Hey, friends! I’m so honored that you are joining me in celebrating Advent this year! I’ll be posting devotionals nearly every day here!
Advent is a season of waiting.
A season of living in the tension, the joy, and the anticipation of Christ’s coming.
A season of reflection, of repentance.Every single Christmas morning that I can remember from my childhood, I would wake up at midnight or 1 a.m., or, if my mom was lucky, at 2 a.m. READY TO OPEN PRESENTS. And because she was so very kind and unable to tell a child no, she let me wake everyone else up—to have CHRISTMAS AT 1 O’CLOCK in the morning—my poor siblings!I don’t know what to tell you except that I’m not good at waiting, on ANYTHING.
I guess that’s why I’ve had my own struggles with Advent. Let’s just have Christmas already.
But there’s something about waiting that is good for me, good for us.
Advent is the pause before the chaos. The stillness before the noise. The repentance, the thankfulness, the mindfulness that is missing from so much of our world.
I need Advent so much.
I think we all do.
I will be sharing a devotional with you almost every day of Advent as we begin the liturgical church year and usher in the birth of Christ—the coming and breaking in of His humanity into our world, into our lives.
We will learn about the miracle of the incarnation, all it means to us, and how through this we then come into the lives of the people around us.
I hope our journey together will bring you a deeper understanding of Christ’s incarnation, His death and resurrection, and how His coming is FOR YOU—to bring you joy and unspeakable peace.
I also pray that it will inspire you to be a beacon of hope and light in this dark and broken world.
Our most gracious God, we pray for your blessings as we begin our Advent journey. Turn our hearts toward You. Forgive us our selfish preoccupations. Quiet us with Your words of comfort, peace and hope. As we anticipate Your coming in glory, remind us of Your humble ‘comings’ to us—as a baby in a manger, on a donkey into Jerusalem, as our Savior on the cross, as Your body and blood served at Your table, in the waters of baptism, and in Your most Holy Word.
Blessed Advent to you!
xoxo, Edie
Advent resources from my blog—https://www.lifeingraceblog.com/category/advent/
Issues, Etc, 1st Sunday of Advent podcast—http://issuesetc.org/guest/carl-fickenscher/
Advent podcasts—http://issuesetc.org/tag/advent/
Coming soon, more Advent resources!!!
Here’s our first video!