Edited to add:
Live Fireside Chat tomorrow evening Sunday March 6th starting at 7pm.
here’s the 411:
There will appear at approximately 7p a small box in a new post which is a live chat box. You must sign in to the chat but you can use facebook or sign in as a guest. The sign in process is easy and doesn’t require any personal information besides a name. Don’t trick me with funny names like Loretta Lynn, because then I’ll just be jealous. The chat is limited to 50 people, which I highly doubt we’ll surpass, but if you want to participate, sign in right away as soon as you see the chat box appear. You can watch the chat without signing in too which will probably be even more fun. It will likely be kinda chaotic and confusing so my trusty friend Ami is gonna be our moderator. See, she started this whole thing anyways. I was planning on just using the actual comments section and writing back and forth to each other there for a live chat—kinda Sanford and Son style—– until she asked me sophisticated questions like “Which chat forum will you be using?” and “Will there be a transcript?”
Then I started to ask myself questions like, “Are you even allowed to have a blog Miss “I don’t even know what a chat forum is”? So I did what any respectable tech-challenged blogger would do and I took my questions to google. And that’s where I met Chatroll. Ms. Ami does things like this for a living and will keep us from hurting ourselves. And apparently, there are rules for live chats.
1. Once you sign in, introduce yourself to us, tell us where your from, the name of your blog–if you have one, and whatever else you want to tell us about yourself.
2. Don’t be scared, it’s just us talking to each other. I tried it out last night and a few of you saw me and jumped into the chat and said hi. It was such a thrill, like I was doing great and adventuresome things. Again, I realize I don’t get out much but humor me, ok?
3. Treat everyone with respect and don’t use foul language, unless you’re quoting Doo from Coal Miner’s DAughter and then just add *** to finish the word. Also, when quoting Coal Miner’s Daughter, it helps if you write in the local vernacular. For example, “Hey Doo, who’s at sow you got wallering around in yer jeep?”
4. Hopefully, we won’t blow the internet up. Amen.
We’ll chat til’ you run out of stuff to talk about or until I fall asleep. Also check this post periodically—as I will answer some of your questions at the end of this post!
I’m editing a post for Lent to be posted on Monday. I’m also taking some time off from the world wide web of social networking. Before I disappear for a time, I thought I’d do a little q and a. I’ve been dreadfully behind on answering emails and such and I thought it’d be fun to answer your questions or chitty chat with you all in one post. I’ll end this little online conversation with a live chat on this comment section tomorrow evening, which will be Sunday March 6th. What time is good for you? I was thinking maybe 7-8? Can you be here? We can talk about whatever you want. Boots, lip gloss, insurance, tomato soup, homeschooling, current fads in Christianity, my love for C.S. Lewis, photography or even my favorite lines in Coal Miner’s Daughter. You pick, we’ll chat. If you can’t be here, you can just leave your comment or question on this post and I’ll either post my commentary in this post or the comment section. I’m all ears, just like Hank!
I’ll start with a recent question from one of you about current pics of where we are living. This is the awesome house we’re currently renting. We love it. Beautiful established neighborhood and VERY convenient to everything. We are so blessed to be able to live here.
and here’s our bedroom with a bed–no headboard, a dresser and a lamp.
Now, it’s your turn. I’m grabbing my coffee.
1. Melissa asks about my favorite jeans.
I could speak all day on this topic. But here’s the short and skinny. Every girl needs a pair of jeans that fit perfectly. It won’t be the same brand/cut/style for each person. But ‘good’ jeans are a must. I wear jeans almost everyday so I’d rather pay $150 a pair for one good pair than $50 a pair for four mediocre pairs. I like American Eagle jeans but I find that I’m always *hiking* them up. My favorite non-hiking, non-muffintop jeans are these Dojo jeans from 7 For All Mankind. These are the best jeans ever made. Ever. I ordered my last pair from Zappos (I also had these before the fire) and couldn’t live without them. I also LOVE these gray skinny jeans called the Bree jean— from the Blogger collection!! —-(which I wear rolled up as capri jeans) from CAbi. If you don’t have a CAbi consultant, you need one because their stuff is awesome and I can get you in touch with my friend Susan who will meet all your fashion needs. CAbi has been sending me boxes of free clothes as part of the ‘Heart of CAbi’ program for people who’ve gone through tragedy. I love this company. They also have a blog called Cabi Canary, which you will love.
Last week, I found this pair of trouser/sailor looking jeans from American Eagle, called the daydreamer, that I love. These fit like butt-ah!
See what I mean? I could talk all day.
