“It seems to me that our three basic needs, for food and security and love, are so mixed and mingled and entwined that we cannot straightly think of one without the others. So it happens that when I write of hunger, I am really writing about love and the hunger for it, and warmth and the love of it and the hunger for it… and then the warmth and richness and fine reality of hunger satisfied… and it is all one.”
― M.F.K. Fisher, The Art of Eating
I spent last weekend writing the chapter in my book on feasting. I always knew that food and feeding people was important to me, dare I say, one of my constant obsessions. But writing about it made me realize why. It’s so important. It’s so essential to our humanity and to our faith. When Christ wants to impart his life to us, He feeds us. I found myself lost in the writing of MFK Fisher and I’m completely smitten with people who write about food so lovingly. (Tamar Adler comes to mind.) I also get completely lost in the mystery of Communion and what Christ is doing for us when He feeds us. Modern day miracle, if ever there was one.
It’s my favorite way to show love, too. It’s my favorite thing period.
After announcing my midlife crisis on Instagram and GETTING MY HAIR ALL CHOPPED OFF AND DIED PLATINUM, I took my awesome stylist David (proficient in both the psychological and technical aspects of midlife crisis hair) some of this bread as way of saying thank you for dealing with the likes of me for 4 hours while I teetered on emotional instability. Some say don’t make a big change like that while you’re under stress (hello dear book) but I say it’s like getting your hair done when you’re pregnant. In other words, it might save people you love from harm.
Here’s the after, inspired by Becki from WhippyCake. It’s not quite a long pixie and not quite platinum but these things take time, dear ones.
(right after I had it done)
(this morning after Rod Stewart left the building) (I really like it curled)
(pardon my poor selfie taking ability)
I’ve been known to have major meltdowns after poorly chosen hairstyles so I was bracing for the worst. The only time I’ve come close to tears so far in this decision is when I woke up this morning and looked like Rod Stewart. Other than that, I think I love it! And thank you for all your support. I’m still in a fragile and vulnerable state. Also of note? The disposable income which I have heretofore spent on books shall now be spent on hair products. Please be patient as I become blonder and dumber. Amen.
So, on to chocolate chip pumpkin bread. I know we have chocolate chip pumpkin muffins, but sometimes we’re too lazy to scoop things into muffin pans, am I right? Or perhaps our hair routine will now take time and we’ll need to go the easy route. I just like having my options.
Here’s what you need:
Preheat oven to 350 and grease 2 loaf pans.
- 4 eggs
- 2 3/4 cups sugar
- 1 cup oil
- 1 can pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie mix)
- 3 1/2 cups all purpose flour (can use up to 1 cup of whole wheat in substitution)
- 1/3 cup water
- 1 1/2 t salt
- 2 t soda
- 1-2 t cinnamon (I use two)
- 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
Here’s what you’ll do
- Mix eggs, sugar, and oil and mix well with mixer
- Add pumpkin and then slowly add flour, water, salt, soda and cinnamon
- Mix that together well and then add chocolate chips
- Divide evenly between two loaf pans and bake at 350 for 55-60 minutes until a toothpick comes out clear from the middle
Enjoy warm with butter and be sure to take some to your stylist when you get your midlife crisis hair!
edie aka Rod Stewart in early mornings
cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute hair. love it!♥
Oh, I love your new look!! How fun and sassy.
I am quickly becoming addicted to your blog. You make me laugh out loud with your sense of humor, I keep making your recipes (seriously, I hardly ever make new things and I think two of the three things I’ve made from an actual recipe lately have been from you), and I love, LOVE, the spiritual encouragement and wisdom you share.
(Plus, you’re a blogger who’s also LCMS. There aren’t many of us out there. 😉 )
So this is just me saying HI and can we meet in person someday please? Like this side of eternity? 🙂
Thanks for all you do!!
Hi Edie,
I’m not sure what “soda” means in your recipe. Will you clarify?
I’m assuming baking soda.
