Update:: Kathy Hamilton won the hour long Skype session! Can’t wait to chat with her! And THANK you for all the wonderful things you said in the comments. You make my day. Mucho love! xoxo
Y’all. This month makes my 6th year blogging. Blogging years are kinda like dog years, so she’s basically my age. I’m pretty sure she’s going through a small midlife crisis. Or something like that. Bear with her. Or me. Or both of us.
So, to celebrate this fun milestone, I had a couple of grand ideas! NO, I’m not giving away a red corvette to every reader. This is a milder, gentler mid life crisis.
First, I’m starting a podcast series in the next week called The Life You Love Manifesto:: A 7-Step Journey Toward Joy. I’m so excited about it and I’ve even recorded a short introduction podcast so you’ll know what you’re in for. #havemercy #southerntwangisalltherage
I’m also here to convert you in to a podcast listener. At the end of this post, I’m listing some of my favorite podcasts so you can fall in love with podcast listening like I have. It’s the BEST way to truly multitask. I listen to podcasts while I do all my household chores, while I’m driving, while I’m running, while I’m getting ready for bed. I bet I listen to 10 hours of podcasting per week and it makes me not dread my daily chores.
So. Cue up this little 5 minute introduction podcast when you’re washing dishes or folding laundry or making dinner.
Have I convinced you yet?
Hope you’ll take a listen! Just press play below or listen here and I’ll tell you all about the upcoming series.
(I don’t know why there’s 37 choices for pressing play, but just pick one.)
Also, I’m giving away an hour long Skype session to one of you—for a chat/life-coaching/goal-setting/blog-starting/basically anything you want to talk about for an hour session. This is something I miss about one on one patient interactions and thought it would be a fun way to say THANK YOU for meeting me here for all these years. If you’re interested in the session, leave a comment on this post and I’ll pick a winner on my Facebook page at 9pm tonight!
Here are a few of my favorite podcasts:
- Issues, Etc—My go-to source for all things culture and faith. They have amazing guests and topics every week and I can’t imagine my days without this show.
- How They Blog—Kat Lee has a great site where she interviews different bloggers and all things related to doing creative work. I always learn a lot!
- Pat Flynn—Smart Passive Income with lots of great advice on the business side of blogging
- Michael Hyatt—a leadership blog and podcast
- Home Fries—A fun podcast where Tsh interviews lots of bloggers/creatives
Stevie introduced me this PodCruncher app which makes it easy to listen on the go and to find other podcasts you like.
Okay, leave your comment telling me any or all of the following— how long you’ve been coming around here, whether or not you’re a podcast listener and what you would chat about if we were at coffee together!
This is so exciting, Edie! What a fun way to “sit at your feet” and learn!
oh, Edie!! I think I would get tongue-tied skyping with you 🙂 I have been reading your blog for about 3 years. You are why I now homeschool my 3 kids, you are why I teach classical curriculum, and you are why I use grammar island! I love listening to podcasts and now it is even better… I get to listen to YOU! Love ya!
Y’ALL!!!! EDIE!!!! Y-E-S!!!! To the podcast and YES to the hour Skype with you!
Buckets & Oceans of Love 🙂
Hey Edie! Excited about the podcast! I’d love to chat about my fledgling of a blog… I think “6 years, how exciting!” but I wonder how to hang in there with it and where to focus and how to best share what the Lord wants me to… how to even figure that out! …and not get discouraged 🙂 Talking cooking would be fun too 😉
Oh, and I’ve been reading since October – I found you just in time to use your planning timeline for Thanksgiving 🙂
I’ve been reading here for about 4-5 years. Since your turquoise & chalkboard kitchen, long before your house fire & ours. I’m not a pod cast listener yet, but neither have I tried audio books but hear they’re grand. If we had an hour together, I’d talk with you about motherhood first. And prayers answered, grief redeemed. Then running. Gardening. Striking a balance between meaningful disclosure & respectful privacy (when writing). The many virtues of fragrance & color.