2. Fad-Driven Christianity
Shannan and Robyn and Bev ask about my take on the plethora of fads that now dominate American Christianity. Have you noticed this propensity in christianity for the next big thing? The next new book or program? We wait with bated breath for something new, better, more spiritual that will somehow take us to that next level in our christian life. But like all fads, even my current favorite the Dolman shirt, they will come and go and soon enough there will be something brighter, shinier, better to grab our attention. From my own fad-frenzied past, here’s what I think. I think we’re prone to follow fads because we’re so starved for the real thing—-which is the gospel. Most of our churches don’t faithfully preach the gospel every single Sunday. Most of the books we read are full of how-to’s and laundry lists of things we should be doing—instead of focused on the finished work of Christ on the cross. Most of our friends are doing the next big fad and we feel left out if we don’t know about it. But what have we forsaken in our quest for relevancy? Most of these fads are quazi self-help without any clear delineation of God’s law and His gospel. It’s the gospel that’s at stake.
“Pray this prayer and you’ll be rich. Do these things and you’ll get rewards in heaven. Wear this bracelet and you’ll know what to do in certain situations. Wear this ring and stay pure.”
There is no need for the gospel in these scenarios. The gospel plays second fiddle to the program. Christ plays second fiddle to the christian’s self improvement.
A distorted gospel is no gospel at all.
In an article I’ve linked to below, written by Pastor Todd Wilken, he quotes Os Guiness from the book Prophetic Untimeliness, who says that
Relevance without truth encourages what Nietzsche called the “herd” mentality and Kierkegaard “the age of the crowd.” Further compounded by accelerated change, which itself is compounded by the fashion-driven dictates of consumerism, relevance becomes overheated and vaporizes into trendiness.
Feverishness is the condition of an institution that has ceased to be faithful to its origins. It is then caught up in “a restless, cosmopolitan hunting after new and ever newer things.
Relevance without truth encourages what Nietzsche called the “herd” mentality and Kierkegaard “the age of the crowd.” Further compounded by accelerated change, which itself is compounded by the fashion-driven dictates of consumerism, relevance becomes overheated and vaporizes into trendiness.
Feverishness is the condition of an institution that has ceased to be faithful to its origins. It is then caught up in “a restless, cosmopolitan hunting after new and ever newer things.
This article written by Lutheran pastor Todd Wilken says it all. If at possible, read it for yourself and keep an open mind because the first time I read it, I was still a little fad-frenzied and it shook me to the core.
You will find a fair and intelligent discussion on the topic here that is based on this article by Terry Mattingly. Joe Carter, an evangelical himself, wrote this about the the most dangerous fads in and fixtures of American churches.
As for other trends, I’m as guilty as the next girl. I love chevron and ikat fabrics and I love starfish and antlers and I especially love the current trend of classical christian education. Trends are hard to resist. But when it comes to the “faith once delivered to the saints”, that in itself, will never be trendy. THe gospel is foolishness to the world. I’ll finish with this paragraph which is the final paragraph of Pastor Wilken’s article:
As I write this, my 12-year-old daughter is convinced that hip-hugger bell-bottoms are the greatest idea in fashion history. I don’t have the heart to tell her that I used to think so too. She thinks her father looks old-fashioned and lacks all sense of style. I don’t have the heart to tell her that I look back at pictures of my bell-bottom days and laugh. I don’t have the heart to tell her that someday she will do the same. The Church is an old man who has been wearing the same clothes in the same style his whole life. He refuses to change with the fashions. He simply lets the fads pass him by. Yes, he seems behind the times. But look again at what he is wearing. He is clothed in Christ.
Sheepishly stepping off soapbox now and hoping you don’t throw things at me.
3. Living your authentic self
Patty asked about living authentically despite the fads that sweep through culture. I love this quote by Lewis:
— C.S. Lewis (Mere Christianity)
“current fads in Christianity” — I want to hear your take on THIS! And everything, really.
Oh yes!! ME TOOO!! Can we clarify which time zone for the chat??
7p eastern time!
Yes! This is a topic we could chat about all night, though. 😉
yes and we may! i’ll address it in the post as soon as i can rally my thoughts and sources!
hey sweet shannan! i’m gonna answer your question as part of the post but it’ll take me a little time to collect my thoughts and sources. so glad you asked though! loves to you 🙂
Edie, Although you don’t know me, nor I you, there aren’t too many days that go by when you don’t pop into my thoughts. It’s usually when I am in my kitchen. Funny! I guess there must be some significance to this.
I totally and truly understand taking a break from social networking, whether it be for lent, or for just “tuning” into yourself for while for some peace. Please know you will remain in my thoughts and I look forward to your return! Peace sister….
Now, my question(s) for you: “What is your favorite color right now?” … “What is your favorite flavor right now”? … “What is your favorite sound right now…is it music…is it laughter coming from a child in the next room…is it the soothing sound of water trickling….the whistle of the tea kettle”?
I would love to come back tonight and be part of the chat, and I surely will make sure the house is quiet so as to share every word and every ounce of love that will be so apparent.
We ALL love you Edie!
Hey Sue! So happy to hear from you. Thank you for all the kind things you say, grace for the soul:)
Now, for the questions.
color—-navy and persimmon, but it changes daily and i will always love turquoise, always!
flavor—coffee and chocolate.
sound—the Avett Brothers playing the banjo and singing anything
thanks for asking, love to you friend!
