I posted this on Instagram this past Friday and was blown away by the number of comments, texts, emails, etc about all our #oldladyproblems associated with being 40-somethings. So, I thought I’d share a few thoughts on the subject! (If it’s any consolation, I like my 40 year old self way better than my 20 year old self. I’m way more interesting now, despite the fact that the body can’t keep up as well!) My favorite line about the 40’s, borrowed from Toby Keith and my father in law?
I ain’t as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was. ~Toby Keith
Here’s my advice for staying and feeling young and vibrant and healthy:
Learn something new
—Are you bored with your life? Are you tired of the same old/same old routine? Then, do something about it. It’s never been easier to learn something new. It keeps your brain from checking out and operating on autopilot. Surprise yourself and sign up for a class or check out a big stack of books from the library. I took quilting workshop this Wednesday with Anna Maria Horner and it was a dream come true for me. Was I a little nervous? YES! But mostly just excited to be around someone who is overflowing with gifts and creativity. I also love to cook and write and use social media for good so I take classes on those things and try to always keep learning. Reading is my favorite hobby and you can find some of my favorite books here.
Sweat More
—Now, you’re free to decide how to get your sweat on. I’m not the boss of you. But, there is nothing like working your body hard enough to be drenched in sweat. And guess what? Besides the fact that your knees and joints ache, you’ll feel like you’re 20 again. I’ve been running since I was 20 years old and now it requires SO MUCH high maintenance prep work to even get out on the pavement. I need the right shoes, the right orthotics, the perfect headphones, the perfect playlist, bubble gum, KT tape and about 6 different essential oils. BUT. It’s so worth it. I feel like myself when I’m exercising. Your body needs to move. So move it, baby!
Get More Sleep
—This may be the VERY most important advice I can give you. YOU NEED MORE SLEEP. Period. Go to bed earlier. There’s an old wive’s tale that says that every hour of sleep you get before midnight counts double. I believe it. You know that first wave of sleepiness you feel around 9 or 10? Listen to it. Be ready for bed by then. Don’t watch just one more episode. Jack Bauer will be there tomorrow, I promise. I don’t think I slept through the night in ten years until I started using Young Living’s amazing oils and products. Most night, I use Lavender oil in my diffuser or a dab under my nose and sleep LIKE A BABY. I also love Natural Calm (a Magnesium powder supplement) and love the way it calms my restless legs.
Pursue something creative
Want to know why people are drawn to musicians and artists? Because unlocking the creativity that lives within you is makes you come alive and we are drawn to people who are fully alive—people who have the courage to be vulnerable and to peel back the layers that are covering their truest selves. It’s downright irresistible. So use it to your advantage. Want to be more beautiful? Tap into the well of creativity that lives in you and people will see you differently. They will notice how your eyes like up when you talk and how passionate you are about what you do.
- Drink more water than you think is necessary—This is key to so many processes in your body. Your skin needs it, your hair needs it, your gallbladder needs it, you get the idea. Get a cute water bottle and keep it with you at all times. This is my favorite one and I love a drop or two of lemon or grapefruit oil in water to help cleanse my body first thing in the morning. You will drink more water if you get in the habit of using a water bottle, I promise.
- Eat food that is as close to God made it as possible—Lots of vegetables, fruit, lean meat, eggs, good fats, and less of all the stuff in the center of the grocery store. I used to always draw a picture of the grocery store for my patients and tell them to shop 90% from the perimeter. The processed/boxed/canned/packaged food is all in the center aisles so be very choosy about what you buy from there. And then cook your own food. It’s so therapeutic if you stay at it long enough to get pretty good. It’s a change of pace from your regular work day. Put on some good music and chop and sauté until your heart is content.
