Due to some very difficult circumstances after our pastor retired last year, we felt very strongly that we needed to find a Christ-centered confessional church for our family to attend.
We’ve been at First Lutheran Church in Knoxville now for almost exactly a year. Lutherans don’t change churches very often or easily so it was quite a bold move for us. Our new pastor counseled with us at length and we all prayed that the situation would resolve itself so that we could return to our home church.
It did not and he agreed that we should proceed with moving our membership. The process took awhile but we couldn’t be happier.
We drive an hour each way to church every Sunday and pass no less then 50 churches on the way.
I can say with confidence that I don’t think I have ever heard better preaching. Our pastors preach law and gospel every Sunday without fail.
The message is ALWAYS Christ and His finished work on the cross on our behalf. For that, I’d drive much farther.
There’s no “you can do it if you try harder” or “10 steps to a better you”. There’s no fancy sermon series. They faithfully follow the lectionary and preach from the biblical texts. It is classical christian worship.
Every single message, every single Sunday is about Jesus and His love and grace extended to us sinners.
I sit in the pew in awe and often in tears. I keep waiting for the ball to drop. The gospel every Sunday? What a precious gift.
And I’m no stranger to sermon-stalking. In fact, I’ve listened to more than 30 sermons (online) of various preachers in our area over the past few months.
I’d say that Jesus was the focus of about 3 of those sermons. Maybe 3. Jesus is usually given honorable mention at the end of the sermon. Kind of an “oh by the way….”
It’s become my hobby because as I look back over the years, it’s amazing how little Christ-centered preaching I’ve been privileged to hear.
Why is there such a drought of preaching the gospel? It has become so vogue to talk about everything else but Christ.
Why are churches trying so hard to be hip and forsaking the very thing that they have been mandated to preach?
Jesus did not say, “Go ye into all the world and be hip and tell some cute stories and give people ten ways to make them better.”
He said to preach the gospel. It’s the church’s only message.
And yet, we seem to have forsaken it for the wisdom of the age.
We don’t bat an eye. We like the practical life lessons. We like knowing there’s something we can do.
It’s our natural theology to be given a to-do list and to keep track of our progress. That may be fine psychology but it’s not christianity.
The gospel is crazy. The gospel makes no sense. The gospel is counterintuitive to everything we know about the world and ourselves.
The gospel is foolishness to the world.
And sadly, too often it seems, the gospel has become foolishness to the church as well.
We mistakenly think that it’s the lost person who needs to hear the gospel and once we’re saved, we must move on to bigger and better things.
There is nothing bigger. There is no other story to be told.
The story of redemption is all we have.
We need desperately to hear the gospel.
Why? Because we can hardly believe it. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to wrap my mind around it. I need to hear it often and clearly.
It is the ‘power of God unto salvation’. It brings life and forgiveness and salvation.
And we need our pastors to remind us and reassure us over and over and over again that Christ died for us.
That He loves us and has forgiven us and has marked us in our baptism as one of His own.
The law is meant to kill us, not to give us something to do.
Then once the law has plowed us under, Christ’s forgiving word makes us alive again.
Those precious words that we are literally dying to hear—–” your sins are forgiven.”
“Beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
If it’s been a while since the sweet preaching of the gospel refreshed your soul, you can find it here and here and here and here and here.
What a debt of gratitude we owe to those faithful pastors who continue to preach Christ despite temptation on every side to preach something else.
And to Issues Etc.—–thank you for tireless hours of catechesis and sermon reviews.
Edie-sadly this is so true. The pulpit is used to tell us about the latest and greatest thing that will transform us, our lives, our circumstances. It will all be made new if only we do such and such. And in the end you are left wounded, wondering why you are not worthy of the promised miracles and blessings. Even being told that you are hiding sin and doing something wrong and that is why your circumstances don’t change. Truly all we need is Jesus and to cling to the promises of His work on the cross.
Thank you for these links. My well has run dry.
I’m not a lutheran, but I am a believer, saved by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. It was so very refreshing to read your post. As believers, we are called to stand for truth and righteousness and to be bold about it, loving, but bold.
I am blessed also to hear the gospel and some hard core truth every Sunday. I am not sure how people live without it.
Keep bringing the truth!
I’m not a lutheran, but I am a believer, saved by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. It was so very refreshing to read your post. As believers, we are called to stand for truth and righteousness and to be bold about it, loving, but bold.
