…….just a tad overwhelmed by it all but slowly making my way out of the fog. Thank you for continuing to check in on me and for your prayers. You are the best!
You have so blessed me with all the cards and thoughtful gifts. I will never be able to catch up enough to thank you all personally but know that I am so grateful.
My friend Kim (whom I call Kimmie because I add ‘ie’ to way too many names) wrote me the above poem. She’s my smart engineer/yoga teaching/book loving friend who claims to not be a writer. It’s a beautiful thoughtful piece of poetry and one of my favorite gifts. Love you Kimmie.
And Jill sent me a box full of turqoise joy—several handmade lovelies—that made me giddy with excitement and a fabric flower and a lovely ‘ponder’ bird from my friend and mentor Denise, who is the very reason I started this blog in the first place. You girls know how to bless a sister!
Kristi, my friend and previous roomie, made this awesome zippered pouch with the girls’ picture on it. Isn’t it the cutest thing you’ve ever seen? Muwahhhh. I love it friend.
Ruth sent me the most beautiful hand-made scarf in just the perfect color. It’s so wonderful to have something handmade to keep me warm. Thank you so much sweet Ruth.
Boy do y’all pay attention. I received these compotes which are exACTly like the ones I had. Love them. Makes my kitchen feel like home. THank you Heather!
And then there was the handwritten note from Emily (my soul-breathing sister) and the bookmark from one of my favorite blog friends Melissa (handmade with unkind words—possible cursing?— spoken to her sewing machine!) and the fabric flower pin and ‘You are Mine’ necklace from Susan (my beloved friend and latin teacher to my girls).
and then my friend Michelle, a local photographer, who had taken lots of pics of our family in the past, sent me a CD full of pictures. (sighs and tears and hugs Michelle)
A couple years ago, I ordered the ‘All You Need is Love’ sign from Melanie at My Sweet Savannah. I could hardly believe it when she sent me another last week in the mail. You are such a dear Melanie. THank you so much! It’s starting to feel like home around here! (And in case you were wondering what I found at Anthropologie in Nashville , I got books and bowls and dishtowels)
One of my favorite blog friends Meg sent me this awesome vintage ‘E’ necklace. ILOVEIT! Thank you dear friend 🙂 I can’t wait to hug you and thank you in person. When are we gonna do that, btw?
And Lisa Leonard, yes THE Lisa Leonard sent me this awesome ‘Much Loss, More Gain’ necklace with a heart and the word ‘Love’ on the back. I feel so blessed and was happy to hug Lisa and thank her in person at Blissdom.
And then there’s these dear saints. I can’t imagine how hard this has been on my mother. It must be so difficult to watch your children suffer. She’s been an incredible source of love and support and I’m so thankful for her in my life. She went to Nashville with me and sat in a steamy pool room for hours while my girls swam. Aren’t granny’s the best? I’d never sit in there that long.
And my sister, who is like my right hand, I don’t know how I’d function without her. She’s toted me everywhere and put up with all my valleys. Actually, she’s gone right down there in them with me and I’ll never be able to say thank you enough.
And reason number 177 why I should have been from Texas: here’s my current shoe collection.
No wait, apparently, I don’t wear shoes. I wear boots and flip flops.
The ones in the middle are Frye riding boots and are the second most favorite pair I’ve ever owned in my life (2nd to the Ariat riding boots that perished in the fire). It’s a shame really that I don’t ride horses.
*Sadly, I ordered another pair of “shoes” this week. Take one guess. Yep, brown cowboy boots. It’s a sickness really.
*We are doing pretty well these days. We’re living in a great rental house that we’re slowly but surely making our own.
*We are working on house plans and I am painstakingly trying to produce an inventory list of EVERYTHING that was in my house for the insurance reimbursement. It’s a teeny bit overwhelming. Did I have 20 pairs of jeans? 30? how many spatulas? bowls? Noone will ever believe the inventory list of my MAC makeup or my lamps for that matter. Or the books or the dishes. Anyone want a part-time job?
*I had notebooks and magazines full of inspiration pictures that are now gone and I’d love it if you’d send me links to your favorite home inspiration pics {or your favorite brown boots}. I’ll save them into a file for later. My cousin JamieKnoxville sent me this one when I asked her to be on the lookout for master bedroom pics. I should have known better. You gotta hand it to her though, it is sorta
Texas-y. Study it and get back to me.
