we’re serious about our handicrafts (aka crafts–but charlotte mason called ’em handicrafts—and i kinda like it).
never mind the hot glue gun being operated by minors in juxtaposition to the grilled cheese.
we’re busy, okay?
and we’re making a tutorial for you on rosettes.
these two girls-a-mine are rosette makin’ fools.
they’re taking their supplies on the road,
because well, we run a tight ship around here. (aka—-they fear boredom)
****as a side note, i think that’s one of the reasons i don’t love going out of town. i don’t have my books, my kitchen, my bed, my coffee, or access to handicrafts.
and then there’s all the packing and planning and schooling and cooking and cleaning and downloading and printing—-getting ready for pageant weekend.
so, working lunch it is.
fyi, we are (as in ‘I am’) making slimshady meatloaf (it’s really called ‘slim and trim’ but i like slimshady better), chicken gumbo and banana muffins to leave for stevie while we’re gone.
with that menu, think he’ll even miss us?
and i very well may be computer-less for 3 days. because mine won’t SHUT. remember that?
but if i can get my act together, you’ll have a post or two while we’re gone. that’s a BIG IF.
i loved all your suggestions about nashville/clarksville and i’m trying to work it all in. i regret to inform you that although i LOVE franklin as much as the next guy, i’m not sure i can work it in this visit. we’ll see.
now back to it.
oh and one more thing: know of any fabric stores in nashville? i’m looking for upholstery fabric for an ottoman.
and one more thing: wanna help me clean out my car? it may take a village.
goodbye and carry on.
Edie, you’re hilarious! Thanks for making me feel so at home with a mind that works as fast as mine. I was thinking, if you had an adapter you could plug up the hot glue gun and craft on the road. Ah, multi-tasking at it’s finest. Enjoy your trip!
God’s blessings,
Sarah 😀
Edie, you’re hilarious! Thanks for making me feel so at home with a mind that works as fast as mine. I was thinking, if you had an adapter you could plug up the hot glue gun and craft on the road. Ah, multi-tasking at it’s finest. Enjoy your trip!
God’s blessings,
Sarah 😀
Can’t wait to see the tutorial. Hey, where’s the link for the slimshady meatloaf?
I know you’ve posted before about your daily schedule with the girls….but how do you fit in such crafty fun?
I think our issue is that we all go to the gym first thing {as in around 8:30 am} and by the time we get home, we have to get BUSY getting it all in before 3, considering that they like to take about 30-45 minutes for lunch.
I really need to fit more FUN time into our schedule.
And….big question. do your girls get along really well?
Another something we’re working on is the boys’ relationship. They are POLAR opposite in personality so that adds to the issue.
ummmmm..you’re busy so this can wait until AFTER your trip…but I’d love some advice…..
this should have been a private email..
Hooray for ‘handicrafts’! That’s what my mother called it and although I’ve slipped into calling it ‘crafts’, I may go back to handicrafts for old time’s sake and to honor my very talented-with-her-hands mother. Thanks for the memory. Enjoy your handicrafts!
Try The Fabric House on Sidco Drive in Nashville. I think it’s wonderful!
i love peeking into your world
even if just for a working lunch
you’re awesome!
Can’t wait for the rosette tutorial. I’m just starting to make these, but I’d love to see how you make your rosettes.
i’m impressed with your daily blogging. i’m scared of hot glue guns. i always burn myself. but i want to make a rosette.
love this picture….shows us the PROCESS, not just the PRODUCT…. 🙂
any hope of the recipe for slimshady meatloaf??? sounds like a way to make a guy happy while protecting his arteries at the same time….. have a wonderful trip, Edie, and as always thanks so much.
The Fabric House off I65 and Harding Road. From the North, exit Harding Road from I-65 South and loop around to go east. You will see the sign for the Fabric House at the first Red Light.
I know there is another one but I can’t think right now.
Am working on a post for you for Best Buddies. Sorry I’m so late.
Ummmm Sis…You would be better off just burning your car to the ground instead of trying to clean it out!! Just sayin’. Love ya, have a fantabulous trip and I am soooo sad that I am not tagging along. This is a trip you shouldn’t have to do without me…so sad! Love ya bunches. Go Caiti girl…show them pageant girls a thing or two!!
i love the juxtaposition… you are training them well to multi-task! 🙂
hope you are enjoying the weekend. i’m in. officially. at 5:36 this morning. 🙂
i love the juxtaposition… you’re training them to multi-task! 🙂
i’m in. officially. at 5:36am. 🙂
You just never cease to amaze me or make me smile. On with the handicrafts, cooking and packing….