I am blessed also to hear the gospel and some hard core truth every Sunday. I am not sure how people live without it.
Keep bringing the truth!
“We need desperately to hear the gospel. Why? Because we can hardly believe it. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to wrap my mind around it. I need to hear it often and clearly.” This is so true! I think this all the time!
Thank you for your post — didn’t expect that message, but so happy to have it!
Preach it, Edie! As a former Lutheran, I heartily congratulate you for sticking in there and finding a truly gospel-based church. They need you. So much.
Amen! As the daughter of a Lutheran Pastor, I was blessed to grow up with solid, confessional preaching – every Sunday. I give thanks for him – and your Pastor – and all who remain rooted in the Gospel. I pray that you may be blessed to be a blessing in your new church.
Edie, what you say is so very true. I am privileged to sit in a gospel centered church. Sometimes I forget that it is a rarity and not the norm. I’m glad you have found a gospel based church. It would be worth the drive to me too. Praise God for his amazing grace through the work of Christ–my only hope and my full assurance.
Thank you, Edie, beautiful words. I just listened to the first sermon you linked, The Boat…a great way to start my day. Thank you for sharing.
Wonderful words!! I couldn’t agree more! Although we are different denominations (we are Presbyterian- PCA), we are motivated by the same goal and that is to hear the gospel! I grew up in a very liberal church. Sometimes months would pass without even uttering the name of Christ except in the creeds or doxology. I could never articulate how freeing and beautiful the gospel of grace was to me as a 17 year old!! And it still feels that humbling, liberating, and amazing every time!
Amen! I couldn’t agree more … thank you for sharing this … a word in due season … preach on Sis. Edie! 🙂
Edie, I feel like you wrote this for me at the right time. We have been attending a large,beautiful ‘Mega Church’ for about 3 years now.The preaching IS good,the worship IS beautiful BUT I just don’t feel it’s for us anymore. I feel as though we are lost there amongst so many people. We endured tragedy very close to the time you did and had no support. I would like to change churches to a smaller one in my community. Husband is not on board. Please pray for us. Thank you!!
Our pastor has been preaching on the lack of Christ in today’s churches and how the gospel offends people. It took us a while to find a church with a pastor who isn’t afraid to speak the truth to the congregation. More pastors need to step up instead of teaching new age self help. The gospel is offensive because people don’t want to hear that they are sinners, it is definitely a huge problem in our society.
I totally agree. We don’t hear Christ and his work on the cross preached enough in our churches. Sometimes I feel like (and I’m making a general statement) church is more of a good show to put on, rather than a time to lift up Jesus so all men will be drawn to Him. Someone once told my husband that he preaches on the Gospel too much.
Glad you have a good church to attend.
Wow! I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear this until I read it. Thank you. My husband & I left our church )of over 16 years) almost a year ago also – something we don’t do regularly either. Nothing drove us away, we just felt we weren’t “fitting in”….for lack of another term.
We found a small church this past January that we actually love – no airs are put on and the pastor preaches pure gospel every Sunday. It wasn’t until I read your post just now that it became clear to me. Our old church is constantly seeking out the “lost”, giving the 10 step approach, and seems to always have to have a “theme” or series.
Our new church doesn’t do that. Our pastor preaches directly from the Bible each & every Sunday professing the love of Christ and also preaches from the depth of the old testament, reminding me of who our God really is.
Thank you so much for this post. It really opened my eyes to the changes I’ve been going through in this last year.
I agree 100%. It is Christ plus nothing…We go to a church that preaches that and we love it. It is a church on fire for Jesus.
Love reading your blog. I am in Australia and lucky to attend a gospel centered church. It’s great that you found a new church.
Hi Edie.
You did a fabulous job writing this post…and I’m certain this rubbed some people the wrong way. As a practicing Catholic living in a community highly influenced by “prosperity gospel” preaching, this topic hits close to home. For all that is “wrong” with the Catholic church (we are, after all, a church made up of sinners), the one thing we get so “right” is our gospel-centered “preaching”. Every Sunday (and any day of the week for that matter at weekday Mass)…we are reminded of why Christ died for us. And there is definitely no 10-Step approach to a better you during our homilies…
Blessings to you and your family,
Great post Edie…I totally agree!
Glad you have a new home church!
Amen and amen!! And thank you for writing what needs to shouted!
Wow, this has really been a year of major changes for you & your family Edie. So delighted that your home is progressing and that you’ve also found a new church home. God is so incredibly good!
