When I first started this blog back in 2008, I had no idea that I was entering a brand new world that would literally change my life.
It never ceases to amaze me at how many wonderful, talented people live in my computer. You guys are amazing.
You inspire me, you make me laugh and cry, you teach me things. You make me think and rethink.
I am so thankful for you.
And especially for those of you who have a link on your blog to lifeingrace. Because of you, I’ve met the neatest people in the world and my life has been enriched and blessed.
And about the picture:
I love the new Lonny magazine online. I saw the {IOU} sign in that magazine a few months ago. I thought it was just perfect. So I bought the letters from Hobby Lobby, spray painted them black and then sat back and watched as people took long looks at the letters.
What does it mean? *Who* do you owe? My husband chuckled and thought, “Yeah, ya kinda do—now pay up.”
Everyone asks about it. It’s a conversation starter. It’s my little nod to gratitude. That we don’t live in a vacuum. And that everything we have, even a little ole blog, is possible because of so many others. Because they read it and support it and write the sweetest comments and emails.
So from the bottom of my heart, I O U.
I really do. And I thank you for meeting me here and for introducing me to your friends.
And a special thank you to the top ten referrers to Lifeingrace, all of whom, I am privileged to call friends.
Tara from Between You and Me.
Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy
Emily from Chatting at the Sky
Melissa from 320 Sycamore
Kristi from Pink and Polka Dot
Amy from Playing Sublimely
Melissa from A Familiar Path
Donna from Funky Junk
Julie from Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss
Now when I look at my little letters above the bedroom, I’ll think of Stevie of course. Cause I owe him lots. And lots.
And I’ll think of my children, who’ve brought me countless joys. And my sister and my mother. To whom I could never repay my debt of love and gratitude.
And all the wonderful people who’ve touched and shaped my life. And that includes you.
Whew, I owe a lot of people, don’t I?
Oh and for your weekend reading, try out this brilliant post from Rebekah, who is much smarter than I , and can so thoughtfully articulate what I would have said if I had said what I was thinking a few weeks ago. She says it better. And I am thankful for her too.
So, who do you owe?
oh my goodness. first of all…thankyousoverymuchfriend for the mention of me in your post…
And, I {heart} your IOU letters…what a wonderful reminder to every single person who will see those letters.
There isn’t anything…ANYTHING…sweeter and prettier than a grateful heart.
I’m so grateful for the bloggy friendship that is developing between us…to think it all started because I had 9500 questions for you about homeschooling so many months ago…and here I am doing it BY GRACE ALONE.
really like you Edie…you’re the real thing.
I read your blog all of the time but, rarely comment. I’m an early morning blog reader so often I speed read through before my kiddos wake up and I don’t have much time to comment. But, I just wanted to let you know that I think it was through The Nester that I found your blog, and glad I did. BTW, your new kitchen is outstanding! 🙂
Awww, Edie. IOU, too! I’m glad the Lord has led us to be friends again after all these years 🙂
When I saw these at your house last month, I read them as “I Love You” . . . I guess because they are above the door to the master bedroom. I *never* saw them as saying “I Owe You!” Isn’t that weird?
Hope you are doing well!
What a way to add character to a room AND be reminded every time you walk in that door how blessed your life truly is. Thanks for the inspiration!
I owe God for sending His Son to die so that I might live
awww…i love your heart and how grateful you are! thanks for mentioning me! you are so very gracious and it’s why i keep coming back! xoxo!
what a great message & what a great idea!!!
i love it!
&i love peeks into your beautiful home
your blog is a blessing to me edie
Love this post! so important to feel gratitude everyday! I O U for making me laugh and inspiring me countless times!
Love the pic in this post! I too am in love with Lonny Mag. It is an amazing site of sooo much inspiration for me. I’ve been drawn lately to more of a contemporary design but still with touches of frills. I have finally figured out my kitchen and must say that your clean white crisp cabinets have inspired me. I have been struggling with my kitchen for some time now. I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing all your pics. Please continue to inspire. I think I love the blog world so much because each monday when I go to check most of my favs out it’s like Christmas morning. It’s sooo fun to see what new pics are going to be up and what exciting things happened over the weekend. I’m hoping to get back into posting on my blog on a regular bases. Thanks for all your inspirations, I O U!
Your blog is a treasure and this was a beautiful post.
Edie, I don’t think I’ve *met* another blogger with such an awesome heart! Your sweet spirit is proof of what’s in the pudding! LOL Thank you for being such an encourager to so many. Have a wonderful, uplifting day, Sweet Friend!