Hello from rainy Idaho.What a FUN Saturday post! I value your thoughts as you journey through the rebuilding process. A family in our close knit little town lost their house to fire right before the holidays as well. I’ve learned so much from them – and others that have shared their experiences.
My question today is this: When starting over (for whatever the reason) it seems like such a clean palette, a new plate. It is intimidating for me. I want to gift, to help, to suggest – help arrange. How do we contribute and still let them create their own ‘new’? Where a person is in the grief process I am sure plays into that, surely.
You are very inspiring and I just love your style! Blessings ~
My local friends have helped in so many ways but probably the most helpful has been meals and money for a cleaning lady! Very helpful indeed.
Thanks so much for meeting me here in this space and for being an encouragement. This weary soul thanks you!
I want to know what you’ve learned through this whole ordeal, about yourself, about your family, about insurance, your belongings, life in general. What good has come out of this? What is something that continues to bother you? And how are the kids coping?
Michelle, thanks so much for inquiring and I’ll be answering your question as part of the post!
Bless you 🙂
Edie!!! I just discovered your blog accidentally somehow and am wondering where you’ve been all my life! Seriously, I think we’re long lost sisters. I have been reading through your archives for the past few days and have found myself slack jawed over and over. I am a southern gal with a great passion for C.S Lewis, George MacDonald, theology, and Classical schooling. My oldest son, also named Taylor, is a junior at a Classical Christian private school, and I’m homeschooling my 15 yr old son with the Classical, Ambleside method. Since childhood I have been obsessed with Coal Miner’s Daughter, and even have a sister who has been mistaken for Sissy Spacek many times. We could swap stories about alcoholic parents- mine owned a bar and we kids slept in the kitchen many nights. I adore bluegrass music and post videos on my blog and force my readers to watch. I found Issues, Etc several weeks ago and have been listening to it as I jog. Love it! I make killer sugar cookies with buttercream frosting. I am a MAC lipstick/gloss addict. You’re going to have to visit my blog. It’s bizarre how much we have in common. (Except I’m Presbyterian, not Lutheran.)
I am so heavy-hearted over your loss. I can’t even imagine the pain you’re feeling. I am encouraged, though, by your spirit of life and joy that will overcome this tragedy. I hope we get a chance to meet some day. In the meantime, I’m working my way through your archives, discovering more similarities and laughing and crying with you. I would love to join you for a chat. How does that work? I guess I’ll find out. Blessings to you, new friend!
So nice to meet you!!! I just hopped over to your blog and saw your handsome crew. It seems we’re like souls sisters my friend. As far as the live chat goes, just show up to these comments tomorrow night and say hi and ask or say anything you’d like. I’ll be online entering replies and hellos at the same time! Hope you can make it!
Thanks, Edie! Looking forward to it!
love the dresser and lamp! How are you? God bless you ….
Thank you so much Sandi! We’re really are doing pretty well. I’m gonna give a full-ish update in this post probably sometime today so stay tuned 🙂
Blessings to you and thanks for reading!
I want to start reading C.S. Lewis, everything eventually, but where would you recommend that I start? Also, have you read “The Spirituality of the Cross” by Gene Edward Veith Jr.? It helped me through a difficult time.
I love Gene Veith and yes, I’ve read this book, loved it. I would nearly always start with Mere Christianity and then maybe go to The Problem of Pain. There is no other like Lewis!
Thank you so much for joining in Lisa Marie (and btw, LOVE the name).
Blessings to you friend 🙂
I’m wondering something…I am a collector of things and while I tend to purge the real “junk” regularly, I wonder what it would be like to start all over. In no way do i want to minimize the enormity of your loss, but what i am wondering is, what’s it like to start over from scratch? Are there times that you like it?
Hey Holly! THanks for playing:)
I’m gonna address this as part of the post soon. Stay tuned and bless you friend!
Don’t have a headboard, either. Really want one. Discuss 😀
it feels so bachelor-ish without a headboard. i’ve ordered one (upholstered) but it will be awhile so i’m adjusting! i’m tempted to find an old barn door to prop up 🙂
I’d love to know where you ordered your upholstered headboard. We remodeled our master bedroom three years ago this July and I still dont’ have a headboard. How sad is that? I’ll even settle for an old closet door now!
I’m looking forward to the live chat. I’ll be a little late, but I’ll be here! Can’t wait to read the answers to some of the questions that have been asked. I’m off to read some of the links in this post now. Thanks.
we ordered our from Braden’s Furniture in Knoxville, they had lots of options for customization!
That house is beautiful. Where is it? As a realtor I can just about tell you where every house is. I don’t recognize that one. I love it!
i’ll send you a fb message erin!
I would love to chat about Lutherans. My husband grew up in the ELCA, I did not (I grew up in the Christian & Missionary Alliance church). Please share the case for infant baptism. As far as I know, there are not any cases in the Bible where infants are baptized. Can’t wait to see you Lent post. I am so intriguied by the Lutheran faith.
