossed in his iPhone and watching Glen Beck and therefore doesn’t look up to answer} Um-hum.
Me: Well?
Stevie: They’re alright. {looks up at me, thinking that the ‘alright’ might get him in trouble}. Yeah, they’re pretty good.
Me: Whaaaaatt? Pretty good? Really? Because I think they’re possibly the best non-chocolate baked good I’ve ever tasted. Even better than apple pie.
Stevie: {he laughs uncontrollably} Better than apple pie? Are you kidding me? That’s outright blasphemy.
Me: Okay, well maybe not your mother’s apple pie but it’s better than every other apple pie.
Stevie: Iiiiiii don’t think so.
Me: What bite did you taste?
Stevie: What do you mean, what bite did I taste?
Me: I mean, was it a bite from the edge where there were not as many apples? Did you try a whole piece or just a bite? Did your ‘bite’ have the shortbread crumbles on it or was a stripped down bite?
Stevie: {looking at me and realizing that I’m armed for battle here—-and hoping to pacify me, put this all behind him and finish watching his news in peace} You know what, it was just a bite from the edge. I’m sure the rest of it is just as wonderful as you say.
And to be fair, he did love it once he had the complete apple bar experience. But I wouldn’t let it go. So, I took a plateful of them to the dance studio {where my girls dance and I sit and knit and chitty-chat} and passed them out to get the response of the public at large.
The results of my intense double blind study: woman prefer them to apple pie and men do not.
In fact, one of the men ate the bar, said it was ‘good’ and then proceeded to eat a whole, raw apple. That would not be my first inclination after eating these buttery delicious bars but whatever. Marcus {Steve’s son and self-proclaimed foodie} responded to my facebook update about this ongoing apple battle and said he would be the judge when he comes to visit this weekend. I’m a little nervous. Because Marcus just had the best apple pie in the known world too. But I’ll report the results to you without bias.
I think you should make them and weigh in. {although don’t literally ‘weigh in’ because they have 3 sticks of butter)
Here’s the recipe:
{glazed apple bars}
First you combine 4 C. flour, 1/2 t. salt and 2 C. sugar.
Then, cut in 3 sticks of butter. The mixture will be crumbly and Meg recommends you use your hands. I wholeheartedly agree. I first tried my mixer and it didn’t work well. Press about 2/3’s of this crumbly mixture into a jelly roll pan.
Peel, core and slice 4-5 Granny smith apples and layer over the shortbread mixture.
Combine 1/3 C. sugar and 1 t. cinnamon, sprinkle it over the apples.
Crumble the remaining flour/sugar/butter mixture on top of the apples.
Bake it at 350 degrees for 50 – 60 minutes…until it is crispy on the bottom.
After it bakes, let it cool.
Make a glaze with 1 C. powdered sugar, 1 t. vanilla, 1 T. water.
12 Days Tutorials Teaser
p.s. I loved your ‘uni’ stories! y’all are funny.
So, what does your winter uniform look like?
As the cooler weather sets in and I am rummaging through my closet to find my boyfriend lounge pants, I am reminded of this post from last winter and thought I’d share it today. It’s another tribute to my love for make up. I am indeed a southern girl through and through. Visit my friend Denise’s blog and laugh and cry with her as she shares her trip to the MAC counter.
I have a good reason for posting these pictures. I’ll tell you momentarily.
First, let me say that one of the major roadblocks for me when I was deciding to homeschool was what I’d like to call the denim jumper road block. Or what I call the ‘buns and jumpers’ factor. I do not own a denim jumper and if I did, trust me, I would not wear it well. I envisioned that everyone who homeschools wears denim jumpers and tight librarian buns and grows their own wheat and takes vows against electronics and laughter and makeup; none of which I was willing to do. Imagine my surprise when , after reading a few hundred blogs, I realized that it takes all kinds.
As it turns out, ex-doctor/ADD/obsessed with all things fashion and decorating/ moms like me have our little niche in the homeschooling world. I found that there are in fact plenty of fun-loving, hip, classical- book loving women who have journeyed out into the homeschooling wilderness with nothing but our dry erase boards, laptops, lip gloss, a lot of good books.
So I don’t judge anymore. I’ve lost every judging right there is. I wear a loose (fairly fun and fancy free) bun almost everyday and my own special ‘uniform’—–lounge pants with a limited variety of tops. My very own version of buns and jumpers.
So scroll back up to the top and see my bun and then take a gander at the top half of my uniform. There you have it. Maybe I’ve just given up. Or at least given in—-to comfort.
Please advise…… before I start selling all my clothes and boots on Ebay. Is this a phase? Am I just taking advantage of wearing lounge pants because I can. Will I grow weary of lookin’ like a lazy college student who doesn’t understand that PINK flannel PJ bottoms does not constitute proper outerwear? BTW, there is nothing more disappointing to any husband than to see a Victoria Secret bag that houses oversized lounge pants and a hoodie. Look on the bright side, it could be worse. It could be a matching track suit. I see a good new years resolution coming on here.
And if I seem a little over-dressed for church…..well, cut me a little slack. I’m making up for a weeks’ worth of lounge pants. If it’s any consolation, I’m still wearin’ plenty of makeup. And all manner of hair products. When that ceases, by all means, intervene.
What do ya get when you take two girls thriftin’ downtown?
A little bit of this……
todays’ treasures total $28
So you don’t start calling me Fatty McButter Pants…..
…….I’m trying to get back into my fitness routine. Summer stress and difficult goodbyes has put a bit of a damper on my running and bit of muffin top on my yoga pants. Nothing motivates me more than a fresh playlist on my iPod. Here’s what currently playing:
1. Long Way Home :: Nora Jones (if that seems like a slow running song, it is)
2. Blue Eyes :: Cary Brothers (if that seems like slow running song…..you get the idea)
3. Creepin’ In :: Nora Jones (yeah, it’s not that fast either)
4. Her Name Was December and Lives Entwined :: both on the new EP from Matthew Mayfield—he is definitely my favorite new artist of 2009
5. Fair ::Remy Zero (you know how sometimes the music—even more than the exact words—speak something to your soul—-that you can’t even fully explain—-like the song ‘gets you’ ?)
6. All of the fantastic programming from Issues Etc!
Now, you tell me, what’s playing on you iPod these days?
7. Brandi Carlile’s new CD is out, what I’ve listened to so far is fabulous!
And, lest I should forget to thank you for all your kind remarks and responses to the giveaway,
And thanks to Ms.Lisa for sponsoring a giveaway for us!
The winner of Lisa’s ‘my heart’ necklace, chosen by the random number generator, is
from Lady Dunbar Living Life Intentionally. Visit her blog here and see her adorable boys!