Beautiful sentiment:)
Thanks for the link to the short, but very rich article. It’s affirming and inspiring.
Sis, the beauty of our life is, we don’t ever have to repay…we just keep on loving each other and our sweet kiddies. That’s repayment enough. I cherish you and your blog so much. Such an inspiration to my days! Love you bunches…
I absolutely love the “IOU”! What a great idea!
you are just as wonderful in real life as you are on your blog. it was my pleasure to meet you last year and i can’t wait to visit with you again. your house always inspires me as do your educational posts. i may have even tried one of your recipes once. it’s all good here.
My Savior!- for His ultimate gift to me!
(and lots and lots of others!- that one’s just at the top!)
i have been a longtime follower of yours & i loved this post! you have inspired me to think of all the wonders the Lord has blessed us with…and how I could never repay the debt I owe to Him…but thankfully, there is grace. your blog is one of my favorite reads.
ps i linked you on my blog way back…hope you don’t mind!
i o u, too for without you i’d have no dreams of turquoise cabinets and mocha cupcakes. might i add as much as i rave over the cabinets they are perhaps the least of these reasons i adore this space. my bloggy heart beats a little louder for you. it has much a do about your blog title, life in grace. life lived out beautifully through clicks on a key board.
you are truly a blog super star, smart as a whip, talented, creative, disciplined, funny….and that you humbly acknowledge me warms me up. but mostly you reflect His glorious grace. thank you miz e, for sharing your grace filled life!
IOU for your kind words, Edie. I’m not smart, just big-mouthed and not as discrete as, ten years from now, I’ll wish I had been.
Hi Edie,
Your blog is amazing and I am so glad thought it you have met so many wonderful people!!! Thank you also for being a wonderful person, I love reading your blog and I can’t wait to see a tour of your new house.. this is coming soon right?? (gosh I hope so!)
I’m exhausted of the thought of who I owe! Wonderful post. And for the life of me, I cannot remember how I happened upon your blog (only a few months after you started) but so glad I did 🙂
IOU!! You inspire me and encourage me I love to read your blog. I <3 U
Ok I finally got the kids in bed, straightened my mess of a house up and got a bowl of ice cream and read Rebekah’s post and I O U (YOU!) and HER!!! This post I seriously think is divine intervention!!! I cannot thank you BOTH enough! Her for writing it and you for directing me to it! You have no idea how timely this was. I would post it here but I would take up a page in your comment box!!!
I just found you through Farm Girl Paints. I saw your blog mentioned a few times in the “blog crush” comments, and I can see why! I love this IOU post, and will probably steal this idea for my house. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Thank you, and I’m sure I’ll be stopping by again soon.
What a wonderful idea. I am so going to copy this one and not just because of how cute it is but because of the meaning behind it. Thank you for posting.
Hi Edie,
So glad you came to visit. Your blog is beautiful! I’m pretty sure I saw your name on my blog crush post. I would have checked you out, but you got to me first:) I love your home. It’s soooo pretty and I’m a big fan of words and letters. I owe everything to my Lord and Savior. He has blessed my life beyond my wildest dreams!!
I took one look at that picture before reading your post and thought, “I really need to copy that!” I owe so many people, too. Too many to count. How blessed am I? I love the world of blogging, even though I have so much to learn and can stand to improve my own. But I have gained so much inspiration and insight from so many other bloggers and yours is no exception!
Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. I never imagined finding so many bloggy friends online and so much inspiration. I love the IOU, could I borrow the idea?
I am so glad that you posted this photo. This may sound totally random, but I’ve been having a hard time visualizing colors for my living room walls. I love paint samples close to the color on your walls in this photo, but I’ve been worried it wouldn’t be bright enough.
I love how this color looks with the white trim in your photo, so I am thinking that I will like something similar in our room once we paint all the woodwork white especially since the room gets a ton of light.
Anyway, I think it’s very similar to what I am looking for, and I was wondering if you had any idea what color it is so I can check out a sample!
And I’m so jealous of your new kitchen. It’s gorgeous! The shelves over the windows are perfect.
wow, edie! i am so honored to be on your list! at first when i saw “IOU” i thought, “huh?”, but now i totally get it and i think its a brilliant reminder to remember to be grateful to so many people in our lives! you are amazing, and i miss you!
Hi Edie..I’m a new reader to your blog. Just wanted to say that you’ve been in my prayers. You are an inspiration to many. And I love Lonny too!
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