Kendra, the book, “The Spirituality of the Cross,” by Gene Edwards Veith, jr. offers a great, relatively easy to understand, view of the Lutheran faith by a self-described “spiritual wanderer.” Veith talks about a variety of theologies and he neither attacks or defends any of them. Of particular interest to me was his explanation of infant baptism, because of friend of mine did not feel I was saved, because I was baptized as an infant in the Lutheran church. The book is published by Concordia Publishing House and at 127 pages is easy to digest ;o)
~Alls Grace~
thanks so much for chiming in ms. kendra! this could be my favorite question so far. i’ll address it in the post and include some stuff on infant baptism. stay tuned. bless you dear 🙂
God’s Grace is such a REAL thing to me. The teens/young adults in my *world* seem to take the *grace card* to the extreme. Drinking (sometimes in excess and at ALL functions) etc. is so accepted because of Grace. I know it covers all….and I’m so thankful because I fall short constantly. But, what is your take on this? Or do you not see it in your *world?*
yeah, I know what you mean. grace has always been easy to abuse. it’s hard to say the best way to handle it. loving and praying for kids, encouraging them to regularly be hearing the gospel and receiving the sacraments. ‘the law’ will never produce right behavior. it’s meant to put us to death so that we are ripe for hearing the gospel. the gospel is only sweet when we realize our dead and dreadful condition without christ. i know it’s hard, we feel it too. bless you as you pray for them and love them in sometimes difficult circumstances.
You seem to be one of the most authentic women I “know”. How did you find your authentic self and are you ever tempted to stray to the latest fad with Christianity, home decor, fashion, child rearing etc. pretty much life? Your peace with who you are is an inspiration to me and so many others. What time zone will the chat be in?
Patty, THank you for meeting me here and for being such an encouragement!
What you say here blesses me so but also guilts me—because I know it isn’t true so much of the time. The temptation to be relevant can become an obsession. I’m afraid to pick out a house color because it might not be *the* color next year. What if I choose the wrong sofa or boots or house plans or what if I miss the next new big thing in christian circles? (which I usually do)
I think the best way to find our authentic selves is to lose ourselves in Christ. Lewis said it best so here’s his wonderful quote:
“Your real, new self (which is Christ’s and also yours, and yours just because it is His) will not come as long as you are looking for it. It will come when you are looking for Him. Does that sound strange? The same principle holds, you know, for more everyday matters. Even in social life, you will never make a good impression on other people until you stop thinking about what sort of impression you are making. Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it. The principle runs through all life from top to bottom, Give up yourself, and you will find your real self. Lose your life and you will save it. Submit to death, death of your ambitions and favourite wishes every day and death of your whole body in the end submit with every fibre of your being, and you will find eternal life. Keep back nothing. Nothing that you have not given away will be really yours. Nothing in you that has not died will ever be raised from the dead. Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him everything else thrown in.”
— C.S. Lewis (Mere Christianity)
Our church meets on Sunday nights (not Sunday morning) and, then, we normally all go out to eat together. I may be able to catch some of the chat… if y’all chat for a long time!
In regard to Christian “trends”:
I DO want to hear everyone’s thoughts on Rob Bell’s new book (coming soon) which is called “Love Wins”. I found this blog which does a great job of explaining the controversy:
No one knows for sure until the book actually comes what stand Bell will take on the issue of “Universalism”.
However, the controversy began when John Piper and others denounced Bell as preaching another gospel.
As for me, I am very glad that this issue is being discussed in Christian circles. I think the classical definition of the Gospel needs to be well-defined in the minds of Christ-followers. We all need to be fully convinced in our own minds so that we may be able to give a proper defense of the Gospel and share it with the world around us.
Any thoughts on this controversial storm?
P.S. As for me, I have matured to appreciate all types of Christians from many different faith communities and backgrounds. BUT… when it comes down to who Jesus is and what He accomplished for us on the cross… I have to draw the line. This is the stuff of martyrs.
i’m chomping at the bit to talk about it. i just listened to several sermons/podcasts of rob bell yesterday and then read about piper’s tweet and the ensuing firestorm. i think we’ll address this in the posts with trends in christianity. thanks for asking the question!
Loving the idea of live chat. We do a live chat at work each Friday, though we call it “social chat” which makes me think of ice cream socials where everyone chit chats. I am planning to be there and I assume the planned time is 7-8pm EST. This link may help any non east coasters :
Meeting Time Conversion: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=3&day=6&year=2011&hour=19&min=0&sec=0&p1=212
Feel free to sign me up if you need chat moderator assistance.
i’m so glad you’ll be there ms. ami! please explain your chat moderating abilities. i’m sure i need assistance and just don’t know it. tell me more. loves to you!
did i say i’ve never done a live chat?