*The girls and I are back in full swing with school and everyday we seem to remember something that we’ve forgotten to reorder.
*I’m hopelessly behind on responding to your most thoughtful messages and I profusely apologize. If you’ve sent me anything that you wanted a response from, if you wouldn’t mind to resend it now that my inbox is more manageable.
*I got a new camera, of course, and I hope to post about it sometime. {I love how people keep asking me, “Is that new?” MmmmmmHmmmmmm. It’s all new. From the MAC down to the boots. }
Back to the camera, I LOVE it. It’s a Nikon d7000 and Ken Rockwell wrote a great review about it. I was ready to upgrade anyways and was pretty sure I’d get the d700. The d7000 is $1200 cheaper and is being touted by many (including Karen, who’s teaching my photography class) as being as good or better than the 700. One thing I know is that this camera is like buttah. And we all know how I love that.
Have a great week. Maybe I won’t be so scarce around here but next on my list of inventory is my closet, so if you don’t see me in a week, send in the troops. Or better yet, let’s have an inventory party and y’all tell me everything that was in my closet?!
Much love,
It’s so wonderful to have you here this morning!! What a wonderful post and AWESOME boots little lady!!!
Wow, Edie! You really do have some wonderful people in your life!! I know that you knew that before the fire, but did you realize just HOW MANY?! And that awful “Texas-y” bedroom…what can I say?! It should be illegal– especially in Texas (which is where I live)! Is that coffee table really an oversized fireplace baffle thingy? And the bandana carpet. Oh, my…
so thrilled to see you out here today!!!
we love you sweet girl & are continuing to pray for you
I love hearing or should I say reading your voice in this post. You are so gracious and loving. How could one not just love you! Looking forward to Wednesday!
I just found this post from Holly Mathis Interiors and thought you would like it for decorators inspiration. Here is the link: http://www.hollymathisinteriors.com/2011/02/monday-inspiration/. Have fun checking it out!
SO lovely to hear from you today!!!!! You ‘sound’ great.
The ‘much loss, more gain’ pendant is just SO powerful. Amazing how so few words can say so much.
We’re still praying.
Well, we’re always praying, actually. But what I mean to say is you’re still in our prayers. xo
So glad to see your post this morning! Still praying for you all. You are so gracious. I don’t think anyone would think you were ungrateful ever.
Boots are shoes. Yes, they are.
And I had to look twice at that bedroom picture because that guitar case coffee table looked a little like a…well, a casket to me at first. And I had a desk like that from my grandmama back in the 70’s. Or is that a musical instrument?
Loved this post! I’ve been thinking of you and praying for you and your family. I heard of you thru Darby not too long ago, so I’m new round these parts. 🙂 nice to “meet” you and love your blog. xoxo, cat (www.constantinchaos.blogspot.com)
so good to hear from you. and your litany of blessings is a blessing in itself!
That bedroom is beyond words. The only thing that would make it bearable would be John Wayne. Or Kevin Costner. Or Robert DuVall. or Russell Crowe. Anyway, having just moved into our new home, I can say that I am thinking of taking pictures of everything in every room…I am a lot older than you and the thought of trying to remember all we have accumulated and where it is would just wear me down to a nub. Praying for patience and peace as you go through this process. Pray as you go and he will bring to mind the things you really need to replace!
Glad you are still “here”. Glad you are finding HIm faithful. Linda (http://omega57.wordpress.com)
I am so glad you posted. You are in my prayers all the time and I wonder about how you are doing. I am so glad to hear this house is becoming a home.I had just found your blog before the fire and loved it. BTW how did she get that picture of my bedroom???
Glad you are staying busy and things are slowly getting back to “normal” (as normal as normal can be). What sweet friends you have across blogland!!
Because God only puts those burdens upon us that we can handle…once the shock subsides you get down to business…and here you are….so good to see this upbeat post. Many prayers and hugs….
So glad you are making progress on re-making your life. Lovely and precious gifts from your friends.
PS I think you should make a blog of inspiration pics that people send you. That is actually how I found your blog … we are remodeling a house and I was looking for kitchen inspiration. Found a lot more than kitchen inspiration on your blog. 🙂
Hi friend…..love seeing all the goodies that are coming your way!!! I want that scarf and that necklace that Meg sent you…and the one that Lisa sent you.