- Use less pharmaceuticals and more supplements—I am currently retired from medical practice, but when I did work, my goal was always to get folks off 90% of the meds they were currently taking. I know there are some things that require pharmaceuticals, but not as many as you think. And doctors can be the worst at perpetuating our overmedicated society. That said, I’m all for supplements and have even recently started some bio-identical hormone therapy for my waning hormone levels. I’m about 10 weeks into treatment with the Sottopelle injection and I’m loving it. I’m also using some bio-identical compounded progesterone cream as well. I feel like a MILLION BUCKS. No, wait, I feel like a 20 year old with a MILLION BUCKS. And I no longer want to cyclically hurt people, which is certainly a plus. I feel like myself again, like things are right in the world. I have that sense of well being back that had been lost for the last year or two. Don’t wait until you’re completely miserable to have your hormones checked. Do it soon, my dear 40 somethings! Also, I’m always on the hunt for the next best thing in supplements, so currently I’m taking a few Isagenix cleansing products, Fish Oil, Probiotics, Vitamin D3, Magnesium (Natural Calm before bed is the best supplement I’ve ever tried for relaxation, sleep, prevention of grinding your teeth at night, etc) There are tons of other supplements and I’m always reading about them and experimenting with them. Nothing beats good food, though, so don’t rely on meds or supplements to fix a horrible diet.
- Laugh more and quit taking yourself so seriously. Nothing is more depressing than someone without a sense of humor. Life is hard, yes, so all the more reason to ease the burden with laughter. I went to lunch last week with my girlfriends and they nearly ran us out of the restaurant because we were having way too much fun. Schedule a date with your funniest friends and laugh until you cry!
- Put a little effort into your appearance—I feel slightly dishonest saying that because I get ready in approximately 20 minutes. I’m faster than most guys. BUT. It’s important to take some pride in how we present ourselves to the world. Beauty is important to all of us. It’s not an afterthought. It matters more than we would like to think. And, it doesn’t have to break the bank. A few small changes can go a long way. Get a new haircut or some highlights. Find a few pieces of clothing that make you feel pretty. Whatever you do, get some jeans you love and that fit you perfect! I’ve been using StitchFix styling service for 7 or 8 months now and I’m totally loving it. You get five new items of clothing to choose from every month and if enough of your friends sign up with your referral code, you can get them free!
- If all else fails, get a spray tan—Didn’t lose that 5 pounds before the summer wedding? Get a spray tan. Feeling bloated and miserable the day before vacation? Get a spray tan. Celebrating the big birthday and nothing fits right? Get a spray tan. This is not a word of a lie—a spray tan is a temporary but glorious fix for whatever ails you. You will feel younger and healthier almost instantly. And your honey will be very intrigued about your dewy glow. VERY intrigued, indeed.
I love this quote from the book Captivating, because nothing is more attractive than a woman who makes herself available in vulnerable intimacy to others. Giving is the hallmark of beauty. That means that you are some of the most beautiful women I know. Thank you for so freely sharing yourself with others.
Okay, what are your secrets for staying young? I’ve got pen and paper in hand, but talk slow because you know, the arthritis and all.
I think you have to think young too. You are just as old as you think you are. You won’t find me outside doing cartwheels, but I won’t be shuffling around waiting on someone else to take care of me.
You are so right! Thank you for always being real!
Surround yourself with young friends by pouring into their lives. I’m in my third younger person’s wedding this fall and I’m surprised yet again by the request. I really do think it helps keep me young to know them!
At 43, I am finding that magnesuim and potassium have saved my sanity and life, also iodine for thyroid. I drink more water, I stopped coffee and I substitute a dandelion root tea in it’s place. I take a really good quality multivitamin, oil pulling in the morning, and I try to eat green at as many meals as possible…and no more wheat. I need more sleep. But all of this makes me feel better, and I have managed to lose some weight as well.
I enjoyed reading your article and all the comments. So many of the comments are from 40 somethings. I didn’t actually feel 58 until I read all your advice to each other for managing hot flashes. Then I realized I am on the “other side” of all this. My co-workers and I went through the change together and we were always swapping advice. One thing we all agreed on and laughed hilariously about is our “stick the leg out” remedy. It truly does work!! At least it did for ALL of us women at work. The method is thus: if you wake in the night with a hot flash or night sweat as they are called in the nighttime, stick your leg (just one leg) out from under the cover and you will immediately begin to cool off. We do not know why this works, but every single woman at work who tried it swore by it. I love being the age I am. For those looking down the 40’s road, enjoy the journey. Every decade has its own blessings and curses. Hopefully yours will be more blessings. I would not want to be 20 something again unless I could bring back with me all the wisdom of the 40’s, the patience of the 50’s . If being a parent didn’t teach you patience, being a grandparent will do the trick. Because then you have to be patient with your adult children as you watch them raise your grandkids and make all the mistakes you made yourself all over again. LOL Life if good. I always try to find joy in the journey. Laughter is the best medicine. Family is everything. Enjoy YOUR journey. Blessings.