I agree with you completly….only the word of God can change hearts. I have been a WELS member all my life. I love my church because every Sunday we read from the bible the law and the gospel. I love when my Pastors say “lets stand for the holy gospel”. We also chant the Psalms and it is really beautiful. The hymms we sing come from His holy word
I have heard of churches that cover the cross or do not mention the blood because it offends people. As believers in Christ we are washed in the blood and made whole, how great is that!
May God bless you & your family as you choose His word over other preaching……
Cheryl K
Wondeful to see a fellow WELS member here! 🙂
Amen sister friend. I totally agree.
HI Edie!!! This sermon had me at the title.” Beautiful are the feet who bring the good news” is actually the core verse of our church in Cali. Its called Sandals Church and we love it. Not as traditional as your Lutheran church but man do they preach the gospel. You are so right that so many churches have turned away from preaching about Jesus and his love and grace for us. He reigns.
so glad you found the church for your family. I would drive all day to hear the gospel too!
check out http://www.pastorpaul.net…he‘s amazing! And puts Jesus as the focus in all his teachings!
Amen. 🙂
Amen Edie! Thank you for these words. As a confessional Lutheran I know what you mean about feeling isolated sometimes among more ‘popular’ churches. I thank God for keeping his Word and that alone at the center of our church body (WELS). When you know that relying solely on the cross of Christ and not at all on your own works I think that truely brings freedom and peace!
Love visiting your blog; many blessings to you my sister in Christ!
So true. My husband and I are trying to find a Christ-centered church. We’ve been trying to find one for the past 4 years. We got sick of the “Church hopping” and had been attended the same church for the past 2 years. We tried to get involved but the more we got involved the more we didn’t fit in. Then after this past Easter’s service where Christ wasn’t the focus of the sermon (jokes, games, loud music was) we left. Why is finding a Christ Centered church SO hard? We are a younger couple with two small kids who don’t fit in anywhere. Please pray for us.
Your message really hit a note with me today. You NAILED exactly what keeps me in the Lutheran faith. Lately, I feel so isolated from friends who attend more “popular” churches.
best blog post i’ve read in months! LOVE!
Great and much needed post about sermons and our churches, Edie! Thanks so much for sharing. We can all use a reminder of our mission on this earth and share the gospel more with others. It doesn’t need to be from a pulpit but can show up in gift, a smile, a blog. Blessings on you today!
I went to a church that taught grace, straight from the bible every week for 10 years. I was transformed. I learned so much. As I was learning God’s word, I also gradually started to look down on other churches that weren’t teaching truth (as I saw it). I grew up going to church and my relationships with old friends began to slowly change. My family was more devout. We were more serious. We were more studious. We were more righteous. I am no longer at my church and I have seen more and experienced more at a church than one should. Doctrine is important but doctine isn’t everything. There are Christians at those big, fluff churches. There are good people doing good things at those churches. I had to learn that the hard way.
Edie…I have been immersed for several days now on what Christ has done for me…something that has never amazed me until now because I was always taught that he died so that we could so something for him. But I love love love your comment that “the law is meant to kill us, not give us something to do.” Oh, how I want the freedom that exudes from your relationship with Jesus…yours are the feet that are beautiful as well!
edie, my family is very blessed to go to a Bible believing/preaching church. we live in jackson, ms and go to first presbyterian church, pca. if you haven’t heard of our preacher before, i know you would love listening to his sermons. amazing. his name is ligon duncan. thank! i love your blog! anna
Amen! Sin is offensive, it is offensive to see it in this world and in ourselves. Some find it offensive to hear about it from the pulpit. So many preachers decide to edit the gospel and only bring the “good stuff” to order to be politically correct. But Christ IS the good stuff and came as a remedy for my sin. Sweet mercy brings sweet release. The more I see the sin in my life, the more I know I need my Savior.
I have been saying for years that, “Church is the idol of our day”. So many are comfortable with church but not as comfortable with Christ and a relationship with Him. Thank you for boldly sharing your faith. I am not Lutheran, but I do prefer the worship in reformed circles. There definitely is more Christ centered teaching and the Bible, both Old and New Testament is held in high regard.
I am Catholic, not Lutheran, but we our faiths share similarities (my friend is Lutheran and we’ve made comparisons). What you have described is why I love my faith. Each Sunday, we hear the gospel. The Homily is Christ centered. Always. We don’t have power point, or flashing lights, or celebrity preachers, and I love it. In southern California, the land of glossy productions, it’s few and far between.