Let me know when you receive the treat that I sent your way….It’s coming from Becky at farmgirl paints! :))))
~Slowly but surely you are recreating your home!
~I keep you in my prayers!
~This blog world is amazing!
What amazing friends! My family just received some devastating news, not life or death, but sort of like your house burning down, which I know was heartbreaking. And how would we ever survive without such wonderful friends and family? I am amazed by God’s goodness and how he begins to heal the pain through their love, support, and service in our time of need. So glad your spirits are up!
Oh Edie, I’ve been thinking of you and wondering how you are faring. The kindness of the people around you are such a testament to the kind of person that you are. Thank you for the update. Sending you 1000 hugs. xoxo Ruth
Thank you for checking in here, sweet Edie. Praying for you daily!
I can’t even imagine how overwhelming rebuilding your life (not to mention your home!) is! You have been in our daily prayers!!!
You are one in a million.
No, as Hyperbole Girl (my superhero name!) I’d say that you are ONE IN A BILLION!!!
That rare!!!
Actually, that’s not hyperbole.
You’re just that great.
Love/hugs/blessings/turquoise joy,
This is my first time commenting. I’ve been thinking about your family and you all have been in my prayers!
I commiserate with you on all the paperwork you have to go through with insurance and a fire. I went through that 5 years ago when we were moving some of our belongings back to our home in Pennsylvania from Chicago. Our trailer caught fire while we were driving it back and ruined and burnt a lot of stuff. In my case at least I still had the items, even though they were damaged, so it was a little easier to make the inventory. Isn’t it amazing how much stuff we have, when you have to list it all? I can’t imagine how hard it is to go back and have to do it all from memory. Let me know if I can be any help with it.
Even though it has been through such tragic circumstances that I found your blog, I am glad that I did. You are an inspiration. 🙂
I am so grateful that you and yours are getting back on your feet. What an overwhelming job you have, but you’ll do it. My parents’ moving van was stolen (from the parking lot of a motel while the movers stopped to overnight) as they were moving into their retirement home from the north to the south. They also lost everything they had save the few items in their car. I remember well how it was trying to think of everything you once owned. You can do this! I’m cheering you on and as always, continuing to pray for you.
Can you imagine waking up, opening your eyes and seeing the longhorn horns above your head? You wouldn’t know if you were really awake or still stuck in a Bonanza nightmare.
Edie, All the love you are receiving is merely a reflection of what you have given. I continue to pray for you, for all the little things that add up to big tasks (the insurance stuff…ugh! I used to be an agent so I know exactly what inventory-ing means for you right now)
Love and Hugs to your and your family.
is that johnny cash’s bedroom? did you know everyone in my town claims him as a distant relative since he grew up in this area?
Glad to hear you are well! Hang in there, still praying for you!
I am so excited that you are on the way back….I think of you everyday…..
You are an inspiration to all of us……
Shreveport, La
So happy to hear that so many wonderful woman have come thru for you. God IS good!!!
You are amazing! With every post I fall in love with you more! I know I am just joining thr ranks of ladies who know and think you are amazing too! I love that life is beginning to feel more like normal, I love that you still have a sense of humor, and I don’t love that master bedroom…terrible! Praying for peace and patience as you make your lists, I can only imagine how many differnent levels that list making touches on…Keep smiling beautiful lady. You are loved and protected by God, He will help you take your next steps!
Show up here if you can. Stay away if you must.
As long as you keep your eyes on Him.
So happy to hear from you again. The joy in your heart is once again spilling forth. You are so deserving of all the goodness and blessings. You have been a blessing to so many and we are just giving back a little bit of the love you have shown us.
I love those books from Anthropologie. I can not wait until the one near me opens. I am elated. Maybe I will camp out the night before. Actually with the temps we’ve been having I better rethink that. I might not survive.
Wish I could be there to help inventory and get things done.
Love your boot collection, btw. I have a thing for boots too.
Edie! I am so happy to read this post! I just passed those books for the millionth time this past weekend & I immediately thought of you… I know how you love the classics! And beautifully bound, too? Those books were meant for you, my friend. grace & peace, molly
I think about and pray for your family every day…You display such grace (no pun intended…) and give me hope that if the unthinkable were to happen to my family, we would survive and go on. I love how you share with us your new *heirlooms* (and shoes)!
somehow, i just don’t see that room making the cut for your new lakeside home…. 🙂
love to you as you list and list and list. let me know if you need help.
