remember this sweater and vintage skirt
that I hacked up to make a dress for blissdom?
well, i didn’t finish it.
i basted it together and threw it in my suitcase
hoping to shop and find a real dress
before i got here.
i’ve been having way too much fun with all my
new/old blog friends to shop
–and tweeted this picture right before we left
for the harry connick jr concert
and i ended the tweet with ‘don’t pull on it’
because this dress was literally hanging
by a thread.
to my pleasant surprise my twitter-savvy-hunk
of-a-husband, who
is currently attending a very serious church meeting
in atlanta, tweeted me back with this:
i am still chuckling
and greatly anticipating my arrival back home.
post-edit: my great friend patty at blessed moon, who I begged to come to blissdom with me, is having a “i’m not at blissdom blog-hop” where you can introduce yourself and link up, so go and introduce yourself and link up! see you soon with lots of blissdom pics. i wish you all were here.