I am a complete sucker for a fresh start. The new year is like manna from heaven.
I’m overwhelmed with list-making and dream-seeking and soul-searching . Hope swells and washes the memory of past failures clean.
I couldn’t care less that I’ve made this list 20 times before and didn’t follow through with it.
As a matter of fact, this tendency toward renewal and resolution wasn’t even our idea.
We borrowed it from our Father who promised new mercies every morning and fresh starts ‘seventy times seven’ times.
I completely believe deep down in my heart that this year will be different. You couldn’t convince me otherwise if your life depended on it.
Despite the fact that I made this list when I turned 40, I still haven’t run a marathon or met Todd, Jeff and Craig, or made homeade bagels.
But isn’t part of the reward of our new years’ lists the longing and the planning and hope beyond all hope that this year surely things can be different?
The gift is there already, in the courage to believe. And when I fail, I fall hard into the hands of Grace. There’s no downside—only endless expectation as we ‘groan inwardly’ and ‘wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.”
And even if you don’t buy into my abiding optimism, what’s the worst that can happen.
What if I don’t keep my resolution to read 42 books this year? What if I’m a complete failure and only read 30?
And what if I set out to run a marathon and only manage to run a 10K? Or what if I still don’t make those bagels?
Here’s why it doesn’t matter.
God has given me everything I could possibly need in His son. I am forgiven and blessed with the every good gift from the Father.
The rest is icing on the cake.
But this liturgy of life—the rising and setting of the sun, the coming of another new year—was never meant to be hum drum routine.
It is life-giving ritual and rhythm. And I hope I never tire of it because it’s the stuff life is made of and it’s pure gift from our Father.
I hope that despite many my frailties and failures I always approach this newness with anticipation and joy.
It’s gonna be a great year. Revolutionary even. I just know it.
Just for fun, here’s my very unorthodox observations and a peek at my list:
First of all, it’s two thousand twelve. I don’t think I need to say more but I will. The year of the Apocalypse, or so some claim. I doubt it but even if the world comes to an end, that’s good because our resolutions will be null and void and we’ll be in heaven. Here’s why it’s gonna be a good year.
1. It’s an even year. All even years are the best. Stevie and I were both born in even years as were all my kids. We were married in an even year and I graduated from college and med school in even years. Need more proof? Johnny Cash released ‘Folsom Prison’ in 1968 which was the same year ‘Stand by Your Man’ was released as a single. I rest my case.
2. It’s 2012. 12 is a very cool number in scripture. There were 12 sons of Jacob, 12 plagues, 12 tribes of Isreal, and 12 apostles. 12 is 3×4. 3 signifies the trinity or divine perfection and 4 signifies the creative works of God, especially as related to earth. 12’s gonna be a good year. Apocalypse or not.
3. It’s gonna be a ‘flowering’ year. As I’m sure you can relate, some years are for roots and foundations. Those are the years that you have new babies or you move or start new jobs or your house burns down. Those years are hard to measure in terms of resolution progress. But they’re no less important. In fact, the rooting years are probably the most important of all. But they’re usually the ones that you’re glad to have behind you. I’m pretty sure we’re due a ‘flowering’ year here at the Wadsworths. I could be wrong but I see big huge hydrangea blooms in our future 🙂
4. I’m convinced it’s gonna be a great year because I’m currently undefeated in Scrabble. ANDDDD……on New Year’s Eve at approximately 11:57, I scored a 94 (or was it 99?) point word to clench the title of reigning Scrabble champion. And that’s not all. The word was AVENUES. See what I mean?
So my advice?
Make resolutions with reckless abandon. Kick it up a notch and call them reVolutions. (thank you Katherine!)
And show two thousand twelve what you’re made of.
Here’s my list, brought to you by Picnik and my very optimistic New Year’s self. I chose 12 because I like number games and 42 because I’m almost 42.
Did you make a list? I think you should.
I love your list and will jump on the bandwagon immediately as I open another window and write mine down 🙂
Ah Edie!!! You are always just a breath of fresh air!!!! I too completely agree that the act of making New Year’s Resolutions is an absolute extension of Christ’s mercies which are new every morning. Every day is New Years for believers because every day we have a shot to do better than we did the day before!!! Grace Grace God’s Grace!!!! I heart New Year’s reVolutions!!!!! Your list is AWESOME!!! Blessings to your family in 2012!!!
I love your outlook on life! You are most definitely someone I admire and learn from. I am so grateful that through blogs I can learn more about how to live my life to the fullest and in the way God wants. Thank you for blogging! You’re an example of tremendous strength!