You are an inspiration!
I’m blown away by all of the kindness that’s been poured out on you. How amazing to see the heart of God being revealed to you through so many precious friends. I didn’t know you pre-fire (not that I know you know, but you know what I mean!), but God has put the post-fire you has been on my heart again and again. Not sure what to do with that other than pray for you and learn from you.
You’d make a great Texan, by the way. Your heart is big enough for sure!
Blessings and hugs from Houston!
Hi Edie,
When we had our house fire the insurance company hired a company to help us inventory the house. I know you would need to help them with some of the details. But could they use some of the pictures off of the blog to help you start? It was a huge time saver for us.
It is so good to hear from you, while we sit around our table doing school in the mornings I often wonder how you are doing and how school is coming along for you… As for that bedroom, just saying it’s kind of creepy… just saying!!! And I am a flip flops kind of girl but I think I may need some boots after seeing yours!!!
beauty through ashes my friend.
Looks like things are on an upswing. Wonderful!!
Looks like things are on an upswing. Wonderful!!
Looks like things are on an upswing. Wonderful!!
I’ve been hoping and praying for this post, the one that shows, “Yes, we’re all really OK.” This one is the sigh of relief. How strange to desire that of someone I only know through the written word, and how strangely wonderful! If I saw you, I’d hug you on the spot if it wouldn’t scare the willies out of you.
From another Houstonite (nee Alabamian), I just gotta love on that room. Especially the sweet. sleek little pink ice bucket in the midst of all the western kitsch! That, to me, was the Edie in the room!
Oh, and, I could live with the couch. And, actually, the longhorns above the window. 🙂
I am so glad that fire couldn’t take that sense of wit and humor. Not only are you beautiful on the outside, but on the inside as well. And your boot collection is right up there as well.
Edie~you are so welcome! I love it how friends come together in times of need. You have some very special people in your life that love you very much! Melaine {not Melanie, common mistake!:)}
Well if you ever need any more cowboy boots, Laredo is the company to buy from they are AMAZIN’ i tried them on and they fit just like a glove!!!!!! i am going to order them here in the next week…. maybe…..
XOXO Maggie!!!!!!
p.s your still in my prayers and always be!!!!! See ya
How nice to see you back in the saddle again. There, now you really have a reason to order more boots! Hopefully we can catch up soon! February has to be the busiest month I’ve had in a long, long time.
I discovered your blog about a month ago and I find such inspiration here. Thanks. I was listening to JJ Heller’s song tonight “What Love Really Means” and then I went to her webpage. She sells this necklace and it reminded me of something I would see on your blog. http://www.belkai.com/blog/2011/01/25/new-design-available-at-jjheller-com/
Take care!
Hi Edie, I am brand new to your blog. I found it right after Christmas. It’s hard for me to put into words how I feel about you. You are inspiring. I guess that’s the best word. I can only imagine the anguish you are re-living daily when you recount your losses, but I’m awestruck (really, the best word) how you continually go to the Lord and depend on Him to get you through this. You are sad, but you don’t blame Him. I’m sure you’re angry, but you don’t blame Him. You just keep thanking Him for His Goodness. I read your blog to learn from you. In a way, you’re mentoring me in how to be a Godly woman. Thank you. I’m so thankful for the safety of you and your precious family. I’m also thankful that you have such a strong support system and for all the things people are sending you to re-create what you’ve lost. You will be in the prayers of my family. Have a wonderful day today and please know how many people are loving & praying for you from afar.
Love, Kathy
Hi Edie… You have already commited to “paying it forward”. Now the love, friendship and support is coming back around to hug you. Take care…
Hi Edie! Don’t know why I’ve never come across your blog before, but I’ve been reading in the past weeks and thinking of you. Bless all of your dear friends sending you items – that is so wonderful. Can’t wait to follow your journey as you rebuild your home and I’m sure it will be even better than before!
I honestly can not even imagine. We had a small fire in our apartment many years ago. Thankfully, it was extinguished pretty quickly but lots of smoke and water damage. Going through every single item was tough-and we had it in front of us! Blessings to you and your family. I have back issues of design magazines, let me know if you want them!