All so true and wise, Carolyn!!
No doubt! I hear ya, …I just had a baby last fall and turned 40 in May. Not like birthing babies in my twenties, I’ll say that!! – – sleep is major, so is nutrition. Green smoothies everyday have changed my world. And my kids love them too, JACKPOT! Go to simplegreensmoothies.com for smoothie 101 basics. Helped me tons and now I can honestly say I get my greens and veggies/fruits in each day.
Drinking water, you’re right, is another biggie. So tough for me but getting easier. Cute cups/jars/mugs help with this and the smoothie drinking ; ) Also – acrylic stripey straws from HustleMama, genius. I loathe soggy paper straws. Anyhoo…cuteness counts in every aspect for making heathy fun!!!
Holla! to all the 40-somethings!
How I aim to stay young:
* Work out consistently (I’ve got a new blog series that started today on that.)
* Don’t dress like an old lady. (Fortunately my daughter is a good resource to keep me out of the old lady frump.)
* Date your husband. (Wink, Kiss, Flirt, Date Nights)
* Keep something creative going. (Been painting lately.)
* Good skin care. (I’m a Rodan + Fields consultant b/c it’s the best I’ve ever used.)
* Meditate on the Truth of God’s Word and Memorize it. (Keeps your spirit renewed and renewal is the key to anti-aging.)
* The supplement I consistently take: 5 – HTP
I started bio-identical hormones back in February, and I’m starting to feel like myself after a very long and debilitating hormonal depression! I’m so glad to hear that you approve of and even take them. My nutritionist is against them, as she thinks food/supplements cure all, but she wasn’t living in this miserable soul of mine. Thank God for BHRT. At 45, I do most of these things that you suggested, and people are always thinking that I’m my 22 year old’s sister!!
my md is against them…so a bit afraid of taking bhrt.
I have to tell you that I am loving my 40s!! I started using Advocare supplements the year I turned 40 and it changed everything. I started feeling better and then started eating better, exercising more, and lost about 45 pounds. I wasn’t the tired wife and mom anymore. I started dating my husband again and started spending more fun time with the kids. At 43, I am definitely enjoying this time in my life and feel young and healthy. My middle child said I look like I am still in my 20s – gotta love that sweet boy!! 🙂
I just started Advocare too and feel great!!! So glad to hear that Edie supports using supplements! 🙂
Hi Edie,
Love your blog and these suggestions! I would add that spending time with younger women helps me feel young. I want to be faithful in teaching younger women in accordance with the instructions from Titus 2. It’s often a surprise and delight to me that they want to spend time with me but I find it’s usually of mutual benefit. Younger women aren’t necessarily so bogged down with the cares and troubles of life that inevitably come to all of us as we age. So hopefully they benefit from the wisdom we have gained from following the Lord faithfully through the years and we benefit from their youth, vitality, and enthusiasm for life!
This might sound like a silly question but does a regular doctor prescribe hormone therapy? I’ve been avoiding doctors for a couple years. I’m 49 and am pretty sure my hormone levels must be low too. I’ll have to make an appointment soon. Thanks for encouraging me to take better care of myself.
I’m not Edie, but I take BHRT also. Yes, a reg. Dr. can prescribe them, but you just have to make sure they are familiar with them, b/c a lot of docs still prescribe regular HRT, which is NOT THE SAME. Just do some research to see what physicians in your area use that type of treatment.
ps. My keeping young tip is: Listen to your kids’ music….:)
Thanks k, I’ll look into it.