Your optimism is what I needed today. Our pastor preached on New Year Revolution yesterday. I think I need to take note. Your list makes me smile. You make me smile. Happy 2012, Edie.
i will write my list tonight…when the family is all tucked in. going to pour a glass of wine, play my new Jann Arden and make a very messy list. i want more love in 2012…my whole list will focus on LOVE xoxo
i love this post. i was born in an even year! i was married in an even year!
this is going to be a blooming year for our family. it’s our year of savings. we are debt free!
i never make resolutions, but i do make goals. since we school year round i always see january as a fresh start in every area and i love it.
I love this! Especially #’s 2,3,4,7 (Can I be invited? 🙂 ) and 9. I will be 40 this year and for some reason it is really important to me to have a list! I also agree 2012 is going to be an important year! XOXO
i absolutely love.this.post. Couldn’t love it more. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration, Edie!!
I absolutely love this post. I have read so many anti-resolution posts. I’m with you, God is all about new life and new starts and new mercies! I really liked hearing how even years are so good…. for my family odd years are good…so between us there is only good years!
What a fabulous, life-inspiring list!! And to call them reVolutions? Brilliant. The “liturgy of life,” I hadn’t heard that before but it expresses perfectly how I already feel. January is one big, long, fresh, early morning sunrise! Wishing you and yours all the hydrangea blooms you can possibly fit in your vases. xoxo ~oklahoma
Oh Edie,
You just make me smile. I love “hearing” your written voice.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
So glad I’ve been following you for almost a year now.
Jen xo
I love your heart and your openess to share it all.. thank you for the optimism! I was in the middle of doing my resolutions and saw your FB post for the blog! Love the insight on the number 12 and thank you for the reminder that God gives us new mercies and fresh starts every morning! “Seventy times seven” times! It’s my resolution to love with reckless abandon and to “shout it from the mountain tops… I want my world to know”!
You never let us down…another inspiring, fun post…happy New Year !!
so thankful for the encouragement!
much love 🙂
Thanks for sharing this, Edie! The part that strikes a chord with me is the bit about rooting years and flowering years…really hit home. We moved this year. And we’re having a baby in a few weeks. It’s been hard to stay on top of things and that can be discouraging, so thank you for sharing your heart. It’s very uplifting.
there’s something completely wonderful about the rooting years. a lot is going on—but it’s hard to quantify. there is NOTHING like being home with a new baby. NOTHING!
i’ll be jealous over here.
Edie-this post is resonating with me. I have been spending time thinking about what I want from this new year. A clean slate, another chance to accomplish the goals that have been on your heart and mind.
Love the idea of revolutions instead of resolutions. I enjoyed a gorgeous sunset today. This is a big year for me since I am turning 40. Looking forward to the possibilities ahead. Once again you’ve inspired and blessed me. Thank you for sharing your heart openly.
Big hugs,
Great list! Will write mine down without fear of another
incomplete at the end of 2012 thanks to your wise words. Thinking my #11 will be same as yours.
yes you should aunt carol! no more fear of failure. and who doesn’t love water and wine?!
love you,
Yay for the marathon and even numbers. You’re too funny. I’d love to come to your housewarming party…if only we were neighbors. I am as giddy as you w/ the resolutions, I was just telling my mom, I woke at 3 a.m. to write a longer, more detailed list of resolutions for me, my kids and Kimball…we’ll see if he goes for it. 😉 Love you. xoxo
waking up at 3am to jot down your revolutions? that is awesome.
love yous!
waking up at 3am to jot down your revolutions? that is awesome.
love yous!
Yay for the marathon and even numbers. You’re too funny. I’d love to come to your housewarming party…if only we were neighbors. I am as giddy as you w/ the resolutions, I was just telling my mom, I woke at 3 a.m. to write a longer, more detailed list of resolutions for me, my kids and Kimball…we’ll see if he goes for it. 😉 Love you. xoxo
love it! love you!!!!
love it! love you!!!!
This is the most encouraging post I’ve read in a long time. Truth be told, I’ve been a little bummed, but this refocuses my thinking. It’s all icing on the cake and I do love icing! Thank you for this post.
you are the sweetest—just like buttercream 🙂
you are the sweetest—just like buttercream 🙂
i hereby resolve to get on that housewarming shindig invite list
you’re pretty
you’re smart
you’re the best darned scrabble player evah…………..how’s that list coming?
i hereby further resolve to never give up flattery
you’re a favorite
thanks for always pointing us His way. may the sun shine bright and the wine run plenty.
i would be totally devastated if you didn’t make it to the shindig.
and you could probably beat me in scrabble. which is why i’ll never play ya.
but square dance with ya? that, i would totally do.
i would be totally devastated if you didn’t make it to the shindig.
and you could probably beat me in scrabble. which is why i’ll never play ya.
but square dance with ya? that, i would totally do.