Tara had me make a little somethin’ somethin’ for you too girlie. Oh and have you ever tracked down a house picture? I haven’t forgotten about you. If you ever find one please let me know:)
So glad for you, Edie. He promises to comfort those who mourn, and I can see His faithfulness. I love your beautiful boots and decor…it must be so strange to start all over. I love what everyone has mailed to you. You are a ray of sunshine! God bless you!
Hi Edie,
I am so glad everytime I read one of your post to see you’re getting better! You are loved and that is beautiful. It is often that we can see our surrounding love in difficult times, it is may be a pitty, but that’s life. Take care.
Oh Edie, my heart and hand is aching for you. I helped my grandparents inventory their home from the loss of a fire about 4 years ago. It was awful to try and remember everything. I do have to say you have taken many many pictures and that will help jaunt your memory. Your boot collection is adorable as is that picture of your princesses. Oh they are darling! Blessings to you and the family, we will keep the prayers coming and my heart is happy to hear you are starting to feel at home. Oh and building plans are coming along? How much fun!
Edie, So happy to see you getting back into the swing of things (as much as you can)…I just had to comment on that picture your cousin sent you….HA! that reminds me of watching “Hee Haw” back in the day, for some reason. That bed is stinkin hilarious! With my luck an earthquake would break down the wall and i’d end up rolling down Route 66 in my pj’s one morning! hehe…love ya, girl!
good to see you around these part’s again, pard-ner! buy more boots and my but don’t i see visions of aqua net and nineteen ninety turk-waz eye shadow in your future all to go along well with your new bedroom getup and texas gal fall back!
the girls in white dresses….be still my heart, for lack of a better inspired word, adorable!
I can’t wait for you to write about your camera. I’ve been drooling over the D7000 myself. Many, many blessings to you!
I have been praying for you since I stopped by in December. You are so inspiring! I loved reading your post…I can hear the smile in your heart about your boots and all the thoughtful gifts you have received. You may laugh but I love the Goodwill and every time I go in there I think of you and wonder if this book was one you had or maybe that one. If you are looking for specifics, let me know. I will keep my eyes open for you. I go in weekly!
you are always so gracious in your blog postings…so inspirational. and that master bedroom…hmm…that looks like something from the madonna inn maybe? when you live in san luis obispo county you know a madonna inn room when you see one! happy {almost} wednesday!
It is so good to hear things are moving forward. You sound so good!!! Hugs to you all!
I have to be out of this house in 6 weeks and instead of packing, I’m here visiting!! LOLOL! I deal with stress by avoidance, LOL!
Anyway that picture is HILARIOUS! I nearly chocked when I saw it! I have some pictures I can send you saved on here. I will certainly send them! 🙂
OH and WHICH Ariat boots did you have? I wear them all week when I ride, LOL! And YES you should ride horses, very theraputic!! I’m back in the saddle these last 5 months after a 13 yr hiatus! Can you say OUT OF SHAPE? LOL! And the camera, ohh looks so nice! I read Ken Rockwells site until my eyes bled 2 yrs ago! He’s not thorough but funny too!
Anyway, wanted to say hello and glad your stopped! Love and miss you!!!!! 🙂
lordy CHOKED! I can spell, but I am very very blonde, LOL
I am moved by the generosity of so many helping you to recover from this event. There are silver linings in just about everything life throws our way.
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
~James 1:12
Hi Edie,
I just recently found your blog and have really enjoyed your writing. You and your family have been on my mind since reading about the fire. My husband and I have been trying to find out more about Lutheranism but the internet is so boggling! Is there a particular book that you would recommend for finding out more information and getting a good overview of the religion? I know you must have scores of things to do on your plate, but if you have a chance to respond I would really appreciate it.
there’s a great new book out called Lutheranism 101. you can order it from concordia publishing house. we just got ours a couple weeks ago and i love it. makes it simple but it’s pretty thorough.
let me know if i can help at all!
Thank you Edie! I just ordered it and can’t wait to read it.
Gotta know what brown cowgirl boots you’re getting!!!!