Love this. On my way to get the supplements you recommended…
Love this post…timely…As I am turning 39 Sat so almost there….it’s weird this ole transition mess;) but I do like myself better now, it’s just the work it takes to maintain the physical aspects of this aging body is A LOT!!! I am coming to terms w maybe having no more babies….is that desire ever quieted???;)and embracing/celebrating life with my sweet 3 babies and husband…praying about next phase…thanks for sharing…Mandy
Mandy, I thought I was “done” birthing babies at 37! And it was hard for me to feel that was my last baby at that age. I think it’s hard to think about that phase of life as ever being ‘over’ – I hear ya. Either way, each new phase with spouse/kids can be so rewarding – as I’m sure you already know, but sometimes extra encouragement helps!
Oh, and I’m now 40 with an eight month old. Never imagined that! …but never say never I guess! : )
Edie in the first comment Gwynne said she won’t be outside doing any cartwheels…..guess what? I did one yesterday and I’m 45. My husband said “come back and sit on the patio with me I don’t want to go to the ER today” hahaha. It felt good to do a cartwheel. Also, laughter is good for us 40 somethings!!
I just recently had a friend (hovering near 60) tell me (age 43) about bio-identical hormone therapy. I was fascinated but so wish that’s something insurance would cover, dangit! I promise I’ll save you money in the long-run, BCBS.
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This is the reason you may want to consider appointing a work injury
Love this! So right on with the advice! I am at the end of my 40’s and love, love, love this age. I would never go back to being 20 or even 30. I’m older, wiser and so much more comfortable in my skin today than ever before!
Oh Edie, I feel the same way you do or did with my hormones all out of wack! Started a new treatment a few weeks ago, but can’t tell any difference yet. Anyway, thanks so much for the encouragement! AND I’m going to be at the Anna Maria Horner quilting workshop on Wednesday! Can’t wait to learn something new and meet my favorite blogger, Edie! haha
Great advice Edie! I am in my mid sixties and have been trying to do most of your suggestions for years. I especially think the more water and more sleep are very important. I have been using a bio-identical hormone for almost 5 years and feel great, the drawback is that they are super expensive and by the middle of the year my cap on my ins is hit and it is mind boggling how much I have to pay. I tried lowering my dose and started back with symptoms.
I am not really trying to feel young anymore, …I like being a grandmother and want to age gracefully…..I almost feel sorry for people my age that want to be “youthful”. My husband and joke about being the crazy old people that count out change, or share meals and drive too slow….. for all you 40 year olds, it only gets better!!!!
p.s. sorry Edie, but I hate spray tans
“…my goal was always to get folks off 90% of the meds they were currently taking.” <—–That's how I spot a good doctor right there!
Edie, I turn 30 on Saturday and I loved reading this list! Great advice. When I turn 40 I want to be proud of how I lived my thirties.
I swear by fish oil, cured my postpartum blues. Just getting into probiotics. My mom bought me a bottle of Dr. Pickart's emu oil last year and I thought she was crazy until it erased a nasty scar, made my 30-year-old fine lines disappear and evened out my skin tone. {It might have also cured a diaper rash or too in this house.} We also pass up Neosporin for raw honey these days, that natural remedy is amazing and has even been known to treat gangrene.
This is why I love that you are such a natural remedies pushing doctor! I think that's great. All these tips were great. {Except the spray tan. I'm Swedish, I'd look like an oopma loompa!! I wear sunscreen everyday instead. I've come to terms with being pasty.} 😉
I’m sure you’re not pasty! 😉 Fair skin is beautiful!
I adore you more after this post than I already did and that’s saying something right there. I’ll be 40 in 1 year and 3 months. Not that I’m counting. You make it all seem like it’s gonna be OKAY. Love you for that. 🙂
I am 46 and I have truly enjoyed getting older. My grandmother lived to be 105, and was remarkably in good physical and mental shape. Here is the advice she gave to me:
1.) Never stop learning.
2.) Never stop moving. Get out and do something.
3.) Stop worrying, as there is only so much you can actually do about it.
4.) Talk to people that don’t always agree with you, as you may learn something.
5.) Serve others.
6.) Pray often and forgive often.
I like your grandmother’s advice, Leslie!
Great tips, Edie! How exciting to quilt with Anna Maria Horner!
