So, how long have you and I been going steady? Like 3 years, I think?
Well, except for that time you broke up with me when I posted about Loretta Lynn.
And okay, the mullet made you a little uncomfortable. And the bluegrass.
But all and all, we’re pretty solid, you and I. I would totally hold your hair back in a crisis. I adore you. I do.
So, I wanted to say thank you. For meeting me here so faithfully after all this time, through all these trials and all this joy.
For rescuing me from despair when my life fell apart.
I am so humbled that you come. And that you make it okay for us to be who we are.
You are like family to me. I couldn’t be more blessed by having you in my life.
A few goodies and links to say thank you!
I made this banner 2 Thanksgivings and 2 kitchens ago and hope to make time to print it out again this year. Link up in the comments if you print it and post about it!
The pdf files for the letter are here for you to download and print.
G in Give
I in Give
V in Give
E in Give
T in Thanks
H in Thanks
A in Thanks
N in Thanks
K in THanks
S in THanks
Here are some links of food I’m making, in case you need a few last minute ideas.
Obviously, this list isn’t complete. At least my family hopes not.
But these were easy to find and I hope all your dishes are wonderful and tasty!
Chocolate Banana Cream Pie by Emeril—don’t make it until Thursday, it doesn’t ‘keep’ well.
Green Bean Casserole–-Alton Brown (an alternative to the cream of mushroom version)
Red Velvet Cake—Cuisine at Home (I’m making the one from Cuisine at Home, which has no online link but it’s close to the one I linked to. It’s made in 2 8×8 pans and then the cakes are sliced in half to make a 4 layer cake. The sides aren’t frosted so you can see the red—it looks amazing! I made the cakes already and froze them and will ice them on Thursday.)
Parker House Rolls—Martha Stewart (I make these every year and they are amazing!) Make on Thursday.
Vicki’s Olive Salsa—appetizer (Stevie LOVES olives and thinks it’s a downright disgrace not to have olives on the Thanksgiving table.)
Crab Rangoon Dip—appy (new for me this year)
Oyster Dressing-–Pioneer Woman (I make sausage dressing too but I LOVE oyster dressing and so does Grannie. And I think we’re the only two but try it and lemme know!)
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins—I already need to make another batch! They disappear so fast and are perfect for a lazy after-Holiday breakfast!
And here’s my fail proof turkey method—–LOW and SLOW. We don’t eat until 6 pm so my timing is based on that. If you plan to eat at noon, you need to put that baby in the oven at 2 or 3 am.
I start with a 20-22 pound turkey and soak it in a salt water/apple juice brine either overnight or at least for a few hours. (about a half handful of salt and one container of apple juice and then submerse in your sink by filling the rest with water. At 6 am, I turn the oven on 300 while I prepare the turkey. I pat the turkey dry and stuff it with sausage stuffing. I them rub softened butter over the outside skin. Put into the oven and leave at 300 for an hour and a half. Then reduce the temperature to 250 and cook for several hours. At around noon, I check it to see how we’re progressing. If it seems to be cooking along very well, I often turn the oven down to 200 and leave it for the rest of the afternoon. Sometimes, I turn it down to 200 but after checking it at 3 pm, if it’s not starting to fall apart, I increase the temp back up to 250. There has never been in the history of the world a juicier turkey.
It’s the key to all of life.
I leave you with this prayer for the home!
Lord God, our home is among the most precious gifts we receive in this life.
We realize this all the more as we remember our Lord Jesus. He set aside home and family. Having no place to lay His head throughout His ministry, he chose to sojourn among those He came to save. We prayerfully invite Him to dwell in our earthly abode even as He continually invites us by Word and Sacrament to dwell forever in our heavenly home, which He prepares for us.
Make us ever grateful for this shelter from life’s storms.
Keep this house always the home of comfort, joy, peace, and forgiveness.
According to Your will, protect this home from the spiritual assaults of Satan, but likewise make our home a fortress against the calamities of nature and the wickedness of sinful man.
Grant us the virtue of hospitality, the joy of harmonious living, and the blessing of gathering around Your Word and bringing our families’ prayers before You.
May all who dwell in our home be blessed by Your presence and Your peace,
and may all who go forth give thanks for the grace they receive from You, through us, Your dear children
We receive Your loving kindness in our home as a reminder of the eternal home we inherit through Your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.
{prayer taken from the Lutheran prayer book which can be purchased at Concordia Publishing House.}
Sweet blessings on your home this Thanksgiving season.