Please don’t enter me in the drawing. An hour wouldn’t be enough! XOXO
Looking forward to your anniversary fun! Hugs from Oklahoma
An hour with Edie? Priceless!!! Pick me 🙂
A Seven Step Journey toward Joy. I am seeking joy and joie de vivre in my life. I want to learn to be light hearted, but I also want to learn to cry when it is the time to cry. You are my mentor though I am old enough to be your mother.
Yours is the only blog that I read everyday, and now I can listen to your enthusiastic, joy-filled voice.
Though I have often thought how great it would be to sit on your porch and just soak up your wisdom and talk and talk and laugh and laugh, I think I would be too shy to Skype with you.
I just very much enjoy all of the photos and beauty that you bring to my life and the laughter and joy that I get from reading your blog.
Words do not express how delighted I am that you are starting a podcast – just delighted!!! I look forward to further installments with great anticipation.
If we were at coffee together, I would chatter away about books (classics, especially), writing, and quirky music tastes. Unless I got too nervous and “star struck” sitting with you, in which case I would be incredibly tongue tied. 🙂
An hour with you sounds like a dream come true! I’m IN!
This would be a dream come true getting to chat with you over coffee! I have been a reader since the beginning. My daughter was born in 2008 and that’s when I discovered the wonderful world of blogs. While she napped, I read blogs to help me not feel so isolated & alone at home. You’ve been such an inspiration to me! I’m like you in that I couldn’t imagine my days without podcasts. I listen to them while I get ready, while I run errands, go for walks, wash dishes, etc. They are the best! If I could sit down to coffee with you I would want to talk about how to be intentional in my days as a stay at home & homeschooling mom. I feel like the days are passing me by and I want to make them more meaningful. I would love to soak up any of your wisdom! Much love & hugs!
Honestly, I’m not sure how long I’ve been here, but it has been at least a couple of years! I have listened to a couple of podcasts, so maybe not an “official” podcast listener, but willing to pick it up a notch! Where to begin for conversation topics? If we were having coffee, I would love to find out how you stay motivated, where your energy comes from, how you stay organized. . . and on and on. . . 🙂 Looking forward to the podcasts!
I have been reading you for a few years now. I would love to chat with you about how you manage everything
I’ve been reading your blog for a year. I want to talk to you about leaving medicine and writing – I don’t want to leave medicine but I would love to hear your story in more detail and see if you might be willing to come speak for our group of Christian women doctors someday. I think staying open to new paths and holding lightly to what we have been given is critical whether one is “working outside the home” or not!
I am so excited about this podcast series! Such an awesome way to let us stay connected to your inspiring blog, without the guilt of sitting in front of a screen. Fabulous! The content of this podcast could not be more on point for me at this time. What an answer to prayer. I wonder if you will ever see or know the magnitude of God’s love that you provide for all of us blog reading Mama’s as His vessel. Goodness. Heaven will be SO fun when we all meet up there!Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! Can’t wait!
Just starting to utilize podcasts -makes folding laundry bearable!
O Bless! would love to chat it up with you, dear one! excited about your podcast series! I so enjoy your written word … I know the spoken will be just as great!
I got too excited to enter that I didn’t follow directions! I am a pod cast listener- similar to you- while I clean, walk, and sometimes while I’m at work!
I’ve only been visiting here a month or so, via instagram. I clicked over today because I saw the word ‘podcast’ and that’s almost like chocolate. I love podcasts because I love learning and mulit-tasking! If we had an hour, I’d want to pick your brain about blogging and writing, mothering, and following the Lord’s leading in all that.
Howdy, Edie! I’ve been a reader for about a year or so – I found you after your house fire posts. I’ve listened to podcasts sporadically and enjoyed your intro one today. I could see myself listening to more of them as I do chores, etc. If we were to have coffee, I’d love to chat about setting boundaries for safe disclosure of ourselves online vs. relevant and authentic to be of value to readers. If we found ourselves with enough time, I’d also love to chat more about the business side of blogging. One reason I haven’t invested more time into my blog is that I’m torn on the direction I want to go and a little overwhelmed with covering some of the basics (i.e. hosting, domain name purchase, whether to incorporate the blog). I see these two issues as the proverbial chicken and egg…if I can’t crystallize my purpose, I shouldn’t invest time and resources. Perhaps some exploratory conversation with you will inspire my heart to make some decisions.