You are just too funny Edie. 🙂 This is going to be heart warming and a bit of a giggle for all of us who haven’t done a live chat prior 😉
BTW! You and I share the same birthday 🙂
Goodness, explaining my abilities sounds so official! 🙂 Basically, a moderator acts as a host and technical advisor while you, my friend, would be more like the guest speaker, or guest star. This allows you to focus on content and not worry so much about the software powering the discussion. The moderator sets the initial ground rules; one of the rules we usually have is to “be polite and to respect one another’s opinions” and we also start all chats with everyone introducing themselves with some basic info (name, location, etc). Our chat software also allows for comments to the group or comments directed to specific individuals so it’s good to point out features like this at the beginning of the process. If you can let me know what chat program you plan to use, I can go in and play with it a bit beforehand then put together a quick set of guidelines for the chat participants. I can also send over a transcript of one of my company’s past social chats if that would be helpful. Another thing to consider- are you going to have a transcript? Happy to help in any way you need me.
you so inspired me ms. ami. i found a plug in for wp and added it to a post on feb 27th to try it out. it’s called chatroll. seems to be working. you’re my hero. i confess that i was just gonna type ‘live’ in the comments section but now i have an actual live chat. i’d love any help or guidance 🙂
Excellent. I will give chatroll a test run tomorrow after yoga. Let me know if you have any other rules in mind.
Chatroll looks super easy to use. Good choice! I suggest that you and I login at least 15 min before the event for a “tech check” to make sure the chat is functioning as expected.
I would also add the following announcements to the beginning of the chat- my standard script- kind of a top ten list :). This makes it quicker to cut and paste the info into chat at the beginning of the session.
1. Hello everyone. Welcome to Edie’s First Fireside Chat. I’m a moderator for tonight’s session. A few things before we start:
2. Sign in to the chat. You can use your Facebook account info or create an account with your email address. You can also sign in as a guest and the chatroll will assign you a guest username.
3. Once you sign in, introduce yourself to us, tell us where your from, the name of your blog–if you have one, and whatever else you want to tell us about yourself.
4. To contribute your opinions and ideas to this chat just enter your text into the text box at the bottom of the chat area and press “Enter” on your keyboard. You should see your comment appear instantly in chat.
5. If you would like to respond to an individuals comment, start your text with “@ individual name” like “@edie”. If the comment is for everyone, no @ tag is needed.
6. To send a private message, click the status icon next the user’s name, and click “Send Private Message”. We want to keep the chat interactive, so please only use private messages for technical assistance. You can send tech questions privately to “ami_d”, but please send all questions to other chat users publicly.
7. Before starting the chat session I would just like to remind you all to be polite and to respect one another’s opinions. Please refrain from using any foul language and feel free to use ** if you really need to use a questionable word to get your d*** point across. 🙂
8. Users who do not respect the rules or who are disruptive to the chat will receive a warning and will then be banned if negative behavior continues.
9. A transcript of the chat will be available X days after the chat at the following location (XX). (Not sure about this one, but it might be a nice option).
10. Most importantly, have fun! Don’t be afraid to jump in and contribute, even if it’s just an “amen” or ” i totally agree” comment to get your feet wet. Chat is fueled by your contributions and the discussion will be enriched by a variety of opinions.
I know, it seems like a whole lotta rules but I have found it helps to set a little structure so the chat doesn’t become a total free for all. You may also want to consider a question limit, meaning that we will open the floor to ask for new questions/topics to discuss and once we have 5, we will pause to discuss, then ask for new topics/questions again and so on. This helps with the flow of chat and keeps everyone on topic.
I will be available to login an hour before the chat start time to play with the chatroll and answer any other questions.
You are on your way to becoming a social media diva!
Hi Edie,
You so inspire me! I am not a public blogger, but I am a follower of you page. One short note, if you have not participated in a live chat with a large group before, you may want to be prepared that the communication scrolls EXTREMELY FAST much like a beginning driver on the Autobahn may feel. It can be a bit overwhelming if you are not expecting the rapid pace of scrolling dialogue. I would love to attend, but cannot commit at this time with 100% certainty. I would appreciate a post transcript if you could make that available on your blog. God Bless! ~ Becky Ann
that sounds like fun. but isn’t your time different? i’m on central time. i might still be in church when you start but should be home before it’s over. my question: what are your favorite jeans?
love your question just like i love you.
i could and DID talk all day on the subject.
see the post for your complete answer.
loves 🙂
Hi Edie!
Although, sadly we have plans and I won’t be able to join you for your live chat, I had a quick question….Lately I have been feeling “caught up” in life. We are in the process of buying a short sale house, trying to sell our current house, being 4 months pregnant, coping with family sickness, and dealing with work-related stress….not to mention the day-to-day of staying home with a two year old and babysitting a second. Unfortunately God has taken a backseat in my life lately….and with all of this stress, he should have been driving! I have also decided to take a break from social media for lent, and instead want to read a book that will get me centered back on Him. After all, I have been so incredibly blessed in my life, I just need a few weeks to re-prioritize and get Him back to my center. Any suggestions on a good read? Thanks so much!
there’s no substitute for the word itself. perhaps the book of john? along side mere christianity? also colossians? and perhaps spirituality of the cross, mentioned on here earlier, by Gene Edward Veith? i think i’d start there.
bless you dear friend. and don’t forget, the father loves you. he created you and knows your situation more intimately than you know it yourself. rest in his loving grace.
much love,
Ah, yes, Edie — memorizing Colossians. And I deeply appreciated Mr. Veith’s book “Spirituality of the Cross… ” And you are a gift, speaking all of His grace. Love to you, Edie… all His.