I love a new year, new beginnings and I dream big! Thanks for the encouragement! Reading The Hunger Games now…shocked I am enjoying it so much! It’s not my typical read! Happy New Year!
i haven’t caved to HG yet but I’m sure it’s coming.
at least those would be easy reads—a boost to my numbers!
blessings to you in 2012 🙂
i haven’t caved to HG yet but I’m sure it’s coming.
at least those would be easy reads—a boost to my numbers!
blessings to you in 2012 🙂
if anybody can get it all done on that list…it’s you!
Happy NEW Year!!!
I like the idea of making a new resolution every.single.day.
i just need a quote for the year for my sign 🙂
i just need a quote for the year for my sign 🙂
Hi edie! I just LOVE your blog! My family is on a faith led journey right now that has taken us through some valleys. I too look at each New Year with Hope as to where God will led us. When I read your post about 2012 you made me smile as I too am an even girl 🙂 I was born in an even month, on an even day in an even year, was married on an even day in an even month also in an even year & have an even amount of children (4 boys) all born in even years & all even years a part in age. You gave me HOPE for 2012 that I sooo needed, it was as if God Himself was telling me to stop looking down, but look up & enjoy the flowers that await us this year on our journey 🙂 Blessings to you for 2012!!
makes my day 🙂
much love to you and yours in 2012!
Hi edie! I just LOVE your blog! My family is on a faith led journey right now that has taken us through some valleys. I too look at each New Year with Hope as to where God will led us. When I read your post about 2012 you made me smile as I too am an even girl 🙂 I was born in an even month, on an even day in an even year, was married on an even day in an even month also in an even year & have an even amount of children (4 boys) all born in even years & all even years a part in age. You gave me HOPE for 2012 that I sooo needed, it was as if God Himself was telling me to stop looking down, but look up & enjoy the flowers that await us this year on our journey 🙂 Blessings to you for 2012!!
This is wonderful. I am one who swore off ‘resolutions’ this year, and instead I’m planning ‘goals,’ as ‘resolutions’ often seemed inflexible, unforgiving, and taunting…Do it or ‘fail.’ But I love yours, which are so uplifting and positive.
Amen and amen! You have reaffirmed my (prayer) resolution to fix my eyes on Jesus, the Author of my faith in 2012!
~~The summer I picked CS Lewis as my author of choice, I read everything he wrote~~his writings have stuck in my mind more than any other author I’ve read, to be sure.
May you continue to bloom in the warmth of God’s abiding love and grace, Edie.
Love this! I just put Lamentations 3:22-23 on our church sign this week. 🙂 Love your list and I am just recycling my list from years past. =P
I love this post! <3
I love this so much and feel like you wrote exactly what I’ve been talking to the Father about in my heart. I have a living hope for 2012!
I wasnt gonna make a list but thanks to your post I will. You are so right god promises us a fresh start start everyday, we need to embrace it.
I love your list and I love New Year resolutions. I read that those who make them are 10x more likely to reach their goals. Happy New Year!
I love so much this post Edie! I don’t believe in long list of resolutions neither. I do some every year but no more than 4-5… And I make a huge effort to remain realistic… So I think I can say I am not a risk take 😀
Wishing you a fabulous 2012!
thank you! just beautiful….
Love your intro. . .love your list. I looked back at your 30 for 40. . .maybe you could update on those? They all sounded good! I hadn’t even *thought* about making a list this year. . .but now, 3 days into it, you have inspired me! Happy New Beginnings today!!!
What an encouraging post. I hope this is a flowering year for your family and mine. We’ve had 4 years of roots and I’m ready for some flowers. God has been good and is always good. His faithfulness has been amazing. And I’m so thankful for His new mercies everyday.
I love this post sooooo much!!! So much love it I do (part Jedi I am), read it again I will.
And with your all “what if you don’t…” and “show it what you’re made of”, you might have just pushed me over the edge to do something I was considering. Maybe….
I love this! Good luck with all of your resolutions and cheers to a brand new start,
You must start with “Till We Have Faces”. It is officially my favorite fiction book by Mr. Clive Staples himself. I am reading again right now! But then again, there is always, “Surprised by Joy” and “A Grief Observed” and . . . oh my his non-fiction is wondrful (and oh so challenging!).
Fabulous list! And if you get around to having that housewarming shindig, I think you should make these: http://bakeat350.blogspot.com/2012/01/welcome.html. Discovered them just this morning! 🙂 Happy new year!
#11 rocks. I will drink wine with you any time. Do you have the pro version of piknic? I didn’t know you could make cute graphics with it.
you always inspire, edie. so excited for your pearls, too… you’re gonna do great, rock the house even. 🙂
so fun! Love your number games and your goals too. Happy New Year!