I’m not much of a podcast listener but I can see the benefit of having something to do through the mundane.
I’ve been reading you for about two years and I love your style!
If I had an hour with you I think I’d seek encouragement. I’m lacking motivation to do much these days and I’m not sure how to get it back. Of course, being pregnant maaay have a bit to do with it…
I’m a newbie when it comes to pod casts. It’s one of those things I always say I will get to…tomorrow. Then tomorrow comes and I feel overwhelmed with all the options. Your suggestions are a great way to get started, so I thank you!
An hour chat time would be awesome! Narrowing down the topic would be the tough part. Faith, blogging, life coaching…all top the list. Of course, your favorite hot spots in Asheville (my home town) would be a cool topic to cover also.
Good luck with your pod cast series! I look forward to listening!
How wonderful! An hour with you? Cooking? Parenting? How to live Southern when I am Up North:)
What a wonderful blessing it would be to chat with you! I have sat down numerous times to write to you and tell you what you and your blog have meant to me and just haven’t had the right words. I often reference your blog with “my friend, Edie”…You’ve given me tons of encouragement, laughs, meals, wisdom, and advice without even knowing it! I have been reading since just before your list of 40 things to do while 40 and loved that we are just about exactly the same age…I was also born in January 1970! I have gone through some of the difficult life situations that you have and have struggled with joy and faith and weariness in my journey. You have really been a light for me in the midst of it all. I am a northerner but a southerner in my heart…I have felt a kinship with you even though I am a New Yorker!! I, too, love boots, country music, George W., decorating, and Karaoke! Soooo I think i would first just say thanks from the bottom of my heart and then I’d chat with you about how to bring about beauty from ashes, the best boot choices, my struggle with election and being fully reformed (boy, I’d love the freedom that comes with that), your post on God’s will (caused me hours and hours of reflection and conversation!)….only an hour? really? 🙂 Anyway, this is wordy and jumbled but I just really want you to know that I am incredibly thankful for you and hope that one day I have the chance to talk with you.
Oh My GOODNESS!!! this could NOT have come at a better time!!! I am in with both feet on the Seven Step Journey toward Joy.
I am at such a crossroads in my life right now. My nest is newly empty (mostly) and I hate that, I am going to need to borrow some kids! and I just BARELY started a blog, and I’m so overwhelmed and clueless with some of the business/tech parts of it (blogger vs wordpress, ads, making $$, etc). But I am committed to learning and I have a giant pile of reference books on How-To get started… I also want to start a home based sewing business, and I will blog about some of that as well. But mostly I don’t want to spend hours and hours of my life at my current day-job which is unfulfilling, and really injects zero joy into my life. So, that is alot, huh?
BUT if I could get an hour with you, I would love to talk a bit about your experiences with getting started blogging, and what you learned in the beginning, and maybe some roadblocks to avoid – things like that. Also, about the life-coaching you mentioned…I am interested in how that would work. I think I need a coach (and a cheerleader!) and a kick in the pants to get going on following my dreams, and even defining exactly what those dreams are. So, that’s alot too, huh? Finally – on podcasting – my kid has been forcing me to listen to his favorite podcasts over the last year or 2, but if you pick me for the Skype chat, you will see that NOBODY wants to hear me speak in their earbuds… you think your southern twang is bad (which it isn’t, at all!) my midwest nasally voice in NOT podcast material….at.all. I am very excited to get started on this life of joy – thanks for doing this!!!!
Hey Ms. Edie! I would first chat about what we have in common. I’m an east Tennessee gal and an HHS grad. I would then proceed to tell you how much I love you in hopefully an unstalky kind of way! I would also tell you that your blog is always the one I read first in my blog roll. I would tell you that Im completely in love with my three children and desperately want to raise them to love Jesus. My husband and children already think that I’m buddies with a lady named Edie because I chat about your recipes, decorating tips and your love for Jesus as though we already hung out together this morning!