All’s grace,
1. why did you not have a son old enough to marry me?
2. are you going to build back at the lake house plot?
3. what color(s) are you thinking for the next lady of the house? ahem zee kitchen.
you are a brave, kind soul to tackle our litany of questions and how sweet it is ya wanna chit chat with us! big hug!
enjoy yo break, missy!
as always, i’m so glad to see you here ms. elizabeth. how ever did you get the perfect name, btw? and have i asked your middle name yet because i’d love to know.
here’s the 411.
1. this will haunt me til the day i die.
2. yes,exactly the same spot. please pray that i don’t spend the first night in there and then have some psycho fit and declare that i can no longer sleep there.
3. the lady shall be lavished with lots of white and grays/greens/charcoals with pops of persimmon and turquoise. don’t worry, i have not abandoned my roots.
please join me for my first chat. i’d be a crying shame if you weren’t here.
love you,
edie elizabeth highsmith (nice ring, huh?)
1. i think our conundrum can be solved by either a. us finding an east tennessee-un for me to up an marry we can live a cross the holler an call ya ma and or lets research those avett brothers. and if i land one we can call me “blessed.”
2. you’ve got my prayers, missy! i just moved into a home that was robbed prior to to my entrance. i’ll pass along my dossier of verses on fear and all my prayers.
3. i trust ya, toe-tally trust ya she shall be regal. and iff-in i ever gets me a house of mine own i shall unabashedly copy them thar turquoise cabinets. amen
edie elizabeth highsmith, heavens no! we must be edie elizabeth wadsworth. wadsworth sounds like a dreamy poet who writes lyrical prose and drinks tea all day. highsmith sounds like a wanna be football player in hopes of the biggie award.
names, names, names how i love them. i could just derail this conversation and talk to you about names till the crickets turn on and the cows come home. i’d love to be a professional namer! my middle name is actually ELIZABETH. I’ve always gone by my middle name and my mother had her way that it never got shortened. I give the stink eye to any who assume they can go for Liz without my consent. My first name has been shunned by me my entire life until recently in which i have recanted and decided to love my full name. Nancy Elizabeth Highsmith. Nancy means Grace and Elizabeth consecrated to God. Only by His grace am I His. If I have dozen children I will pin all of them with Elizabeth. Even the boys. Maybe an Eli? I adore your children’s names and would love to hear the stories behind their names.
and isn’t it wonderful HIS names that fully cover all I am not. Let’s write a book of names. Edie and Elizabeth’s Excellent Edition of ________help me vocabulary save me thesaurus mmmmm Names? Heavens be I’ve written you a novel. Love to you sweet lady it’s your heralding of the gospel that makes my heart sing and love you most. Enjoy your break.
Tomorrow is my birthday and I don’t know if I will be around for the chat. I hope I am able to join in.
This question is difficult and I don’t know if you will feel comfortable answering it~I was wondering if they ever knew the cause of your house fire?
Another is how do you stay true to yourself with so many things going on? Do you sometimes feel like you are being pulled in too many different directions?
happy early birthday ms. ruth!!! you’ve been such a sweet friend to me, thank you so much.
and yes, i do sometimes feel stressed and pulled in too many directions. as a matter of fact, when i got to the breaking point this week, i lost it with the direct tv lady. as in, sobbed for ten minutes on the phone. psycho nut-case anyone? i could possibly need professional help. but then i felt better and chalked it up to bad case of pms combined with ‘my house burned down and i’m not over it yet’.
so yes, i’m a mess. thank you for loving me anyways!
love you,
I would love to know what brand some of your boots are. I LOVE them and have searched your blog for info. Please do tell. Also, being a lover of lip gloss what do you use?
Love you style and grace.
thank you dear. so kind of you.
my favorites are the frye riding boots. those i found at belk.
i also just bought a pair of ariat cowboy boots from zappos i think. LOVE them.
boots are my love language!
i shoulda been from texas.
oh and lip gloss, always MAC. i can’t remember my current color but my favorite lipstick color from them is Hue. love it.
bless you 🙂
What is your favorite way to stay connected to your husband?
hmmmmm? i love cooking for him. i enjoy my vocation as wife, nurturer. i also love to show physical affection. but we’re also good friends. we love to talk theology and read quotes from lewis and luther to each other. bottom line is time. we have time for each other. perhaps my favorite time with him is at the communion rail on sundays. one or both of us is almost always teary-eyed that we have been given such an amazing gift as the love and forgiveness of christ. it’s easier then to extend that grace and love to someone else when you’ve been the receiver of it in such a tangible way.