Baking soda –
Oh dearest Edie- I love your new do! I’ve also been known to freak out over my brilliant hair cut ideas! I once went from halfway down my back to 2″ long hair. Yikes!! That one took awhile to recover from.
You look lovely! I actually looked at your blog-photo and think the two looks (messy bun and shorter new do) are similar from the front. I bet it looks smashing from the side and back (which is what we short-haired girls can’t see when we look in the mirror and is a highlight of a great short cut). Midlife is an invitation to live a little…way to grow with a cut! I hope you love it. Thanks for sharing this slice of life with your readers. I have had way too much fun awaiting the “after” photo.
I love it! You’re right, from the front it’s not all that different. I adore short hair, so fresh and less fussy! You look fabulous! Thank you for sharing!
Edie! My Soul Sista. Just got my midlife hairdo too. =)
I’m loving it. Yours looks adorable. Enjoy the change.
I adore this quote. Speaks to my heart as I am enriched by feeding those I love too. Thanks for another winner. Write on my dear! Xo
I think it looks sophisticated and perfect for you. I know of the stress of hair cutting and new styles. Is that part of having a beautician for a mama? I think it may be. Mercy it’s time for a haircut and I’m dreading it. Three weeks to the wedding of my son and I’m petrified of change. Deep breath. I think I’m having a panic attack just thinking of it. I could use some hand holding. Did anyone go with you?
more pictures!
Love the hair, love Rod Stewart and love this blog!
Dear Edie,
I have been following your blog
from Maine for several years
now, have learned so much from
My computer has early morning
coffee spit laughter stains all over
the screen as well as the keyboard
from your humor, you are one of
the funniest most gracious loving
people that I know….
After reading about your holiday
gatherings, as well as how you
entertain, the hours and days of
preparation, and the love that you
give each and everyone, I think to
myself, ” How lucky are they!”
Read your blog today, I love the
new do, and the color too!!!!
Have a great afternoon…
Thank you for being you,
I love your hair! I have been swooning over the pixie cuts, but unfortunately have three rogue cowlicks that makes my hairstylist earn her tips just keeping mine in a short bob. As for the color..wow! I’m taking notes for my old-life crisis (already had a mid-life one over a decade ago).
It looks good! I want to see more pictures. The pixie haircut is a symbol of a brave, fun, daring woman.
And hey, the only dumb blondes I’ve ever met are brunettes who’ve bleached in attempt to live up to the stereotype 😉
Gorgeous, dear lady, gorgeous!
I love it!!!!!
Love, love the cut. And I’m with others above…more pics!
Also, for the recipe: one can of pumpkin. Can you clarify what size can? 29 oz? Would love to make these soon!
Oh girl. It is GOOD.
I wondered what all those Whippy Cake pins were about. 😉
An Even Worse Selfie Taker
Need to try the pumpkin bread , downloaded your e book and trying the pumpkin soup and made the chocolate chip cookies this am 🙂 very differnt from other recipes I have tried but love them !!! Thanks for sharing with other ” ama de casa” women😜 love the Spanish translation …. Lover of home and that’s definitely me.
You look amazing and hot! And you do not need even need the makeup. Enjoy the new do and new you!
Rock on Little Mama.
(bet ya start a trend)
A few weeks ago I was thinking you could really rock shorter hair and was I ever right! You look amazing!!!
I’m considering a loooong road trip to your neck of the woods to visit your stylist!! 😉
LOVE the hair…esp. curled!!
Your hair is very cute! It reminded me of this TRUE STORY: about 40 years ago after I had a new haircut, my then 4 year old youngest son looked up at me in church, and with a straight face said, ” Mama, you look just like Rod Stewart.”
Love the hair cut! Im past midlife unless I live to 114 years, but I sure love my pixie cut also. I really appreciate your blog, mostly your heart and especially your honesty.
Love the new you!
YOU are BEAUTIFUL!! Love your new hair and your blog:)
Love the new do! It’s sensational!
