I almost fear telling you this because you will seriously know how CRAZY I have been, even from childhood.
Every single Christmas morning that I can remember, I would wake up at midnight, or 1am, or if my mom was lucky—at 2am. READY TO OPEN PRESENTS. And she was so kind and unable to tell a child no that she let me wake everybody else up. To have CHRISTMAS AT 1 O’CLOCK in the morning. My poor siblings. I don’t know what to tell you except that I’m not a good waiter, on ANYTHING.
I guess that’s why I’ve had my own struggles with Advent. Let’s just have Christmas already.
But there’s something about waiting that is good for me, good for us.
Advent is the pause before the chaos. The stillness before the noise. The repentance, the thankfulness, the mindfulness that is missing from so much of our world.
I need Advent so much.
I think we all do.
So, I’ve spent the few weeks reading and researching and brainstorming how to share my love for Advent with you. It’s my favorite season of the church year.
I have a few things that I hope you’ll love!
1. A downloadable guide!!! It’s free. Just go to http://thegiftsofadvent.com and get your copy of it. You’ll also get a few emails and videos throughout this month.
If you download it to your phone and then hold down on the document and SAVE IT TO NOTES, you can pull it up throughout this Advent season.
2. (Near) daily devotionals that I will share on Instagram and FB. You can use these to read at night as you light the Advent candle. It can be any candle. Don’t stress. A votive, whatever. Just light up the darkness, that’s all.
3. Live stream videos where we unwrap the gifts of Advent together. Follow me on Facebook to get notifications when new videos are posted. The first one is posted below!
4. Daily prompts for you to share your Advent gifts. Scroll to the 2nd photo to see the prompts! Use the hashtag #giftsofAdvent and we can find each other.
Here are the photo prompt ideas.
Blessed Advent to you, dear sisters.
These are gifts that are MEANT to be opened before Christmas!!!! p.s. SORRY Mama and Sister and Brother for all the sleep you lost at my expense.
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