I just an hour? Oh we could talk for 10!!!!! Would love this opportunity!!!
I would love to chat with you about cooking, faith and life! I save my podcasts for when I am doing chores that I do not look forward to. It helps give me a boost and I love that it keeps my brain active and reflective. Celebrating with you! I’m so glad that you are gifting the world with your story.
been coming here maybe 1 year….came via THE Nester. (LOVE your spiritual writings)
never listened to a podcast (am a technological idiot), but maybe husband (who is a technological genius) came help get me set up since I am all about double–or triple–tasking
hmmm…..I’m not sure what I would chose, but it would be good to chat with you!
I’ve been here about four years, and I want to find some quality podcasts (and time) so that I can maybe get a little wiser while I work : )
I would love to talk about how one glorifies God in the midst of homeschool, dishes, baseball, and feral children. How does one find the time to care for one’s own self while caring for everyone and everything in the home. You caught me while my husband’s out of town for a week, so excuse me if I sound a little lonely and desperate ; )
I’ve been reading your blog for quite awhile. I have a few friends who I’ve shared many of your posts with. We’ll text eachother & say, “have you read Life in Grace today?” I’m not sure why but we refer to you as “Life in Grace,” like it’s your name. If we had coffee together I’d ask you for your best motivating tips during the day to keep an extreme extrovert working hard around her home. Is also ask what are some of your favorite books that have helped you understand your identity in Christ, that’s something that I think you have a really good grasp of. I don’t have a FB account anymore but I’m crossing my fingers I get a skype session with you!
Hi Edie! I’ve been reading your blog for a number of years, but don’t think I’ve ever commented, even though yours is one of my favorites! I could imagine us being real life friends if we lived closer, so there would be plenty to talk about–faith, homeschooling, homemaking, books, cooking–the list goes on. Looking forward to your podcast.
I have only recently discovered your blog. I like the balance of topics. I’m trying to overcome a huge fear of putting myself out there in writing and would love to chat!
Would love to chat with you about books and parenting!
I love this idea! You will be my first podcasts ever! I would so need the session with you! My kids are turning 11 & 15 next month & I’m feeling a little lost as a stay at home mom! Feel like maybe I’ve lost some joy along the way & my calling. Bless you for how you bless others!
This would be soooo cool to win! I’ve been following you for probably 8 months now. You are the only person I leave up on my computer while I work as it just makes me feel like we’re ‘hanging out’ all day long! 🙂
I’m a huge pod cast girl! Can’t wait to hear yours! I’m going to download that app right now!
I would love to meet you and have a one on one session. I am only a month old viewer of your blog and I have devoured it! Please keep it up. I am inspired and encouraged by what you do.
I will never forget the night I stumbled onto your blog. The fire had JUST happened. It was fresh. The blogging community was doing the best they could to love on you and I was instantly drawn in. I followed a link to your blog and stayed up waaaay too late that night going back, reading, laughing, crying & playing catch up. And well…I’ve been hooked ever since. Soooooo many things we could talk about….kids, books, music, church, Jesus, recipes….fun! 🙂
love this!! I have never listened to a podcast series and am very excited for yours. Thank you for “expanding” ;). I have been reading your blog for the last year and it has become a great spiritual encouragement to me that I have shared with others. You are so transparent and honest, I absolutely love how you are able to share life with us.
I have so enjoy reading your blog for four years. The last three years I have needed you and your blog to make it through some pretty tough days. Thank you for expressing the thoughts that were in my head but I was unable to put into words. You have been a blessing to me in ways that you will never know. Please accept my thanks to you and Stevie for suggesting books to read that helped me sort out some life changing matters that have laid heavy for sometime. To have the opportunity to Skype with you would be a true blessing. I know that you have knowledge to share that would help me grow as a person and as a Christian trying to live a Godly life.
Grace, Peace, Joy and Happiness is my prayer for you and your family.