I love your new haircut, the color and the makeup. Although I’m past midlife, I think we all need a change sometimes. I thoroughly enjoy your blog. You’re such an interesting person.
I LOVE YOU 🙂 and Rod too! You look FABULOUS! And I hear you about the hair products 🙂
It’s just one of the perks I miss being in a salon- You may be a lot of things Chicka, dumb blonde is NOT one of them 🙂
No melt downs here today…
I have to admit I am not a fan of short hair, no matter what the age of a woman, but on you it looks seriously cute! I really like it and that says alot coming from me! Love your blog, it inspires me so much!!
Okay, now I totally want to see your morning hair… I’ll show you mine – promise!
Vavavavoom. One hot mama. Only the bravest girls wear their hair short. I love it!
Whattttttttttttttttt??? I thought you were a natural blonde!
Cute cut…. enjoy it. You do know it will grow back, but I predict you’ll love the change so much that you’ll keep it.
LOVE the hair! Just got 7 inches cut off myself a month ago. I’m loving it. And I bought some hair products that Whippy Cake recommends. If you find any other hair products, PLEASE share!
I love the new do! Very hip and non-mid-life-crisis-esque. 🙂
Edie, You are rockin’ that pixie girl!!!!!!!!!! Such a cute style on you! And, I asked my hubby if he wanted me to try your Choc. Chip Pumpkin Bread and he didn’t miss a beat by saying…yes mam! He’s loved all the recipes of yours that I’ve tried! Have a lovely evening!
Living vicariously…….I love following someone else’s risky business….
Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! I love, love, LOVE your new hair!!!!!!!!!!
Your hair looks amazing!!!!
Oh Edie… you are too cute and you are going to spur a trend of women chopping off all their hair! I took off a good six inches and now I’m ready for even more!
thanks for this:
“Will I see you tonight, on a downtown train… every night, every night is just the same…. on a downtown train….”
Yay! I went to a pixie two years ago and will never, ever, ever, ever go back 🙂 My mother cried (I was 30…..) I also talked a friend into getting a pixie recently – welcome to the club!
I swear by Bumble & Bumbo sumo tech wax; their semi-sumo pomade may be better with your length, though. Go to Sephora and get lots and lots of different samples to play with! You can rewash and completely blow-dry in under 2 minutes if you don’t like something, because pixies are awesome.
Love the hair Edie!
I always seem to have to change jewelry (especially earrings) and tweak my makeup (what little I wear), when I chop my hair off. Cute cut/color. I’ll be interested to see how you make it yours.
I know you are busy, but could you please tell me what size can of pumpkin to use with this recipe? Thank you.
You did it! Yay. Way to try something new.
Love pumpkin chocolate chip bread. Looks fantastic! Pumpkin bread is definitely my favorite pumpkin indulgence.
Hi Edie, I typically love long hair on everyone but I gotta say, you made a great choice!! I love your new do – especially curled in that Meg Ryan way in the second picture. And also I just want you to know that I am buying your book the second it comes out. I know you’re busy fretting over whether or not we’ll love it but just know that we will 🙂 Your blog posts alone have inspired me so much as a young mama and I’m currently walking through a hard season of life – you are such an encouragement to me that life goes on and beauty is born from ashes – thank you!
p.s. – is it too early to suggest that you write a cook book next??
You look like a Rock Star!!!! Not Rod Stewart– WAAAYYYY better! Gorgeous!!!
**I think I will try this pumpkin bread…
LOVE…LOVE…LOVE the hair! I have always loved Becki at Whippycake’s hair and style! It takes so much courage to make a change and sometimes even something as superficial as hair can cause tons of anxiety. Good for you to have gone for it…I think it so suits you, your home (because I think our homes are really a reflection of who we are so they should go together, right? lol) and there’s nothing like a fresh look! Enjoy and have fun…it’s kinda freeing isn’t it??? 🙂
You tickle me so and I love you for it!
Your hair rocks ,Rod!!
Looks great on you!!