I am Catholic, not Lutheran, but we our faiths share similarities (my friend is Lutheran and we’ve made comparisons). What you have described is why I love my faith. Each Sunday, we hear the gospel. The Homily is Christ centered. Always. We don’t have power point, or flashing lights, or celebrity preachers, and I love it. In southern California, the land of glossy productions, it’s few and far between.
Woo Hoo! You go, girl! This post was quite a sermon in itself. And you’re right. You’re absolutely right.
You know, I believe strongly that the really transformational work that goes on these days happens less in church sanctuaries and more in church basements–at AA and other 12-step meetings. Why? Because they never veer from the real message. They confess every day that they have no power over sin (alcoholism, addiction, whatever) and that they are dependent upon a Higher Power to rescue them. Many of them don’t know the name of the Higher Power, but we do! Those of us who know His name should proclaim it from the mountaintops!
What’s better than a pedicure for making your feet beautiful? Preaching the good news!
Like the old hymn says,
“Oh Savior, my Redeemer,
What can I but adore
And magnify and praise Thee
And love Thee evermore?”
Okay, you’ve got me fired up. I’ll hush now. 🙂
Edie–Are you inside my brain? Just last night I started writing a blog post entitled “What does it mean to be gospel-centered?” But you wrote it for me! I often feel like a broken record as I long for (and voice my longing for) preaching that makes clear the distinction between law and gospel. These categories are so incredibly helpful in my thinking about the faith. Recently I wrote a post entitled “Rest and Persevere,” attempting to articulate my thoughts on these things. I love your posts on the faith. Sometimes I wonder if I should join the PCA or the LCMS, although my conservative Evangelical Free church is pretty faithful in preaching Christ, by comparison to most. I am encouraged to hear such resonance in your thoughts and I completely understand driving an hour for nourishing food. I’m grateful for you!
First off I want to say that I love your blog! I’ve been lurking for a while, and this is my first time to post. What you speak of resonates with me very much, in too many ways to articulate here.
I like the way you think. If I lived near you, I believe we’d be good friends. You could teach me a lot. 🙂
I love your boldness for Christ. Hugs!!
Thought of you today as I was listening to Pastor Mark. If you appreciate good bible…gospel…preaching about Jesus…you will appreciate this church. Love them!
And the most memorable of his sermons marriage and men. It was our first time at Mars Hill and it was intense. http://marshill.com/media/trial/marriage-and-men
I love your blog. I disagree with a lot of what you wrote on this post. I hope that those that don’t agree with this post are as welcome here as those that do agree with it. Blessings to your family.
I guess I should have said that I disagree with the assumptions made by what you said. I think that most of the churches that you say are not “Christ or Bible centered” would disagree with that label.
Its funny you say that…I am a Christadelphian and I live in the northeast. Until recently I didnt know much about the “hip” side of preaching. Christ is what our Sunday memorial meeting is centered around. We sing hymns…there are no flashing lights or bands. There is nothing but people quietly reflecting & remembering God and his son and the sacrifice that was made for us so that we can be forgiven for our sins and have a chance to be part of God’s Kingdom when Christ returns. I went to a service once where I felt like everyone was competing to see who could put on the biggest spectacle…I just feel like that is exactly what Christ preached against. It isnt about the outward show, its about your heart.
As a personal blog you have every right to post anything you want and any opinion you have. I am just concerned at how many people will stumble on your blog post and never want to visit a Christian church based on the closed minds of those commenting on this post. It feels like any type of Christianity that isn’t perfectly aligned with your Christian beliefs is less or wrong in your eyes. I think that the 50 churches that you pass every Sunday that are preaching non “Christ centered sermons” are still reaching a lot of people and bringing them to the Lord.
Amen and AMEN!! I’m blessed to sit under Christ-centered preaching every week, but I know it’s a rare privelege.
I love this post. I LOVE THIS POST. It is so nice to read a blog written by a Confessional Lutheran. It’s a breath of fresh air. Keep up the EXCELLENT work!!!
Thank you so much for posting this. My husband is a pastor here in Southern California. It seems that all the churches around us are choosing “hip” over Gospel to fill the pews. It’s sad really. Loved your post and am thankful that we are sticking with Christ-centered preaching. http://heartjournaling.blogspot.com/
Ahhhhh. There you are! This is the Edie that reeled me in over a year ago. This is the Truth that powers the deep restoration project of your soul! Don’t get me wrong, I love reading about backsplash tile and shades of white, but this, your spirit’s cry for the Cross of Christ, this is the thread of glittering gold shining brightest among strands of grace. Thank you for this today. Xo
Amen! We drive an hour and a half one way to hear simple biblical truth about Jesus, and it’s worth every second.