I absolutely loved reading this…..hmmmm….now for me to get started 😉 Thanks for inspiring me….love, love , love lists…..and goals…and to walk even closer to God in my 2012!!!
Edie, this is a great post and so funny!!!
I’m with you on the book reading — though it’s something you (and I!) love to do so I think you will definitely surpass your goal!! If it’s any encouragement, I did –aimed for 25 and I achieved 33. It also helped that my pregnant body kept me up many nights lol 🙂
Thank you, Edie! This is a wonderful post!
I love the possibilities that a new year brings as well. I open a brand new journal and spend hours detailing my dreams & visions for the upcoming year… clarifying my intentions… and outlining plans, timelines and milestones. Oh, and I leave plenty of room for God to have His way with all those lofty plans of mine!
LOVE. THIS! Thank you! Happy 2012!
With these resolutions it looks like you are going to have a wonderful year. I can’t wait to see the hydrangeas. Happy New Year Edie!
This is fantastic! Caught wind of your blog from Green Goose. I can’t wait to make mine- even if I am late:)
wanna play iphone scrabble with me? my name is hessedfollowsme
love, Denice
Love the optimism!! I am off to make my own resolutions now. So true…failing only means falling into the arms of Jesus. Ahhh, the freedom!!
Love the optimism!! I am off to make my own resolutions now. So true…failing only means falling into the arms of Jesus. Ahhh, the freedom!!
Edie. Thank you for promoting such a optimistic outlook for 2012!! I love all you said and couldn’t agree more with you
Regarding 12 in scripture!! woo HOO!! Twelve is also governmental order so I am looking for more order in our home and lives….”line upon line”. And yeah..you seem to be “ruling” in Scrabble!! Your post wanted to make me PRESS FORWARD
With expectation and HOPE..instead of the end of the world!!!
Thank you for encouragement!! HAPPY, GLORIOUS and VICTORIOUS New Year!!
I LOVE this post Edie – and will be quoting you for many a month to come methinks. Love how “His mercies are new every morning” fits together with renewed New Year’s resolutions.
Wishing you and your family every happiness and blessing for 2012 xx
just another hello to see if you saw your gorgeous workroom here: Think Outside The Box! hugs, friend!!!
no and still can’t find it. could ya send me the link pretty pleasie? xoxo still thinking over blissdom. i have to be away from home two weekends after that so i’m trying really weigh the ‘costs’! love you
Think Outside The Box!
Did that work? If not I will send it again.
About Blissdom, I am thinking no…. I just know that it is not what I need. I think it will feed some things God does not want me feeding right now.
As for friendships, I am ready to feed that any day! I still pray that you will open your home to a girls weekend sometime.
Love you!
I’m not sure which one I smiled bigger at.
Grow beautiful children.
Drink more water…and wine.
You make me smile.
~ Dana
I stumbled onto your blog this week after viewing a picture of your girls’ room on Pinterest . Loved the room-and your blog title caught my eye. I have been thoroughly enjoying your inspiring self-disclosure. I like to dabble in decorating but need Erica (Urban Grace) to rescure me from myself. I am a clinical psychologist turned stay-at-home-homeschooling mom. I teach from a classical approach-or approximate it. I particularly reasonate with your posts on the gospel message. It’s so encouraging to find a person I can relate to in many areas of life-especially on those sometimes crazy homeschool days. Thanks for your blog!
Wonderful post! I firmly believe in the hope and renewal of a new year. This is the year I edit my house and my rear end! Have been working on both every day. Oh, it’s good to have goals! Hope you have a grand day. Toodles, Kathryn from TheDedicatedHouse
Dear Edie,
I just came across your blog TODAY, and I loved it! Laughed out Loud here and read some parts to my husband. You inspired me to make my resolutions, it is not too late! God Bless you and your family!
Oh my!! Such fun!! I’ve come across a kindred spirit!! Hope springs eternal! Keep at it!
Dear, dear Edie, Thank goodness for new years!! An automatic new start. And for you, having now admitted your oh-so-closely-guarded secret, the new year is a fresh new beginning. May God bless you in ways you cannot expect nor imagine. May he release you from pent-up, closely held fears of whatever. May you be emotionally refreshed and freed from any mental constraints. May you feel the clean, new, loved, eagerness of baptisim. Look up and look forward. Praise God that he uses all he allows in our lives, good, bad, and outrageous to shape us into the person he planned for us to be.
Can I simply say what a reduction to search out someone who actually knows what theyre speaking about on the internet. You positively know tips on how to carry a difficulty to light and make it important. More folks need to read this and understand this facet of the story. I cant believe youre no more common since you definitely have the gift.