blessings to you friend,
I have been meaning to contact you for sometime.Thought you probably had enough going on right now. You encouraged me to keep working at my blog, and that I did. Looking forward to chatting hmmmmm….will have to ponder on some particular subjects.P.S.-I looked thru your blog archives, old pics, which I get the greatest kick out of doing because I love to see where someone started and where the road has led them.I went back into Stephanie Nielson’s blog archives, back before her plane accident, and I was so touched, what an amazing soul. Grace that is unending. I get that from your blog also. I am reading http://onethousandgifts.com/the-book and I can’t put it down. I always look forward to your new posts.I am a R.N. in the O.R. of 17 yrs.cardiac/transplant, so I could tell you some stories that would make you laugh until you cry, or just cry, as I’m sure you could also. So looking forward to interesting girl chat. I will have to cut down the amount of activities we squeeze into the weekend so I can chat.I’m rambling, I always do….!Veronica
so nice to hear from you veronica. glad to hear your blog is up and running and hope you’re enjoying it! yes, that ms. ann voskamp is quite talented! much love and blessings to you and yours,
Hi Edie! You are such a gracious lady to host a live chat tomorrow evening! I just love that about you! I have been thinking about you and have many times over meant to leave a comment or send you an e-mail, and I apologize that I haven’t lately. Please forgive me. Seems my life is in a bit of a fast, dizzying spin these days and I am just now coming out of it. It’s all been a flutter of wonderful activity, but just busy. I know that you understand that completely as your own life is at full throttle right now. I love you for your gracious heart and it humbles me that you are taking the time to chat with your blog friends. You are quite the special person, Miss Edie!
i’ve been seeing all your birthday celebrations, hugs to the birthday girl! love you and hope to see you soon:)
I completely understand your “little” break from social network… but I will miss you! I can’t leave comments often but I read you all the time….
you are in my prayers-
sandy toe
p.s. we may home school next year and i have always enjoyed reading about your homeschooling:)
thank you friend, good to *see* you again. blessings on your decision for schooling, it’s not easy to weigh the options!
bless you,
Tomorrow morning, I will be speaking to a local Lutheran church at both of their services about my outreach ministry. I am praying that God will give me words to encourage this congregation to love thier community and serve in it. The Lutheran church is already good at this, there are just so many who need our help right now. Then tomorrow night a chance to chat with you!. I am blessed!
See you at 7p.m.!
bless you tomorrow derenda and hope to see you here with us tomorrow night. should be fun 🙂
So much to digest in this post and the ensuing comments! I see some of the questions I would have asked have been already asked by others.
I’m selfishly sad that you are taking a break from your blog, as I love hearing your perspective on things. Understandable, though. Hopefully, I will be able to make it to the live chat, and then figure out how to get in once I get here! haha
(I have the opportunity to hear T.W. next month, and I’m looking forward to it!)
oh terry i’m so jealous that you’ll be hearing my favorite pastor live? where? tell him hi for me!
we did a trial run of the live chat and it went smooth. a little chaotic but fun! you can sign in via facebook or as a guest. hope to see you tomorrow.
thanks for kind love and grace,
Hi Edie! I so enjoy your blog…I’ve been reading through your archives and you’ve kept me company at all hours of the night while I’m up with my 3 month old son. Many times I’ve found myself laughing out loud…and waking my sweet hubby. {oops!} Anyway, I especially enjoy reading about your adventures in homeschooling. And while my son is only 3 months old, you’ve really got me thinking about his future and considering our options in education. My question is, knowing what you know now, if you could go back and have a do-over, would you homeschool your little ones from the very beginning? Is there such a thing as homeschool pre-k? If so, do you have suggestions for pre-k curriculum? {sorry, I guess that’s really 3 questions!}
So glad you are doing this Q&A…and I will definitely try to be here tomorrow night for the chat!
thank you so much for reading judith and for your sweet encouragement. yes, i’d do it again and definitely from the start. preschool? read a lot of good books and learn through play. don’t rush the formal part. hope to chat tomorrow.
Oh Edie please don’t leave us. You are helping me learn to be a Lutheren. I have gone to a MSLutheren Church for 30 years and I have learned more from you in the last the three months then I did in all of those years.
Hugs Suzan
you’re too kind! and much of what i’ve learned has been from issues etc (link on my sidebar). it’s a treasure trove of solid theology and analysis of current trends in culture and christianity. thanks so much for the encouragement. and don’t worry, i never stay away too long.
much love and blessings!