I’m beyond thrilled that you are starting a podcast. I’ve faithfully read your blog for years. I glean so much knowledge from your candid and heartfelt posts on life. I’d love to chat with you about living an authentic life, following your dreams and imparting the kind of joy you have everywhere you go!
I so love your blog! and would love to chat with you for an hour!
I started reading your blog after your house fire. I found you through another blog that I read. I would love the opportunity to chat with you about life down south on a lake because I grew up in the mountains of north Georgia on a lake and really, really miss it sometimes. We could discuss all kinds of things southern (and our accents just might match)!!! I have only listened to a couple of podcasts but am certainly going to listen to yours!
Hi Edie! I didn’t realize how long I’ve been following along until you just asked – since the summer of 2009. I started blogging last summer and what a treat it would be to talk to you! You’ve been right up there at the top with those who inspire me the most. I’d also love to talk to you about faith and good cooking too. I’ve never listened to a podcast, but I’m about to now. I’ll have my fingers crossed too.
Wow! An hour to skype with you! What a great idea! I’ve got podcasts marked to listen to while I’m working. Truth be told, I’ve always loved listening to talk radio or inspirational tapes or even the local Swap and Shop while I’m busy around the house 🙂
Thanks for being you!
What Joy to listen to a podcast from you! I have been following your blog for a couple of years now…maybe more?! I don’t follow blogs so much, but yours is an exception! I don’t have a blog, I have three young babes and I would love, love, love to talk to you about the transitions of life, about reinventing yourself as your travel through the years of motherhood and homeschooling, about how you stay steady in the tumultuous sea of life. I have often thought of how nice it would be to have a conversation with you! I am sure it would be a huge blessing~hopefully for us both.
Hi Edie,
I have been reading your blog for a few years and I love your peaceful nature and passion for all that you do. I would love to Skype with you and talk about the joys of family and life.
i’d just love to talk about eye shadow, boot cut jeans, my new texas farmhouse, and also martin luther. i have some serious eye shadow concerns.
Yes, I listen to pod casts, but not as often as I would like.
I would talk about your huge pile of books if we had coffee!
I’ve been reading for longer than I can remember <3
Exciting! I love podcasts from my favorite bloggers!
I almost peed my pants when I saw that we can win a convo with you!! Where to start on how much my life has been “Edie-fied” since finding your blog? For a perfect, present-day example, I just got done devouring two huge bowls of your chicken tortilla soup for dinner with my family tonight. I could inhale the broth alone forever. I feel confident saying that my cooking has drastically improved since I found your blog a few years ago. Your posts made me WANT to become a better cook and have given me a love for soup that no one else seems to understand. My family thanks you!
2. I am pregnant with my fourth baby (currently have three daughters) and if this one is a girl we have chosen Edie as the name! (For real!) I loved it most after you, then discovered Edie Beale the first cousin of Jackie O. Then found out it was my great-grandmothers name. SOLD!! .
3. YOUR blog is the FIRST blog I check every single day and refer so many of my adventures to, including bible studies and of course, recipes. I just finished our first year homeschooling and I referenced your blog so often for homeschooling posts.
IN conclusion, your blog is JUST my cup of tea! Nothing more, nothing less. And I would love to meet you via Skype! Hope I don’t sound like a wierdo- just a fan! 🙂
I have been reading your blog for a long time….when your son was graduating….which was a few years before my girl…so you helped prepare my heart! I also spent a Christmas praying for you after your house fire. It would be fun to chat with you!
This is such an awesome opportunity! I can’t wait to listen to your podcast. I usually listen to Revive Our Hearts – it makes cooking dinner, cleaning and laundry such an easier task. My husband and I also listen to podcasts on road trips (anything from sermons, to NFL draft picks). Yes, I even enjoy listen to the sports hype with my honey!
I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now and I love it! I love all of the different topics you cover, especially hospitality and spirituality. I’ve never listened to podcasts but I’m up for it! I’d love to talk about home keeping and biblical reasons for keeping your home organized.
Oh my stinkin’ goodness this post makes me happy! I’ve been poking around your blog for about six months. Love it. I do listen to podcasts; usually of the sermon variety (I’m a preachers wife) but sometimes leadership stuff (Matt Chandler, Andy Stanley, David Platt). If I had a coveted hour to skype with you, I would love to talk about the ups and downs of blogging, faith and motherhood.