I smiled when you spoke about how we Lutherans don’t change churches easily or often. It’s true! We’re a loyal bunch when we find a good place to call home. I feel so blessed that the wonderful church/family I grew up attending has a new pastor who continues to be a blessing to our church – he’s amazing with the sermons, and has been on Issues, Etc a few times, which I know you like.
Anyway, thank you for this post, it was beautiful and hit me hard and I think I needed that. 🙂
Hi Edie,
I am a fellow Mo.Synod Lutheran here and I have known some of the finest pastors and a few disappointing. For some reason I do not fully understand, Lutheran pastors from the northern states do not seem to work out in the South. Maybe there is some sort of cultural divide–I don’t know, but it is disheartening. We are again, without a pastor. Our church’s school which used to have waiting lists, is now dwindling in enrollment. The last two pastors we had here had no interest at all in the school which is really a mission field right under their nose! I have also seen a move to become more like the big mega churches, and quite frankly it offends me. It reminds me of the Israelites who begged for a king because they wanted to be like the other nations. I love a contemplativ,t reverent service where the gospel is preached without bells and whistles and powerpoint! I do not want drums, electric guitars and noise and pastors dressed in a suit like a businessman.
Sorry for the rant, but I did want to ask you a question. Are you familiar with Ann Voskamp and her blog A Holy Experience. I read her post a couple of days ago about good and evil and it was absolutely riveting!
There is nothing more refreshing than hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ preached. It’s so sad that it’s not “vogue” to teach Christ anymore. We’ve searched for a home church for a long time until we found the perfect fit. This is an encouraging for those searching.
Edie~ I love the way you share your passion for Jesus, and the bold reminder that He is Everything. I absolutely agree, too often, His precious name is somehow lost in the Church. He did all for us, there is nothing we can do for Him accept to love Him and accept that precious gift. Thank you for making Him what it is all about!
This was such a great post, and thought provoking. I have a couple of questions, if you have time to adddress them…
First, I’m curious about your comment about the goal of the law being to kill us. I agree that we are to die to self, and sanctification is a process, if this is what you are referring to. However, as Christians (saved by grace) I believe we are no longer under the Law, so this statement made me wonder if I am misinterpreting your statement.
The other questions is regarding your kids and their involvement in church. Your teens seem like they have grown up to such great young adults, and so faithful, and as I am just entering that stage and getting involved in youth activities with my girls, I wonder if you would share what you think was helpful in shaping your older kids in their faith? I have some concerns about youth groups in general, but think it is so important for them to have a support group of fellow believers as friends. Curious what your experience has been.
Thanks again for writing this. Beautiful and something that has given me a lot to think about. Love that!
I am the wife of a minister who faithfully preaches the Gospel every week…and everyday as well, in one-on-one settings such as in coffee houses and in living rooms. It’s not hip or sexy. Or even easy. But it is faithful. 🙂
Thanks for this sweet reminder to seek TRUTH.
Thanks for posting. Bottom line is we all need Jesus. No feel good sermon or ritual is going to secure anyone’s final destiny. Those who don’t agree should know that those of us who know & love Jesus only share because of our love for those who don’t yet know him. It would be like having the cure for cancer but neglecting to tell anyone because you didn’t want to “offend” them. Loved your homeschool post, too. My fleshy, sin nature would love to put my kids on the bus & have 8 hrs of peace & quiet but deep down I know my time with them is limited & we need to be together.
‘Jesus did not say, ”Go ye into all the world and be hip and tell some cute stories and give people ten ways to make them better.”
He said to preach the gospel. It’s the church’s only message.’
LOVED this and your whole post more than I can say. Well said.
Amen! We moved about a year ago and since we don’t think of ourselves as any particular denomination we had a lot of churches to visit. You’d be surprised (or maybe not) how many only acknowledge Jesus in their decor or in passing if at all. We have moved to a part of the country that for all intents should be a mission field… So few people go to church here when we go out to lunch after we have been asked why we are “dressed up” so you’d think the churches here would be on fire… On their knees for revival… You’d be wrong… A few are, but most of the churches seemed spiritually dead. I am glad you have found a church where you can be fed.