Welp, it’s NOT good for a 50-year old to bake Monster Cookies – YIKES! Several straight from the oven on Saturday, a few more on Sunday after packing the rest up for a friend’s birthday gift, baked the rest today (note to self: no need to double the recipe!) and now I can’t drag myself off my duff. Tomorrow: back to eating like a 50-year old should…
I love this Edie. Spot on. I hope I’m more interesting at 40 than 20 and I do value my health more than ever (thankfully). I can’t say I’m doing all of these, but I certainly need to be. Might need to print this off and hang in my bathroom for a reminder.
Edie, I really love reading your posts!! It makes me feel like I know you, we are friends hanging out in my front porch having some iced tea. I am turning 40 this year, and I feel young. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!!
Hi Edie.
I too, have been using the compounded progesterone for about 6 months along with 250mg of L-Theanine daily. It is the ingredient in green tea that helps you relax. It’s the equivalent of 8 cups of green tea without the caffeine.
What a great list. As a very active woman in my later sixties, (and I certainly don’t feel my age) I whole heartedly agree with everything you say. One must keep moving, keep learning, make an effort to look your very best and above all else, keep praying and loving!
I love this, Edie. I turned 40 last month and after a physically hard first part of the year (shingles to a broken foot all before May!) I’m looking forward to take 40 by the horns. Given your background as a physician, how do you evaluate which supplements you take for effectiveness vs. promises? I am never more overwhelmed than when I’m standing in the supplement section of the whole foods grocery store or (heaven help me) a Super Supplements store. SO, SO many promises and I’ve grown distrustful of them. I did order the Natural Calm on your recommendation because getting better sleep is #1 on my list of things to regain control of.
My husband always says:
Aging is inevitable,
Getting old is optional- Stay healthy! He is a chiropractor & one of the FEW individuals who walks his talk, totally- that being said, I am sorry to report that I do not always follow the healthy path… Hormones: been there done that 🙂 I found it was a temporary (expensive) fix. Clean eating, water, sleep, exercise (Kettlebells redefined exercise for me totally!!!) & regular adjustments have been the answer for me. I wrestle with aging occasionally. I try to take care of myself & lead by example. Sugar is my greatest downfall- when I am off of it, I feel SO GOOD. Then I think well, this time it won’t hurt so I will only have one- and it sets a cycle in motion that I can never be sure when it can be stopped again. So I stay off for the most part. My metabolism doesn’t process the junk it once did during younger years.
BEST VITAMINS: Intramax by Drucker Labs- AMAZING!!! Totally transparent company as well. I have been anemic my whole life, could not take iron (hurt my stomach) after taking Intramax regularly, I am no longer anemic for the 1st time in my life! (I am now 57) They are liquid. One cap, one time a day- DONE! Sometimes, under heavy stress or longer hours, I take them twice a day. Best money I have ever spent. I found Natural Calm several years ago & love it-
And I love a good pedicure on occasion. Happy feet 🙂 Favorite polish at the moment: Candies: Aqua Denim (and it’s on sale for $2.99 a bottle at Kohl’s- YAY!
I have never tried a spray tan- will try & report back-
HAVE FUN at Anna Maria’s 🙂 Please take pictures and share!
Thanks Edie 🙂
Love this so much! Natural Calm has been a lifesaver for me. Nothing else works as well for relaxing me before bed.
I have been sitting with this since you posted. Here’s my question: when is it time to go this route? I had trouble sleeping and night sweats. I had been researching bio-identical hormones until I found I could completely alleviate these problems if I cut all sugar and simple carbs out of my diet. Yes, all. It was awesome until I realized how very boring my diet had become. I just can’t do it. Baking is a love language in this house, and I love fruit.
Is this the kind of thing BIH will help with? I don’t find I have mood swings too much. How do I know it’s time to look into this (I’m 45)? Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer!
Who hasn’t fallen for that grand opening game, where they lure
us with intoxicating conversations, funny dates, a perfect little heart necklace, delicious kisses and
more. I have been collecting Super Nintendo game stuff for years, and I didn’t know half as much
as these guys. ) So put on your anthropologist hat, and identify any
Deadly Dating patterns of the single men you meet.
Probably the ability that will be leveled second to Omen of War, Yorick’s (E) should give
him some decent staying power, both in the lane and during team fights.