Oh my. I’m just giddy with excitement about the possibility of chatting with you! We’d chat about food, family, hospitality, how to take amazing pictures, why you love blogging (cuz you’ve been at it a while and must love it) and the gift of joy. I’ve been reading your blog for years – not sure how many. When I need a lift or something to smile about or a bit of inspiring wisdom, you’re my go to gal.
I’m a big podcast fan! Totally enjoy listening to podcasts, learning something new and multi-tasking at the same time (like finding that lost pink polka dot sock I know went into the washing machine, but never came out of the dryer).
Congrats on 6 years of excellence!
I have a recommendation for another podcast to listen to: it’s on Faith Radio, Live the Promise with Susie Larson. Susie also has a wonderful book called “Your Beautiful Purpose”, I think you would really enjoy it.
I’d love to chat with you about grace and how to teach kids about it. I’m not an avid follower, but I’m in love with podcasts. I spend way too much time daily listening to the Bible or podcasts. (I have chronic illness, so sometimes it is how I maintain my sanity. Lol.)
Hi Edie! I’ve been reading for about 1 1/2 to 2 years, can’t remember exactly when! I have never actually listened to a podcast until today, but you’ve peaked my curiosity:). Wow, if we were to go for coffee I think I would have so much to chat with you about. I am a brand new blogger, literally just started a few days ago, so I would love to ask for tips on that. I’m also a young wife and mama, and I love all your posts related to bettering yourself in those areas. I like your down to earth, tell it like it is, truthful style. If you picked me to Skype with, I might be a little nervous, but good things happen when we do things that make us a little nervous!!!
I have so many things I want to discuss with you! Family, religion, health, favorites of everything… Pick me!
I don’t know exactly how long I’ve been reading your blog – it’s been since the fire. You have been a source of encouragement and delight. Your “Why I’m Not a Feminist” and “What Love Looks Like” were two of my favorites. And the recipes!! The Pumpkin Chipotle Chicken Barley Soup has been a favorite! (even though I changed it up a bit and used Butternut Squash instead) And you introduced me to “The Nester”, the First Lutheran Church of Knoxville, and Issues, Etc.! I’m feeling well rounded!
Oh how neat this would be!
Can’t wait for the podcast series.
I’ve been popping in for a while but just finally subscribed to your newsletter. I follow you on Instagram and I love being here. I love podcasts and Home Fries is my favorite. Looking forward to your new venture with your own. If we were at coffee I would ask you about blogging, how to maintain confidence when life gets hard, and do you use cloth napkins at every meal?
I would have to talk house with you! And then Jesus. Is it bad that I picked that order?!! 😉
Greetings Edie! Nice to meet you here! I am probably one of your most “elder” admirers….I really must get a “pod” so I can listen to podcasts! It’s on my list. I found you through Pinterest, I think, back in the many days of cabin fever during the frequent snows of 2013-2014 in Northern Arkansas. Thankfully our heat never went out! But we were stranded for days. Even my husband has heard me read your blog out loud to him. Right away we were invited in by your blogs on “how to know your calling”, then as I read on, we got to know you and your family and your lovely home. We have come to love you and your sweet service to your neighbors and others. So now your neighbors are all over the world! Someday maybe we will meet, as I have a sister in Oak Ridge. Thanks for your words of encouragement, your bravery, your personal touch in everything you do and in all of your writings. May God continue to richly bless your “online ministry”!!
I knew you way back when you had a turquoise kitchen. (I love your “new” kitchen but have a certain fondness for the turquoise kitchen that we met in)
Podcast? Why yes, I have!
PodCruncher? No!
Let’s talk about the perfect “utensil” for cream cheese frosting…is it a cupcake? cake? cookies? fingers?
I don’t have to hate chores anymore? Podcast and chores is brilliant!
