It’s Saturday December 11 and I still do not have my Christmas tree up.
I do have two wreaths and a table top tree and some garland.
I’m getting there V E R Y S L O W L Y.
Despite this somewhat worrisome fact, I’ve been thoroughly enjoying some preChristmas plays and concerts and movies.
We’ve been to White Christmas, The Nutcracker, our local Christmas Parade, Harry Potter, Tangled, and ETSU’s Christmas Concert.
We have Voyage of the Dawn Treader and another Nutcracker on this weeks’ agenda.
It’s been field trip central around these parts.
Last night, Emme and I drove to Johnson City to Taylor’s Choir Concert—–the ETSU Chorale’s Christmas performance.
SOMEbody, and i won’t mention any names, was texting and facebooking during her brother’s concert :)……
it was a beautiful performance of sacred Christmas music–a great way to usher in the that nostalgic Christmas spirit.
Taylor’s right under the ‘r’. That boy’s so smart, singing in Latin and German and whoknowswhatelse.
and then there were peppermint mochas and other yummies at Starbucks after the concert……
it was so good to spend time with my two oldest! I miss them soooooooo much 🙁
and then I drove home in the dark and made bargains with God that I’d never drive again really late at night if He just got me home safe.
It was 11:00 but whatever.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I LOATHE driving at night. Another gift from my father.
I have to keep rolling down the windows and blocking the rear view lights with my hand and singing really loud and drinking coffee.
I’m sure my fellow journeyman love passing the likes of me on the interstate.
All that drama for an hour’s drive.
Emme kept asking me to roll the windows up and turn the music down.
I told her to cover up and put ear plugs in and PRAY.
We made it home FINALLY and then left out again this morning for their piano recital.
All that to say that I’m still making my way through your awesome cookie recipes. Thanks so much for participating and when you get through browsing those, check out Darcy’s link party on capturing *bokeh*—a photography term for achieving an ‘out of focus’ effect, which is fun with Christmas lights.
I did Baby Jesus bokeh. I love my nativity set. It’s old and cheap and perfect.
Okay, I think that’s all.
Hope your weekend is merry.
I’m getting that tree soon, I promise.
I really enjoyed the virtual cookie swap! Thanks again for hosting that nifty little party!!! I have LOTS of cookies to choose from now. Now to baking them all or some. I hope you enjoy the rest of this blessed Advent Season. Sounds like you have gotten a real good start on getting in the spirit of Christmas!
I have my tree, but no presents under it. and only remembered tonight that i need to plan a party for my cheerleaders. with some sort of awesome, yet inexpensive, gift for each one. sigh. you know what? the day will come and go whether we’re ready or not.
You’re very blessed to have lot’s of wonderful concerts to attend! Look forward to seeing your tree! I am soooo excited today, I have cousins arriving, just can’t contain myself! I have made THE best shortbread EVA and chocolate truffles! Heading up the street now with Mum! HA, you really wanted to know that eh! xxx
The thing is, can a writer take a Christmas concert and a drive home, lace it together with a bit of “I’m getting there” decorating apologia, not name a daughter – then show the clothing she’s wearing in more than one shot, so the not naming is, although officially correct, not really, and make a reader smile from beginning to end? The reading is over – and I’m still smiling. Thank you Edie. Even if the tree isn’t up yet, it sounds like Christmas lives in your home.
It is so nice to know that someone else does deals with God. I get tired of hearing about how He doesn’t really “do” deals, but so far so good. I think He knows exactly what I need, and what I mean and He is just fine with it all.
I hate driving at night too. I can’t see a thing.
Have a wonderful Christmas.
God Bless.
i get so freaked driving late at night too. are we old ladies? surely not.
we have relatives in kingsport…maybe i’ll get that hug from you in person one day.
yay on all the fieldtrips!
i want to take caroline to see tangled and then the fam to see the narnia movie.
madison danced in the nutcracker for years….i honestly miss it
merry christmas friend
The tree is not important. I love the time you spend with your kids…young and old!
busy week…lots of wonderful fieldtrips!!!
Do both of your oldest go to ETSU?
That’s pretty awesome if they get to be there together. 🙂
can’t wait to see your tree!
Edie you have a beautiful family and it sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with them! We have yet to get our tree either, but hey, I baked cookies! (PS we also baked your chocolate chip cookies AGAIN last week and although they make an obscene amount, they were gone in a day. Stinkin kids eating all my goodies! I’ve GOT to hide them next time. Yum.)
I love that you have chosen the best above the good things to do. Time with the family doing instead of succumbing to the pressure of expectations is always the better choice. Now if only I can remember that when the kiddos ask me to play a game, and I am busy crossing things off of my to-do list.
Nutcracker,Harry Potter and Narnia, And Live music, plus hanging with your kids for Starbucks what a treat!!!
I chuckled…no laughed OUT LOUD picturing you driving down the interstate, windows down, music blaring and Emme FREEZING!!! You are daddy made over Sissy!! Love it!!!
I used to hate finishing a gig and driving home on my own at 2.30am! Especially on wet nights.
Had to laugh at the texting -what is it with kids and their phones these days??
Sounds like a lovely night out, despite driving home in the dark. My husband hates driving at night and has all sorts of issue with it yet I am fine, thankfully! Funny you mention Johnson City. I have been reading your blog knowing you lived down south somewhere but when I read JC, I got all smiley! I grew up in Mountain City, about 1 hr from the big town of JC. Of course I now live in Philadelphia but my parents are still there and I go home 3 times a year. I miss that area SO SO much!!!
glad you made it home safely, and umm…. we’re not planning on driving to nashville at night, are we? is “night” any time past sunset? i’ll drive. ;o
i have trees up, but no decorations and i’m thinking i’m embracing the whole “simplify” theme…
First – I love your blog. I’ve been reading for over a year.
Second – and I’ve been wanting to ask this for a while but am scared it might be inappropriate – but her goes anyway: Who/Where are your other kids? Didn’t you say 8 on the Christmas card? The two little ones are easy – Emme and Elea – and now you say Caiti and Taylor are your oldest, but shouldn’t there be 4 more?? I tried to go back through some of your archives and figure it out. Maybe I missed something. Sorry for being so nosy – just curious!
great thanks
Can you please send by e-mail me the code for this script Christmas Concert – life{in}grace or please tell me in detail regarding this script?