You go girl! So cute!
First, you look incredible! That mid-life crisis hair is gorgeous on you! Don’t doubt your decision!
Second, when you referred to Rod Stewart leaving the building……my first thought was NOT what you meant at all.
Honestly, I thought you looked like a killer ess-ee-exx pot!!! And that “Rod Stewart” was your red hot lover (hubby) leaving the building (home). Crazy, I know. Sorry — my mid-life brain is not what she used to be.
Love it! I found as I hit 40 and then plus…my hair has gotten blonder and blonder. I got to the platinum and now I’m adding the whole ‘low light’ thing. I don’t know…I’m pretty much at my hair dressers mercy. I’m sure I made her day when I walked in and proclaimed I wanted hair the color of Jennifer Aniston. {I think I detected a sigh}…but she was patient and has kept my very own crisis to a minimum. 🙂 {After I heard her sigh I said..”can you just cover the grays”}-We were friends again.
You are beautiful and magically younger! Love it – change is good:)
Looking good!! Shows off your lovely features, really! Yep, totally understand the “stressed out” hair thing…done it many times myself.
Yea! It looks great Edie! As they say “it’s all in the cut”. I also think the color is fantastic.
I bit the bullet and got my “chopped” in July. It took 3 cuts to get it short enough. My wonderful hair dresser was afraid I was being to drastic. But I KNEW it was time. It has always had to be either long or short for me. In between just doesn’t seem to work.
Happy, Happy Autumn!
I have short hair and my theory is that the degree of bed head is directly related to the quality of sleep. And my hair says I sleep goooood! If I was brave I’d take a picture….
Oh, I wrestle around like nobody’s business.
And my hair is a testament!!
Go shorter…….go shorter……go shorter!!!!!
Get a little shine on your hair.
You are past adorable…….smile and enjoy this phase. own that short hair!!!!! Your personality can def pull it off……….now, where is that beautiful smile????
OH you’d be so proud! Went a little shorter yesterday!
I think I like it better but the shock of it is still pretty raw!!
Thank you!
I am just now getting the opportunity to catch up on your blog. I love your hair!! So awesome, and you are too funny. I love your sense of humor. I was laughing out loud. We are definitely kindred.
Edie- I have been reading for a while now and never commented- so even though I’m late to this post, I’m still going to leave you a note!
First, my life-long hair dream has been to go platinum blonde, so yay to you!
Secondly and more importantly- you’ve really helped me foster a better love for feeding those I love and I want to thank you for that! Your pizza crust is my one and only go to for pizza night. Also, this year I decided to go ahead and give your pumpkin chocolate chip muffins a try (I hadn’t before because I already had a couple go-to recipes). They are currently baking in my oven for the third time in as many weeks, in fun Halloween liners so we can have even more fun sharing them with friends.
The writing, baking, photography, relationship with Christ, family fun- ultimately, can I please be you when I grow up?
Awwww, you’re so kind. And thank you for making my day.
Mucho love right back to ya.
And? You should do that platinum thing!!
Edie just reading this today, I am soooo with you on the hair! I cut off my long curly locks last feb, and have kept it shoulder length, however i kept looking at Michelle Williams blond pixie cut in magazines, Its just like yours, and I thought would I have the nerve to do it? Still have not made that decision , but I am getting another haircut today! It is liberating and fun to work with when its short, you become another persona of yourself. I love your cut , and may do it too one day!
I loooooove your haircut!! I just found your blog a couple of days ago and am in love with it….I am gradually cutting my shorter and shorter this year. I turned 40 in July and am trying to find a cut that isn’t too old or too young…this is hard! LOL!! I don’t think I can go as short as a full pixie with my heart-shaped face, but I like that your top and sides are a bit longer…. I am building my courage to get there..maybe within 2 more cuts! Whippycake is great inspiration~but she would be cute even if she shaved her head!! I just think your cut is precious on you and I know you are glad you took the plunge~ thanks for sharing all your hair angst with us! Blessings!
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