It also shows that she is preoccupied with her
image, which should be the last thing on a nun’s mind.
Of smale houndes hadde she, that she fedde
With roasted flesh, or milk and wastel-breed.
celine trapeze
Wow! This blog looks exactly like my old one! It’s on a completely different topic but it
has pretty much the same layout and design. Great choice of colors!
Good tips. I especially agree with getting exercise — I recently started a bootcamp for the first time (at age 41), and it is kicking my booty, but I do look and feel a lot better.
One thing that helped me weather the big 40 was to look back at pictures of myself in my twenties and to realize how much more interesting my face is now. It’s the face of someone who has lived more and seen more.
It also helps that my husband is eight years older than I am. I’ll always feel like a spring chicken in our marriage! 🙂
I’ve been coming back to this post for the past few days. I turned 50 last year (one more month til 51) and I take black cohosh, probiotics, an occasional calcium with D3 (I know, horrible of me) and a multivitamin when my husband makes me. (I hate taking medicine. Hate it.) The black cohosh took care of the hot flashes I was experiencing. I recommend it to everyone who is suffering with the oven syndrome. What made you decide to go with the hormone replacement? If it’s TMI for the blog would you mind emailing me? I would love to compare notes and see if I’m missing something. Thanks for sharing it all.
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Those of us in our 30’s would do well to heed this advice too : ) Definitely want to try the Natural Calm! I am about to start the classical homeschooling journey with my two little girls (4 and 6). They remind me SO much of your two little ones…one blond and one brunette! I know you are no longer homeschooling, but any sage advice is still appreciated as this all feels so overwhelming right now!
calories in half an avocado
Edie, these are all such great ideas. I’m 50 right now and in this past year I started Zumba 3x per week. I absolutely love it…feel younger and happier. I’ve also concentrated more on buying clothes that I love. My husband is wondering why boxes come in the mail all the time but he gets it. Now this week, I’m turning 51. My goals is to be more creative. Fear of failure has always kept me from being terribly creative but what the heck – I’m going for it!
Love my 40’s!
More self-awareness..
More freedom…
More fun…
More everything!
looove this post.
every word is true.
Is the bio-identical compounded progesterone cream prescription?
I looked up the Sottopelle website and the closest dr. on the map in my state is 3+ hours away. However, this sounds like something that could really help me.
Thanks for a such an encouraging post.
Yes, you do have to have a prescription but it still might be worth it b/c you only have to get the injections every 4 months!
This is great Edie. I just turned 40 and have needed some encouragement in this!
Im intrigued by the hormone-like injection stuff. Where can I read more about it? And thanks for all the sound advice!!! I’m going to go fill my cute water bottle right now!!
I keep coming back to this reading and rereading this. With so many changes in my life right now there is so much wisdom I can glean from this post.
I couldn’t agree more with everything you said! I would just add Rodan and Fields Skincare! It is so fabulous!
I’ve heard that but have never tried it!
Thank you Edie! This is such great advice and your writing is so refreshing and entertaining.
I agree with everything and am doing much of it. Green smoothies changed my life. Invest in a Vitamix. Easiest way to get more greens in your diet. I found a workout that I love! Very important. Exercising is a great way to increase your social ties as well.
Don’t forget the sunscreen EVERY DAY!
So happy to see your pretty face!
Thank you so much.
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My teenagers keep me young! I want to be a part of their lives so I keep up with what interests them. So much in this I can relate to! I gave been using Sottopelle for 1 1/2 yrs and it has changed my life! I was so miserable,drained and suffered from horrible migraines all the time – now I have zest for life (and can keep up with my teenagers) and have started an ambitious workout schedule that makes me feel great! Next up??? Starting something creative!!!
It’s very good to see all this useful information on dog training.
I have a question though. How do you work with a younger dog?
Live young and feel young. Aside from the food we eat, it will help that we keep our physical activities in check.
I’ve been trying to find some more information about Sottopelle treatments after hearing my wife talk about them, but I’m glad that I found your article where you mentioned it! I think that if Sottopelle treatments could help her feel that much better, its definitely something that would be worth it. I’m going to have to go with her to a consultation and we could ask some questions about Sottopelle before we make a final decision! Thanks for your article!