I would love to talk books, and teenagers, and all things Lutheran with you as well as getting your opinion on a palate for painting my kitchen cupboards. So many things, so little time…
so glad you are doing this!! xo
Okay, you convinced me. So much of the time I just have music on in the background {Or, um, hello Grey’s Anatomy on hulu}, but I am much more drawn to being productive with my time and growing in that “down time”. Will totally look through the podcasts you recommended, as well as yours! Thanks so much, my dear!
Goodness, I have been reading your blog for several years now…don’t pin me down on an exact timeline, because time & I have a funny relationship…I am not very conscious of it when I get caught up in things I enjoy!
Love love love podcasts! It is like reading without having to look at a page. SO much to glean from others!
And resilience would be my topic of choice!
Thanks for keeping on!
Hi Edie, I only recently discovered your blog but am a devoted follower now! I have listened to the podcasts that you have recommended. I would love to talk to you about how I can be joyful and faith filled when I am experiencing so much personal pain. That would be the tip of the iceberg! May you be blessed for using your time to invest in so many lives.
Love the podcast! I’m an occasional podcast listener, but yours will be a definite listen. Looking forward to learning from you. And, thanks for listing the other podcasts … going to check them out now.
HaPpY 6th Anniversary Edi! And many more to come. Ok…I’m ready to be a Pocast listener, and looking forward to hearing you ☺️ Beth @ http://emaxgal.wordpress.com/
Yes! I can’t wait to listen to the podcast!
How long have I been coming here? -Not even sure…probably since sometime around the fire…are you tired of that yet? Your life before fire/after fire? Yes, I listen to podcasts…mostly John Piper or Matt Chandler sermons… What would we talk about? Well, I live in TX and my husband is from TN. Let’s start there. Then, maybe some decorating, then some classical education…it would be fun.
Edie …. I started following you a few months ago and you are so refreshing and inspiring. I look forward to reading your blog everyday. Thank you for sharing yourself and your family. So excited for the podcasts and I just downloaded PodCruncher!
Yay for podcasts! I listen to them all the time too. Mixergy is one of my favorites, as well as the Foundation Starting from Nothing podcast, and Issues Etc. I used to be in a writer’s group with Tsh and she is awesome, but I didn’t know she had a podcast. I’m adding it to the list. I listen on the way to work and back, and while cooking and cleaning. Now I can listen to Edie too. 🙂
Hi Edie! I stumbled upon your blog late last year. I really love the way you share, and I look forward to reading your posts each week. If we had an hour to chat, I’m sure we’d talk kids, faith, creativity, and our mutual loathing of having to take time out of our day to “get ready” 🙂 Hope we get to chat!
I love your planted pot, it’s beautiful…just like you!
Edie- will you announce the Skype winner on your blog as well?
I would love to talk Texas and writing with you.
I love the podcast idea. I really enjoyed actually hearing your voice. I know I always enjoy talking to you when we run into each other in town! I love reading your blog but sometimes I just like to hear someone’s voice and how they say things. You are such a caring soul and I’m sure I will be hooked on your podcasts!!! Keep up the good work and thank you for all your goodness you share…its a blessing to everyone who follows you😊!
Perfect timing for some podcasts and your upcoming topic is great! Life coach session sounds intimidating but very interesting.
I am so looking forward to hearing your new podcasts, Edie! Good for you! I just know it’ll be amazing and full of inspiration. Just like you!
Fun! Fun! Edie, I found you about 4 years ago! Your love for your family and transparency keeps me coming back! I am tuning into the podcasts…I love podcasts because I don’t always have time to read as much as I would like (three kids under 11)! Keep’em coming!
Love love love that you are doing this! Can’t wait for your regular Podcast to begin. Love you Edie – can always visit your site to read words that lift me up!
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Hi! I’ve never read a blog or listened to a podcast so my mom introduced me to your site today! I was just telling her that I had been praying for a mentor and for guidance and she sent me here. So I’m putting in my request for a life coaching session lol. I need it very badly I’m a single mother of three beautiful children, I’m in school, and I work… Thanks so much. From what I’ve looked at and heard so far this seems like a wonderful place for me to start growing and learning!
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