I would love to know where you got the Children’s Classics in the bright colors pictured in your header? Anne of Green Gables in the Pink cover, Secret Garden in yellow cover, etc. I know the other classics pictured are the new series of Penguin classics – love those. But who published the others and where you got them I cannot deduce?! 🙂
I would love to know where you got the Children’s Classics in the bright colors pictured in your header? Anne of Green Gables in the Pink cover, Secret Garden in yellow cover, etc. I know the other classics pictured are the new series of Penguin classics – love those. But who published the others and where you got them I cannot deduce?! 🙂
those beautiful books are from anthropologie! they are awesome to read too, perfect font and size. love them 🙂
As a LC-MS homeschooling blogger finding your blog a couple weeks ago was a joy. I have enjoyed browsing through your posts, your writing is so personal and real! Love your home decorating posts. You have fabulous taste! Good call to take off for Lent, it gets so busy.
thanks erin, so nice to meet another lutheran!! blessed lent to you too.
I love this dresser. LOVE it. Can you share where you got it?
i found it at a local furniture store called braden’s (in knoxville). it’s really a neat piece!
thanks for joining in 🙂
Hi Sweet Edie – what fun! I’d love to get to know you better. 🙂
Talk to me about your fashion sense. Where do you shop for your clothes? (I saw the jeans tip above and am so happy to read about which ones you love) I love how you layer up your jewelry and tops, etc. When I do it, I don’t look nearly as cool as you! Tutor me in how to look so hip! 🙂
oh dear, you’re too kind kristen. i feel slightly like a poser since most of my days are spent in yoga pants with a disheveled pony tail. i love color and pattern though and that may be why i don’t shy away from it in clothing. often, i just notice that two things that just so happen to be hanging together look good together. i think i get lucky sometimes but layering and mixing/matching is so fun and gives you so many more outfits then if you wear your clothes like garanimals, where you always where the same shirt with the same skirt. don’t spend too much on trendy stuff though, just a few fun pieces each season that are trendy. otherwise, stick the basics and jazz it up with accessories.
bless you dear!
happy layering 🙂
thank you, edie! 🙂
T.W. is speaking at Glory of Christ Lutheran Church in Plymouth, MN in April. (Klemet Preus is the pastor there.) Rev. Wilken’s topic is “FROM a Lutheran Theology of Worship.” I will send him your greetings. 🙂
ok i tried on 7 jeans and have bought 2 pairs from yard sales and have not been pleased. i cannot find one pair of jeans that i don’t have to continually hike up over my muffin top. i wish i could find my dream jeans.
not all 7’s fit me either but these dojo’s could change your life. just sayin’. the three i mentioned have absolutely no hitch factor!
well i’m going to have to find me a store and try some on!
oh my goodness just now going through the plans… my favorite is… House Plans: Carolina Island House from The Southern Living® House Plans Collection and on the lake…. what a beautiful home you will have!
my favorite jeans are sweet & low from Lucky brand….LOVE them…NEVER have to pull them up and they fit like a glove and I can get a size smaller than I normally do! 🙂
can’t wait to join you tonight for live chat……looking forward to it so much!
So far my favs are Gap jeans. They have been the best fitting for me that I’ve tried. And what’s really crazy is that I’m always finding practically brand new pairs at thrift stores! For less than 5 bucks! Score!!
yay! so glad you’ll be here tara. and i’ve never tried those particular lucky’s. i love them for size factor already!
Edie, so good to hear the truth spoken in such a genuine way. It is so easy to look everywhere for hope and life instead of the real truth of Jesus. Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It did my heart good today to hear you articulate this. Hang in there through this time of hardship and changes as you go through the loss of your home and all of the changes it brings. He will bring you beauty for ashes.
Thanks for your post regarding fad-driven christianity. I found the article by Pastor Wilken to be so very true. I am new to learning about the Lutheran church. Do you recommend a particular website to search for a Lutheran church in my area? Thanks for your blog, it really is a blessing. You are appreciated.
Edie –
Thanks for posting Wilken’s article. Loved the part about a church that will tolerate some false teaching – will tolerate any false teaching. I’m curious about your views on Rob Bell’s new book, too. I read today that the release date is being pushed up (next week, I think) due to the controversy. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about that!
(And the quote by Pastor Wilken? “The Church is an old man who has been wearing the same clothes in the same style his whole life. He refuses to change with the fashions. He simply lets the fads pass him by. Yes, he seems behind the times. But look again at what he is wearing. He is clothed in Christ.”
— is*exactly* right… ~tears~ Only Him. May anything we say, be only old and all of Him.)
In regards to number 2, I recommend “The Naked Gospel.” Excellent little book, I believe it’s still free on the website, just Google it. Very interesting reading about fads and missing the big picture.
Ohhhh, I missed the conversation…but so many things here to ponder! How I wish we were in a coffee shop together so I could verbally process all the nuggets that you speak Edie 🙂
I am in Europe so I was not able to join… I hope you won’t disapear for too long as I just “met you” a couple of weeks ago and already love so much reading you. Take care and I am looking forward seeing you back.
Hi Edie, What a great blog! This is so refreshing and well done. I am glad someone sent this to me!
Hi there! I know this is somewhat off topic but I was wondering which blog
platform are you using for this website? I’m getting sick and tired of WordPress because I’ve had problems with hackers
and I’m looking at alternatives for another platform.
I would be awesome if you could point me in the direction of a
good platform.