I hope you e.mail this to your pastor . . . it would be a great way to honor those to whom honor is due.
I’m one of the pastors’ wives, and I already sent it to my husband and told him to print it for the senior pastor, who doesn’t do computers. Edie’s post made me cry. There’s nothing more wonderful than having someone in the pews listening to the sweet Gospel and lapping it up.
Preaching the gospel of GOOD news is always in season! Always relevant! Always needed! I am happy that your family found a new church home. Blessings to you!
What a great post… we had a similar experience & left the Church I had attended my whole life. Husband & I did almost 20 yrs. of youth ministry there…& it was so painful to leave. It had grown to a mega / seeker friendly church & I remember poking my husband once at the end of the service & said, “He has not even opened the Bible yet” The Pastor was so worried about offending seekers & wanting the large attendance… We had to leave… but again, one of the most painful things we have ever done. But God is So good & So Faithful… I believe He stirred our discontent, so we would move on, grow & be used in a new way….
Thanks for sharing….
I had a close friend get married in that church last month – it was my first Lutheran service and it was beautiful. I called my husband {who is a pastor & was preforming a wedding in NC} and told him how much I enjoyed listening to the pastor during the service. He seemed incredibly humble & authentic.
AMEN, AMEN, AMEN! I love hearing the Gospel Sunday after Sunday. I need it. Oh how I need it.
Have I ever told you that you make me want to convert? For reals. Just last night we passed a Lutheran church and I pointed it out to Cory..”See!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
This is what you do to me.
“There is nothing bigger. There is no other story to be told.The story of redemption is all we have.We need desperately to hear the gospel.”How I need Him!
I can so sympathize with you Edie!!! This is EXACTLY how our old non-denominational church was. Talked about everything with a little “Jesus” thrown in here and there. After we left I felt like we were in “church limbo” for a very long time. We have been attending a local church in the small village near us, which is actually an ECLA congregation, however it seems extremely conservative and traditional with classical worship. First and foremost it is Christ Centered. The pastor is very personable and is very good about talking with us and answering questions. I had MANY reservations about attending an ECLA church, but after the boys went to VBS there last year we decided to give a try and we ended up feeling very comfortable and at “home”. We did try one MS church, but it felt identical to the one we are currently attending. There is another one we would like to try at some point. It’s so hard to make these decisions! But as long as we are keeping Christ first, it all falls into place :)xoxo
Amen! We are in the middle of the call process at church and I pray that God leads a pastor to us that preaches the Gospel each and every Sunday. Your post is beautiful- I think I will print it out to remind me of what our church is called to do- spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!
The article has really peaks my interest. I am going to bookmark your web site and hold checking for brand new information.
Prophecy news watch
Whoo, Ms. Edie, you are right.
I loved loved love this… “That may be fine psychology but it’s not christianity.
The gospel is crazy. The gospel makes no sense. The gospel is counterintuitive to everything we know about the world and ourselves.
The gospel is foolishness to the world.
And sadly, too often it seems, the gospel has become foolishness to the church as well.”
Wondering if you saw this recent article, where Russell Moore (president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission) is quoted: “Christians need to start seeing that we find ourselves in a position very similar to the one the Christian church was in in the very beginning of its existence, as a minority of people speaking to the larger culture in ways which are going to sometimes seem freakish to that larger culture. I don’t think that’s anything that should panic us . . . but it’s a realistic view of who we are.”
I am still deep in blog love and slowly but surely reading through all your archives. I accidentally saw a more recent post (I’ve started at the back and am working my way forward until I get current), and I found myself mourning at how big your children had gotten. I’m certain if a blog-friend-stranger feels that way, you must too. They are beautiful though!
I’m gonna have to try this with Almond butter. We can’t do peanut butter here, but I love this idea!
When I was a child my parents had close friends that we visited often. Both our houses were middle class and children played outside. To reach the friends house we had to go through Beverly Hills where the houses are large and beautiful, but not a child in sight. It’s still that way today in every upper class neighborhood I’ve been to. I guess the wealthy don’t need laws to protect their kids.
Oh my goodness. Thank you so much for loving us through your words….challenging us, encouraging and filing us with God’s love by sacrificing your time to serve your readers. I absolutely cherish you and have been following you for years. Thank you for blessing me AND my family. YOU are precious! Waiting for my children to wake up, so I can serve and love on them.