Edie, you don’t know me, but have really touched me over the past few weeks when I first fell upon your blog. I have been in tears as I’ve read your blog ever since! I just want to say that you’ve been in my prayers and to keep your head up! Take each moment as it comes and try not to get too overwhelmed. (Easier said than done, I’m sure)
I love your blog, your style, your heart. You are an inspiration. My God richly bless you!
such a blessing leslie. thank you dear one.
much love,
such a blessing leslie. thank you dear one.
much love,
Wow, what a beautiful outpouring of love, Edie. I found your blog only a couple of weeks ago (on your birthday, actually) and have really enjoyed reading it and catching up with your archives. You’re in my thoughts and prayers as you move forward…with so much grace…
This is so sweet! Friends are the best people to be around! I hope you feel better soon!
Edie….I am a new friend who has just stumbled onto your blog…
It is so lovely…
You, dear one…are so lovely.
I am gonna rummage around some more.
I hope someday I might keep up a blog like yours!
Bless your sweet heart for taking the time to encourage a weary sister.
The words are like honey and minister grace today and I thank you.
Your blog is truly beautiful. I am awarding you the Lovely Blog Award. You are an inspiration to so many. Belle
thank you so much belle. can you kindly send me the link?
happy sunday!
much love,
Edie, I am so glad to read that things are coming together for you and your family. I know there are so many people that love and care for you and isn’t that awesome to have?!!! I love your ‘shoe’ collection, so far, by that way 😉 Please know that you all are still in my thoughts and prayers. God is so good.
In HIS gentle hands,
thank you angie. yes, He is our loving father and so good to us.
bless you dear. happy sunday.
It is nice to hear the joy in your voice and not so much pain. My heart just hurt for you in the past weeks as I read your blogs. Isn’t it wonderful how God brings hope and joy back? What wonderful blessings you have been given in the friends you have and their wonderful gifts, and what a blessing to have such a wonderful Mom and sister. God is good all the time.
BTW: Except for the wagon wheels I really like that bedroom. I don’t own any cowboy/girl boots but I love them, aren’t they the most beautiful to look at?
I just read all of your blog. I didn’t find it until this week and I couldn’t stop reading until I had completed it. I cried as I read
the beautiful words that you have shared. I don’t blog but you can be sure I will be looking everyday for your words.
We have a mutual friend, Kim M., and I also live your town. Thank you so much for all the beautiful things you have shared.
dear sweet june,
so nice to hear from you. i remember meeting you at kimmie’s house and i’m so humbled by your kind words. she always said the sweetest things about you. thank you so much for taking the time to encourage.
much love and blessings,
I just found your blog and I couldn’t stop reading until I had completed it. I shed many tears as I read the beautiful things you
wrote. I don’t blog but I plan to check yours everyday for your words of wisdom. We have a mutual friend, Kim M.
I told my daughter-in-law about your blog who is she is a mother of 3 and I think your blog will be helpful to her. She lives in
Winston-Salem. I really think you could write a beautiful book. Thanks for blessing my life. One of my dear friends lived in
the house that burned.
So happy that you have been surrounded with so much love. On a side note, the 700 is the b.e.s.t.
I am new to your blog. I started reading after you had a post on my friend Paige’s blog. We also homeschool. I love how you are being lavished with love…lavished!!!
Wow. You’ve got good efriends. I used to lurk on your blog all the time and got out of blog lurking for a while. Even though we do not know one another I bet God will put you in my mind during our quiet times together. Blessings to you. Joanne
Although I don’t always comment, I always check-in and I don’t know how you do it, but with each post, you inspire, you teach, you share, you encourage, you love. You truly are an amazing woman, touched and blessed by an even more amazing faith, and loved by an almighty God! Thanks for hanging in there, even on the days when you’d rather not. Thanks for getting dressed, getting motiviated, and getting back into the swing of things called Life! Your story’s worth telling….and it’s touching lives in a mighty way. Sending you love, prayers, and peace….Lori (AKA: Serial Room Arranger)
Thinking of you daily… Wishing you love & peace my dear.. I promise I am going to BLISSDOM next year! Glad you went.. you needed the time for you …. for friends.. hugs!
So happy to read this happy, happy post from you. And girl, I got the Nikon D7000 too! Lets compare notes although I’m starting way behind you in the camera knowledge category!
I had all sorts of thoughts to share but then that bedroom picture threw me for a loop! Yeeehaaaaw! Or is that more hee haw?
what do you still need that is personal……what will be your new kitchen and dining room colors……or have you decided? little hints will be apprciated. xo blessings Lorri cavins