I know, this picture makes you wish I was giving away Anthropologie bowls. They are so darn cute, aren’t they?
Anyhoo, back to the my girls and their math skillz.
They lost steam and the ability to count by eights after 96, which is when I took over.
But this was fun for us and I hope the winners will enjoy their prayer book as much as we do. If you’ve been chosen as a winner and would like a copy, please email me your address.
Here are the winners.
Emily from IndustriousEmilyEndeavors who was just featured on ApartmentTherapy. She has an adorable house!
Sarah Towne
Cate who had this quote on her blog
A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul. –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Anne W from Worthingtonwords whose trying to choose a name for her baby girl bun-in-the-oven. I love Virginia Louise,by the way, but I love your reasons for choosing the other names.
and you may think this little operation is rigged but my friend Patty was also chosen!
she writes some beautiful words at her blog FindingSerendipity.com
If you didn’t get chosen and feel this process has been riddled with errors, please send your complaint to thegirlswhowon’tstopdancing@hiphop.com
Ok, just kidding.
But they really won’t stop dancing.
Someone help me before I know the words to a modern pop song.
I know the words to those super bubble gum songs on Radio Disney. It really is scary!
awww Yay for the winners! And Yay for you for NOT making us wait and now I can order my own! 🙂
ps- I can’t believe I don’t know the words to that one……. LOL
Oh, wow! I’m so excited!
Congrats to the winners. I will be heading over to Amazon now for my own copy.
Love those bowls and if you give those away I will probably comment at least 100 times to get a chance. LOL One of these days I may make it over to Anthropologie myself. For now I just dream from their catalog and website.
Thanks again for choosing me! Now I just need to choose a name for this baby girl!!!
Well…shoot! I kept meaning to enter yesterday but time slipped away from me. I am a non-denominational Christian, and will admit to being sometimes suspicious of “pre-packaged” prayer books. I was just reminded that it real is no different than quoting Psalms in prayer, no?
Sorry I missed the giveaway! (and love your blog!)
~Heather in SC
Well…shoot! I kept meaning to enter yesterday but time slipped away from me. I am a non-denominational Christian, and will admit to being sometimes suspicious of “prepackaged” prayer books. I was just reminded that it real is no different than quoting Psalms in prayer, no?
Sorry I missed the giveaway! (and love your blog!)
~Heather in SC
yay for the winners!!!!
Congrats to the winners:)
Hooray! I can’t wait to get the book! Thanks for not thinking I’m completely crazy 🙂
We like DIvine Hours / Phyllis Tickle (compiled by) at our house and have used it for several years, off and on. I love liturgy though i am not in a liturgical practicing church. Know the winners will enjoy the prayer book.
PS. the bowls could make anyone smile!